
1) ShenZhen United Property And Share Rights Exchange(深圳联合产权交易所)


--- 879 in custody. 

 2017年1月26日 --- 879 in custody.

Shenzhen United Property And Share Rights Exchange

















Good : 恒信泰富机构: http://www.erisingapore.com/new4b.html



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2014年川藏股权交易中心市场论文,一定拜读 http://www.docin.com/p-909560882.html

Good http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/reo/2016/apd/eng/pdf/areo0516.pdf

天津股权交易中心: http://en.tjsoc.com/en/default.aspx http://tjsoc.com/Index/index.html

天津产权交易中心:    http://www.tprtc.com/




上海股权托管交易中心  http://www.china-see.com/index.do




什么鬼? OTC Markets


 企业名称: http://www.zero2ipo.com.cn/promotion/2011/1208/China%20Venture%20Capital%20and%20Private%20Equity%20Annual%20Ranking%202011.pdf


前海首页英文 http://www.szqh.com.cn/


International Trade Center 投资上海


Good IT search for M and Smaill software

http://www.ccwresearch.com.cn/store/downloads/20066308396case-sme.pdf http://www.webwire.com/ViewPressRel.asp?aId=195521 http://www.marketreportchina.com/report/content/3346/200911/160771.html

Mulit-level capital market and SME Financing http://www.doc88.com/p-7814575545045.html

深圳证券对于SMEs分析,非常好。 https://www.iosco.org/library/annual_conferences/pdf/39/Liu-Fuzhong-SME.pdf


新三板: file:///C:/Users/QASMMTC/Downloads/2009aut04.pdf 



国务院关于推进资本市场改革开放和稳定发展的若干意见 :  http://www.for68.com/new/2006/5/pa0824213522215600210571-0.html


 中小企业贷款现状2015年: http://www.eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Challenges-behind-SMEs----Access-to-Debts-Financing-in-the-Ghanaian-Financial-Market1.pdf


3211 : http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3a83eef225c52cc58ad6be9f.html


-------------------Good Page------------------------

IPO in QHEE (Qianhai Equity Exchange) The First International Board in China Chimera Company Limited was founded in 2014 as a financial advisor.


-------------------Good Page------------------------


北京中关村股权交易中心: http://en.zhongguancun.gov.cn/2015-05/12/content_20716846.htm











shares custody, registration, trading, capital-raising, clearance, settlement and other value-added financial services Listing, registration, trusteeship, and trading are all separated at Qianhai. Companies can list and ask for trusteeship all for free at Qianhai. The application is also for free. But it does not necessarily mean that companies can successfully get financing.

The new Qianhai Equity Exchange will have more than 1,200 companies under its wing. Among the firms, 40% are from sectors such as computer, software and information technology.

The Qianhai board charges only one-tenth of the fundraising costs of the main boards, according to the chairman of the exchange, Hu Jizhi, who was cited by local media. Listing on the board does not require administrative approval, changes in corporate structure, custodial fees and disclosure of mandatory information. In addition, there are no restrictions on trading hours, and no strict division between primary and secondary markets.

In addition, the banks were ordered to increase lending to SMEs and to ease asset requirements for taking loans.


China Equity Exchange Platform Signs Cooperative Agreements With 32 Regional Exchanges 2007-03-13 19:14


----------------------------- September/October, 2014


A new investment system The development of multi-level capital markets provides new opportunities for venture capital and private equity investment. The benefits are amplified in Guangdong, where the various equity exchanges boost the development of tech companies.

In January 2013, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) decided to accelerate the development of the multi-level capital markets in which means of fund-raising complement each other to satisfy the financing demands of various sizes and types of enterprises. The CSRC aims to gradually reform the national capital market system to a four-level pyramid ecosystem, which include the main board (including the SME board), the growth enterprise board, the NEEQ (national level over-the-counter market) and the REEM (regional over-the-counter market). Each level of the capital market system will provide different listing criteria for different types of enterprises, such as financial indicators, information disclosure and modes of transaction and supervision, to preliminarily realise a new structure involving diversified entities, multiple sources of funds, various methods of investment and the marketisation of project construction. More importantly, a healthy multi-level capital market will refine the economic structure, raise investment returns and promote coordinated development and overall social advancement.

