对于任何更复杂的事情,我通常会尝试编写一个小的bash for loop。
# for every file ending with .mkv
for f in *.mkv; do
# transform the filename using sed, so that character '|' character will separate episode number from the lest of the filename (so it can be extracted)
# e.g.
# 'ShowName - S00E01 - Episode Name.mkv' will be
# 'ShowName - S00E|01| - Episode Name.mkv'
# Then read such string to three variables:
# prefix enum and suffix splitting on '|' character
IFS='|' read -r prefix enum suffix <
# newfilename consist of prefix, calculated episode number and the rest of the filename
# i assumed you want to add 19 to episode number
# it may be also a good idea to move files to another directory, to avoid unintentional overwriting of existing files
# you may also consider using -n/--no-clobber or --backup options to mv
newf="another_directory/${prefix}$(printf "%02d" "$((enum-1+20))")${suffix}"
# move "$f" to "$newf"
# filenames have special characters (spaces), so remember about qoutes
echo "'$f' -> '$newf'"
mv -v "$f" "$newf"