计算机辅助光学设计 code v s2,计算机辅助光学设计-code-v-s2复习进程.ppt


1、计算机辅助光学设计-code-V-S2Interface ElementsTitle BarNavigation WindowMenu BarToolbarLDM SpreadsheetCommand WindowCommand LinePlot WindowStatus BarTabbed Output WindowLDM and OptionsCODE V has two major levels, LDM and OptionsLDM is Lens Data Manager, where lens data is defined and modifiedOptions are special calculations requiring multiple inputs, e.g., spot diagram, MTF, Automatic DesignThe LDM is oper。

2、ated from menus, tool bars, and dialog boxes (or from the command line)Options are launched from menus and controlled from tabbed dialog boxesEach option creates its own tabbed output window (TOW)Option input can be modified or re-run from its TOW System Data and Surface DataLDM data is divided into two major categoriesSystem Data specifies overall properties such as f/number and wavelengthsSurfac。

3、e Data specifies any data that changes with surface number, from thickness to decenters to tolerancesSystem Data is accessed through the Lens > System data menu, which displays a multi-tabbed dialog boxSurface data is accessed from the LDM spreadsheet and from the Lens > Surface Properties menuLDM spreadsheet displays basic dataSurface Properties dialog shows all data for a surfaceDigital Ca。

4、mera Design Study This section is based on the Digital Camera Objective example in the CODE V Introductory User’s GuideWhat you will learn:Use the New Lens Wizard to select a patent lens as a starting point for a new designChange the System Data as needed for the new applicationWork with system data, basic solves, lens drawings, surface data, scaling, MTF, and moreUse Optimization to improve the l。

5、ensPerform Tolerance Analysis A similar problem will be posed as a workshop at the end of this section (solution script in the Appendix)Digital Camera Specs New Lens WizardThe New Lens Wizard (NLW) is designed to prompt you through the setup of a valid lens, using one of four sources: CODE V Sample LensesPatent Database (about 2400 lenses)Your own Favorites (which you can easily collect)A blank le。

6、nsIn this case, we will use the patent database, making use of the “filter” capability to narrow down the search based on the required specificationsRun the New Lens WizardChoose the File > New menu to launch the NLW Click Next> to clear the Welcome Screen Click the Patent Lens button, then click Next> Click the Filter button to open the patent filter dialogFilter DialogCheck the items of。

7、 interest and enter min and max values for each, then click OK. F/# goal is 3.5 (try 1 to 4), Field of View goal is 26.5° (try 20 to 33), try 1 to 3 for number of elements.Note that this is actually the semi-field of view, which corresponds to object or image heightFilter ResultsThe filter returns around 12 lenses Wider field and faster f/number than needed is bestThe triplet or02248 looks pretty 。

8、good (f/2.4, 27.5°)Click the Next> button Note that each patent lens file includes a lens drawing, and this one shows three defined field anglesDefining System DataSystem data defines the way the lens will work Required system data items are pupil size and wavelengthsThese plus field of view can be defined in the NLWMany additional system data values can be defined or modified through Lens >。

9、 System DataPupil definitionAs mentioned earlier, the pupil size sets the light-gathering power of the system and can be defined in several waysWavelengthsAt least one wavelength must be defined, and up to 21 are allowed, always entered in nanometersField Definition“Field of View” (FOV) describes the size of the object or image that a lens can handle If the object is at infinity, angular measure i。

10、s usedFor finite object distances, object or image height can be used, with a slight preference for object-side definitionsCODE V performs calculations at discrete field points defined with the lensIn many cases, 3 field points are used, though some systems are designed for “axis only” with a single field Designers often use additional field points for wider angle systems, and we will add an addit。

11、ional field point to this lensNLW Spec DataOn the Pupil page of the NLW, choose Image F/Number as the pupil spec and enter 3.5 as the valueOn the Wavelength page, enter 2 for the wavelength weight of the green (589.0) wavelengthOn the Fields page, right-click on field 2 and choose Insert from the shortcut menu Click Next> and on the last page, click Done.Enter 0, 11, 19, and 26.5 (degrees) for 。

12、the Y Angle semi-FOV values of field points F1 to F4Titles and PicturesChoose the Lens > System Data menuClick on System Settings itemEnter new title, Dig Camera Intro SeminarClick the Quick 2D Labeled Plot icon to make a lens picture(Leave this window open for later re-draws)The LDM SpreadsheetThe LDM spreadsheet contains the basic surface dataSurface numbers, names (user labels), types, Y Rad。

13、ius of Curvature or Curvature (depends on Edit > Radius Mode setting), thickness (distance to next surface), glass name, refract mode (usually Refract or Reflect), aperture sizeRight click on any cell and choose Surface Properties to get more surface informationSurface DetailsValues in cells can be edited, including copy and pasteThe status of a cell is indicated by a small status indicator (e.。