On December 14 2013, the State Council released the Opinions on Issues Relating to the National Equities Exchange and Quotations. The CSRC then issued the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Unlisted Public Companies and seven other related rules. As a result, the NEEQ, which implements a promoter brokerage system, had been established in December 2013. Any Chinese joint-stock enterprise, which has continuously operated in compliance with the regulations for more than two years, can be listed in the NEEQ upon the recommendation of promoter brokerages. Companies whose shares are quoted in the NEEQ are non-listed public companies and the number of shareholders may exceed 200. In addition, the NEEQ will implement a system for managing the appropriateness of investors. Investors participating in share transfers should possess experience in securities investment, risk identification and bearing capacity. By mid-August 2014, more than 1,000 joint-stock companies have been listed in the NEEQ. The number of listed companies in the NEEQ is expected to exceed the total number of that in main board and growth enterprise board in the next year. The rise of Guangdong Guangdong province is on the South China Sea coast of China. Since 1989, Guangdong has topped the total GDP rankings among all provincial-level divisions. It is home to the production facilities and offices of a wide-ranging set of multinational and Chinese corporations and also hosts the largest Import and Export Fair in China called the Canton Fair in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong province. With the support of a good economic environment, Guangdong has recently focused on developing the financial industry and expanding the levels of the capital markets. According to the Opinions on Issues Relating to the reform of Financial Industry andImprove the Financial Market System released by the General Offices of the Guangdong People’s Government in June 2014, Guangdong will closely connect with Hong Kong and Macau and become one of the international financial centres in the Asia-Pacific region. The increasingly sophisticated economy in Guangdong calls for a more accommodating and multi-level financial system. Also, the Guangdong government is following the instructions in the Opinions released by State Council in December 2013. Guangdong has developed the provincial level unified property rights exchange centre and several financial centres such as the Regional Financial Center of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Qianhai, Zhuhai Hengqin, the Guangdong High Tech Service Zone for Financial Institutions and the Guangzhou Nansha Financial Service Zone. The Guangdong High Tech Service Zone for Financial Institutions is a good example of financial centres as it is built to attract large global financial institutions, financial service outsourcing enterprises and new industries to set up headquarters, branches or service centres in the Zone. Also, various assets and equity exchange centers will be set up in Guangdong, such as an emission rights trading centre, intellectual property trading centre and cultural property trading centre.

Reforming Guangdong’s multi-level capital markets In constructing multi-level capital markets in Guangdong, there are the main board, the SME board and the growth enterprise market with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the REEM with different financial service zones in Guangdong. The REEM expands the share transfer system, which provides a necessary platform for the transfer and distribution of shares of unlisted public companies under unified supervision. The REEM provides a new platform for small and micro-sized unlisted companies to increase their financial value and raise capital. For example, it is easier for small and micro-sized companies to attract venture capital investment and complete fair transactions in such an open market. Considering the size and maturity of the companies in the REEM, it usually does not have strict rules regarding the government approval procedure, registration and exchange fee and compulsory disclosure requirements. Moreover, unlisted companies, which do not have the form of corporation such as partnerships, and limited liability companies can also trade in the Guangdong REEM. The REEM is helpful for developing the unlisted companies into larger-sized companies and preparing them to enter a higher-level market. It is also a new and effective market for those accredited investors looking for targets and investment. As one of the benchmarks of the REEM and important to the construction of the regional financial centre in Guangdong, the Guangzhou Equity Exchange (GEE) officially opened in August 2012. In the GEE market, the listed companies can raise funds utilising their equity shares as well as by way of loans facilities. By mid-August 2014, over 780 enterprises have listed in the GEE and raised over Rmb2.65 billion worth of funds. At the same time, a series of favourable policies and convenient measures have beenadopted for subsidies for enterprises’ listing expenses. Through a government subsidy, enterprises will not increase the cost of financing after entering the GEE market. The GEE will influence economic development in the peripheral areas of the Pearl River Delta and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region so as to facilitate the formation of a new pattern of regional economic development characterised by mutual and complementary advantages. Another striking example of the REEM is Qianhai Equity Exchange (QHEE) which aims to solve the financing problems of small and micro-sized enterprises. Operating in May last year, the QHEE was regarded as the second Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Withan average of nearly 10 enterprises listing every day, it has become one of the most active regional over-the-counter markets. By mid-August 2014, over 3,800 enterprises have listed in the QHEE, according to figures compiled by its official website. The figure also shows the enterprises in Guangdong province accounted for 77% of the listed enterprises. The QHEE is expected to be the first exchange platform between small and medium-sized enterprises and foreign investors if relevant policies also open up to foreign capital and companies. Meanwhile, as the third regional equity exchange,Meanwhile, as the third regional equity exchange, the Guangdong Equity Exchange (GDOTC) officially opened in July 2013. It mainly provides professional financial services to high-tech and innovative enterprises as well as small and medium-sized enterprises. In the GDOTC market, there are more than 800 enterprises registered and about 27 enterprises listed. On August 21 2014, the CSRC issued the Provisional Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Private Equity Investment Funds (Provisional Measures). According to the Provisional Measures, the standard of qualified investors involved in private equity investment funds has been established and the rules of raising funds and operating private equity investment funds have been specified. These measures not only ensure relatively free space but also regulate management for all kinds of private equity investment funds.

