网博士cases_list_to_html.asp,【计算机专业文献翻译】ASP 3.0 高级编程

code, instead of text). Early applications are compiled after the procedure, usually in C or C + + preparation. However, this naturally know the C programming language, Whenever the right procedures and do very little writing or markings on the changes, we must recompile, re-generate executable files, which limits the C and G I use dynamic pages. Instead, the development of a scripting language used to create Web pages, Such language is useful summary and report language (Practical Extraction and Re porting Language), or referred to as P e r l It allows information to the founders of a very simplified similar to C or C + + language code. P e r l script, it "reads" text and markings use standard input (s i n t d) and the standard output (s t u d o t) function through the C and G I. We b server links General output to the browser. P e r · b We still is a popular language, particularly in the UN-based X - or L I i n u x systems. However, this language captures up is not very easy. especially for those who are not C or C + + language based on the We b especially developers. Now, some new scripting language emerged, and make the website more easily. We mainly look at how they enable developers to work more easily.

Active Server Pages (ASP) is Microsoft's first server-side script engine for dynamically-generated web pages. It was initially marketed as an add-on to Internet Information Services (IIS) via the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, but has been included as a free component of Windows Server since the initial release of Windows 2000 Server. Programming ASP websites is made easier by various built-in objects. Each object corresponds to a group of

frequently-used functions useful for creating dynamic web pages. In ASP 2.0 there are six such built-in objects: Application, ASPError, Request, Response, Server, and Session. Session, for example, is a cookie-based session object that maintains variables from page to page. Web pages with the ".asp" or file extension use ASP, although some Web sites disguise their choice of scripting language for security purposes. The ".aspx" extension is not an ASP page, but an http://www.doczj.com/doc/aee5a6487375a417876f8f3d.html page, another server-side scripting language from Microsoft, based on a mixture of traditional ASP, and Microsoft's .NET technology. Generally refers to the activities of the server page, and sometimes refers to the activities of the application service provider server HTML page is actually a page,

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