solaris linux nfs,Solaris NFSv4 client mount from a Linux Server

Solaris NFSv4 client mount from a Linux Server:

Since there had been some confusion over a Solaris Client failing to

mount from a Linux based server (there may be a couple of issues you

may bump into) -- I thought i'd share some hints and things to look


First, of course, your mount may fail because the item you wish to mount has not been exported from the server; using showmount -e

will return a list of exports for that server, if the item is not

listed then you should contact the server sysadmin for help (or export

it yourself :) using the exportfs command with possible updates to the

/etc/exports file)

You may see a permission denied

message, and if you are using snv_22 to snv_24 bits that could be due

to the client using a non-reserved port. A couple of things can be done

to over come that problem;add the insecure keyword to the exports option line on the server (allowing requests from non-reserved ports)

/foop *(rw,nohide,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)revert the default behavior for the client to use reserved ports

seethisto do that!

You may also see a problem with no such file or directory (ENOENT).

The linux NFS server implements the

NFSv4 pseudo filesystem (pFS) as a separate namespace to that of the

server, and hence NFSv2/v3 (since in v2/v3 we expose the servers native

namespace). The root of the pFS namespace is designated in the exports

file via the fsid=0option.

So for example lets say you have some data that you'd like to share in the following directories:-

/export/proj; /export/archive; /export/www; /export/temp.

An example /etc/exports file might look like this :-

/export/proj *,insecure,sync)

/export/archive *(ro,insecure,sync)

/export/www @www(rw,insecure,sync)

/export/temp *(rw,insecure,sync)

Mounting using NFSv3 our mount command would look like this :-

# mount -o vers=3 linux_server:/export/proj /proj

This will work fine for v2/v3 mounts but fail for NFSv4. The pFS is

customizable by the sysadmin allowing the flexibility to present a

different namespace; for our example we may choose to specify that the

root for the pFS be /export; Adding the following line to /etc/exports

will allow us to do that :-

/export *(rw,fsid=0,insecure,no_root_squash,sync)

In doing this we are now presenting the pFS namespace to NFSv4 Clients as :-





and as such we will need to alter the mount command on the NFSv4 Client:

# mount -o vers=4 linux_server:/proj /proj





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