A new investment system emerges Through the strengthening of reform and further opening up of the capital markets, a new type of investment system takes shape in which investment is led by the market. Enterprises have autonomy in decision-making, financing methods are diversified, and efficient macro-economic adjustment and control will eventually be established. According to the statistics of the Office of Financial Affairs of the Guangdong Provincial People’s government, there were 23 fund management companies and over 610 venture capital/private equity funds in the capital markets by the end of May 2014. The majority of the companies listed on the NEEQ are start-up technology companies. More and more venture capital/private equity funds have begun to hunt for investment targets in the NEEQ and REEM markets. The market-maker system has been introduced to help the listed companies and investors in reaching a win-win result in the NEEQ by the end of August. It is expected that the fast development of the NEEQ and REEM systems will bring great opportunities to venture capital/private equity funds and start-up tech companies in the coming years.

Various assets and equity exchange centers will be set up in Guangdong, such as an emission rights trading centre, intellectual property trading centre and cultural property trading centre

TJS is the basis of the capital market and the class of learning the knowledge of capital market. Listed enterprise can acquaint the rules of the capital market and improve the structure of corporate governance;
 SMEs which had screened, hatched and bred by TJS have the conditions to enter the national and abroad capital markets, including Shanghai and Shenzhen market.


SHENZHEN, China, March 13 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- The Intermost Corporation (OTC Bulletin Board: IMOT), a leading online electronic equity exchange service provider in China, is pleased to announce that thirty-two equity exchanges in China have entered into Equity Information & Quotation Interchange Agreements with the China Equity Exchange Platform ( http://www.chinae.com ). The Platform is a equity market portal website developed by the Chinae.com Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Intermost.

The thirty-two equity exchanges are as follows: Shenzhen International Hi-Tech Property Right Exchange Center,  Hai-nan Special Economic Zone Property Rights Exchange Center, Guang-zhou Enterprises Mergers and Acquisitions Services, China Cheng-du United Equity Exchange, Hei-long-jiang Assets and Equity Exchange, Guang-xi United Assets and Equity Exchange,  Hu-nan Assets and Equity Exchange Co., Ltd.,  Wu-han United Assets and Equity Exchange,  Inner Mongolia Property Rights Exchange Center, China Zhu-hai Property Bid, He-fei Assets and Equity Exchange, He-fei Trust of Shares Exchange,  He-fei Technology Property Exchange, An-hui Assets and Equity Exchange, Jiang-nan Technology Property Exchange, Shan-xi Property Rights Exchange,  West-China Assets and Equity Exchange, China Gui-zhou Property Online, Ji-nan Equity Exchange, Han-dan Equity Exchange,  Tai-yuan Equity Exchange, Shi-yan Equity Exchange, Beng-bu Equity Exchange, Kai-feng Equity Exchange, Qu-zhou Equity Exchange, Hui-zhou Equity Exchange, Zhang-jia-kou Equity Exchange, Liao-ning Chao-yang Equity Exchange,  Si-chuan Zi-gong Equity Exchange,  He-nan Nan-yang Equity Exchange,  Shan-xi Chang-zhi Equity Exchange, and Ji-lin Chang-chun Equity Exchange;

The thirty-two equity exchanges have agreed to interchange and share equity information and quotations with the China Equity Exchange Platform.

 These exchanges are flagships in region.

Through such information sharing on the Platform, visibility of regional exchanges and companies listed on them becomes national, thus is greatly increased in value

. Meanwhile, it lays a solid foundation for Chinae.com Technology to construct a nation-wide equity exchange platform.

Mr. Xiangxiong Deng, acting CEO of Intermost is pleased with the increasing market share of the Platform. He said, "The China Equity Exchange Platform is a mass fortune creator and gatherer. More and more investors will register as members along with its further expansion. Recently we are planning to visit the following exchanges: He-nan Property Right Exchange, Wu-han Guang-gu United Assets and Equity Exchange, Xi-an Technology Property Exchange, China Cheng-du United Equity Exchange and Wu-xi East China Technology Property Exchange. We are seeking to deepen the existing cooperation and explore new relations with regional equity exchanges."

About the Intermost Corporation

Founded in the USA in September 1998, the Intermost Corporation was the first Chinese Internet company listed on the US OTC Bulletin Board (stock symbol: IMOT) in December 1998. The Intermost Corporation has focused its services on the booming Equity Exchange Market in China, including equity- related solution development, equity quotes and information provision, electronic online equity exchange services, direct investment in regional equity exchanges, business incubation services for well-performing innovative enterprises, investment consulting services for overseas listings, the equity portal website -- China Equity Exchange Platform ( http://www.chinae.com ), and otherwise.









Shanghai Equity Exchange (hereinafter referred to as “the Equity Exchange”) is an institution strategically held by SIG, SIG being the largest shareholder of the Equity Exchange.

Upon the approval of Shanghai Municipal Government, the Equity Exchange was founded in 2010 in accordance with the general requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the building of China’s multilevel capital market system. The Equity Exchange is an important component in the building of Shanghai into an international financial center as well as a key role in the building of China’s multi-level capital market system. The Equity Exchange centralized many financial services such as equity trading, registration and settlement, marketing and consignment, providing diversified financial portfolios and comprehensive financial services for the primary and secondary market investors.

Dedicated to supporting the companies to go public on the securities markets supervised by China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Equity Exchange not only provides services for additional share offering to specific candidates, merger and acquisition, share transfer, value exploration, marketing & advertisement, etc., but also provides cultivating, assisting and facilitating functions for listed enterprise to go public on the main-board market, small and medium-sized market, growth enterprise market, or the new third board.

To realize the goal of “being a large scale and first class leading Exchange in the domestic market and a reputed Exchange across the global market”, the Equity Exchange strives to accomplish the functions of “ the equity exchange center, the resourcing hub, the nest for future public companies and the financial innovation center” by delivering superior quality services to the listed companies and the investors.



中国网摘要: http://www.china.org.cn/business/index.htm

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91 SMEs debut on New Third Board
Xinhua, October 30, 2016

A total of 91 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been added to China's New Third Board.
The number of companies listed on the board was 9,318 as of Oct. 28, indicative of the role of SMEs in offsetting downward economic pressure.
Turnover on the board reached 4.94 billion yuan (around 740 million U.S. dollars) last week, according to RoyalFlush Information, a financial information service provider.
The New Third Board, or National Equities Exchange and Quotation (NEEQ) system is a national system for SMEs to transfer shares and raise funds.
It began life in 2006 as an experimental platform for non-listed small high-tech enterprises in Beijing's Zhongguancun Science Park. The present system was officially established on Jan. 16, 2013 after trials in cities including Shanghai, Tianjin and Wuhan.
It complements the existing stock exchange, the SME board and the ChiNext board. The board is seen as an easy financing channel with low costs and simple listing procedures.

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Hengqin to build OTC equity trading market
China.org.cn, September 23, 2016

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New over-the-counter board to help startups raise funds

China Daily, December 28, 2015

There are already three layers of share trading systems on the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses: the main board for established companies, the SME board for small- and medium-sized enterprises, and the Nasdaq-style ChiNext board for startups.

China's existing capital market is inadequate in serving the country's 15 million small and medium firms, he said, adding that China should promote the development of angel funds, venture capital and private equities to address the funding difficulties facing startups.
China has also developed an over-the-counter market to meet small firms and tech startups' need for equity financing. Nearly 2,500 firms have been listed on the National Equities Exchange and Quotations, with 77 percent of them tech firms.
High-tech firms account for 90 percent of all companies traded on the ChinNext at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The NASDAQ-style board has surged 118 percent since the beginning of this year, compared with the 40-percent gain of the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index.
However, the ChiNext tumbled nearly 9 percent on Friday, one of the largest corrections on a single day in recent years as regulators seek to squeeze out bubbles in the market fueled by reckless margin trading.

Existing rules on companies seeking to list in domestic bourses have made profitability a pre-requisite for an IPO. This has barred many Chinese tech firms from listing in their home market and they have instead floated their shares overseas.

===================== 中国网摘要=====================




===================== 中国网摘要=====================

Zhongguancun Equity Trading Service Group launches
By Liu Yiyi ( chinadaily.com.cn )
Updated: 2015-05-12
The former Beijing Equity Trading Center (Beijing regional equity market and fourth board market) was formally renamed as the Zhongguancun Equity Trading Service Group and has fully involved in the technological financial system of Zhongguancun.

The Zhongguancun Administrative Commission has enacted preferential policies for the equity group's function and encourages more small businesses to expand financing channel utilizing multilayer capital markets.

Guo Hong, director of Zhongguancun Administrative Commission and officials of government and administrations in Beijing attended the meeting.

To implement Beijing's fourth board market and to promote and to complete the technological and financial system and innovative entrepreneurship ecological environment, the Zhongguancun Equity Trading Service Group signed agreements with several banks, business incubators and research institutions.

Such partnmers include Post Savings Bank of China, Bank of Beijing, China Central Television Security Information Channel and ten innovative incubations such as the Angel Crunch, 36Kr, Tsinghua Universtiy x-lab, Peking University Entrepreneurship Training Club, and Asia America Multi-technology Association (AAMA).

After renaming, Beijing's fourth board market is trying to establish three platforms - a trading center, a registration center, and an investment center to service small businesses in Zhongguancun.

The trading center is responsible for the trade of equities. The registration center is a private third party platform responsible for equity's registration and trusteeship. And the investment management center is responsible for overseas investment and capital management. The investment management has private placement bond certificate fund, private placement equity fund, and Internet financial platforms.

It is beneficial to involve the Zhongguancun Science Park in the preferential policy system, to complete the innovative system of technology and finance in Zhongguancun, and to promote the establishment of national technological and financial center.

In addition, the adjustment will highlight the fourth board market development position by providing services to small high-tech businesses. In this way, Zhongguancun will be able to provide more personalized capital market services.

Moreover, Zhongguancun will be able to gradually merge regional equity markets in the process of integrated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Xiao Gang, president of China Securities Regulatory Commission, said on March 7 that regional equity markets should develop into a financial center for small businesses, a platform for local governments' preferential policies and comprehensive use of capitals, and an expansion of capital markets to agency services.

Beijing's fourth board market has learned from the experience of other provinces and cities and has made efforts to establish platforms for trading, equity management, financing, incubation, innovation, and communication.

The fourth board market also focuses on non-listed corporate equity, bonds and other financial products registration, trusteeship, presentation, launch, trading, and account settlement.

Furthermore, the fourth board market utilizes securities traders, banks, and investment funds to provide services to small businesses, to improve self-competency, and finally to cultivate the ability to implement social responsibility in developing strategic emerging industries, alleviating medium, small, and micro business' difficulties in financing, promoting regional industry's structural adjustment, and improving the quality and effects of economy.

Since its launch in the end of 2013, the Beijing's fourth board market has fully presented its privately raised flexibility. Through integrating resources, the fourth board market has connected with the New Third Board, Entrepreneurship Board, and other high-end capital markets.

The fourth board market has also connected with innovative incubators, and simplified public service functions of such as Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce and Beijing Financial Works' Bureau.

In order to secure trading and capital, the Beijing fourth board market established a third party capital management platform with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), China Construction Bank (CCB), and Bank of Beijing.

In order to conveniently connect with more high-level markets, the Beijing's fourth board market and the New Third Board have developed a fast path for transforming boards. Businesses can conveniently transform from the fourth board market to the New Third Board.

Together with Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Zhongguancun Administrative Commission, the Beijing fourth board market has also established a foundation for start-ups and a project that provides services to 100 businesses to be listed on the Entrepreneurship Board.

The fourth board market also signed a strategic assignment with China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (CSDC) to cooperate in registration and account settlement, establishing account structure, and implement integrated account application and board transforming services.

The fourth board market has directly provided services to nearly a thousand businesses.They assisted the launching presentations of more than 650 enterprises, provided registration and trusteeship to nearly 280 corporations, and trained up to ten thousands of businesses with membership institutions.

The fourth board market has also attracted more than 4,000 investors, provided a total amount of stock right transfer of as much as 4.2 billion yuan ($676.6 million), and increased investment and equity of 400 million yuan ($64.44 million). The fourth board market has 12 registered privately raised company bonds which worth 1.36 billion yuan ($219.1 million).

Beijing's fourth board market's privately raised company bonds are designed to be flexible with low comprehensive costs. After achieving governmental interest subsidy, the cost of the privately raised company bond is similar to the cost of bank loan. The fourth board market will launch financing products related to businesses' equity in the future.







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