14、g., V for variable)You can change the status by right clicking and using the shortcut menuCells that are gray are defined indirectly (e.g., solves, default apertures, pickups) and cannot be editedYou can still right-click these values to change their statusRight-click on a cell and choose Surface Properties to see all information (e.g., right click on the thickness of surface 6, the gray cell with。

15、 S for solve)...Surface PropertiesFirst Order PropertiesThe required effective focal length (EFL) is 6mmTo display first order data including EFLChoose Display > List Lens Data > First Order DataCurrent value is 0.9528 mmThe Execute button updates the window You can also place EFL on the Status Bar for continuous updates (Tools > Customize)Execute buttonScaling the LensSelect surfaces 1 t。

16、o the image in the LDM spreadsheet Choose the Edit > Scale menuNote that the surface range you selected is displayedIn the dialog box, click the Scale Effective Focal Length button, and enter the desired EFL (6.0) as the Scale Value, then click OK.Analyze DistortionDistortion is the variation of image height from the idea paraxial height, h = (EFL)* (tan q) Click the Quick Field Plot toolbar bu。

17、ttonThe left curve is astigmatism vs. field angle, the right curve is distortion (about 0.2% maximum)EFLhqParaxial rayAnalyze MTFMTF is related to resolution or “sharpness” Choose Analysis > Diffraction > MTFFrequency 68 (cycles/mm) for maximum, 17 for incrementOn Graphics tab, enter 68 for maximum plot frequencyClick OK -- MTF is above 0.25 for all fields. Vignetting/IlluminationVignetting 。

18、is the clipping of off-axis beams by apertures other than the stop Can be a problem or a solution (depends on specs)Non-zero vignetting reduces off-axis illuminationRelative illumination includes vignetting effectsMTF text output includes relative illumination for each field (58.4% for the starting lens full-field)Other IssuesThis lens is very small – with focal length and detector size around 6 m。

19、m (about 0.25 inch)The center element has a thickness of 0.126 mm, too thin for practical fabrication Need to consider practical aspects of small elements, including thickness constraints in optimizationWould also need to to consider glass propertiesPatent lens has “fictitious” (variable) glass with high index of refractionHigher index glasses are more expensiveMay want to constrain glass to lower。

20、 index Workshop 2-1: Digital Camera 20° Here are simplified specs for a digital camera with reduced field of view (something like a "normal lens" rather than wide angle as shown in text):F/number: 3.5Max semi-field of view: 20 degreesNumber of elements: 1 to 3Make sure the lens is defined for at least 3 visual wavelengthsFocal length 8.25 mm (Image height 3 mm)MTF > 0.5 for all fields at 68 lp/。

21、mm (this will require optimization - see next problem)Distortion: less than 1% (+/-) full field Note: Use the New Lens Wizard patents to find a starting point (hint: use F/# 3 to 5, FOV 20 to 25, number of elements 1 to 3, and % distortion 0 to 3 ). Scale, draw, and analyze as needed (minimum analysis: MTF and distortion). Save lens.OptimizationOptimization is used to improve the optical quality o。

22、f a starting design Requires variables, parameters that can be alteredRequires an error function, a quantity that correlates with quality (smaller is better, zero is “perfect”)Requires constraints, or boundary conditionsCODE V’s optimization is called Automatic DesignUses a constrained damped least squares (DLS) methodProvides a sophisticated default error function and other intelligent defaultsUs。

23、er can re-define everything, including the error functionOptimization PlanUse LDM to define variables All curvatures, all thicknesses, all glassesDefine general constraints on thickness and glassDefine a specific constraint on EFL, others as neededDistortion may require a constraintDraw the lens at each cycleOptimize with default weightsAnalyze MTF and distortionRe-optimize with field weights adju。

24、sted to balance performance across fieldsDefine VariablesVariables are defined in LDM and saved with lens dataSelect one or more cells, right click, choose VaryRed V indicates a variable (right click, Freeze to NOT vary)Vary radii of surfaces 1-6, thickness 1-5 plus imageDon’t vary thickness of 6 (it has a PIM solve)Glass will vary too (see next slides)Fictitious GlassIn CODE V, only fictitious gl。

25、asses can be varied for optimizationFictitious glass is defined by its index (Nc) at a central wavelength and its Abbe (V) value at two extreme wavelengths (typically d, F, & C wavelengths) V = (Nc-1)/(Ns – NL)Two different formats are supportedNc:V (e.g., 1.5168:64.17)xxxxxx.yyyyyy Where:Nc = i。省略部分。eneral and specific constraints allow detailed control of boundary conditionsWorkshop 2-2: Optimiz。

26、e DigCam 20°Vary all radii (except stop, object, image) and thickness values (except PIM solve), plus all three glasses.EFL = 8.25Minimum center thickness 0.8 mmMinimum edge thickness 0.5 mmNo glass limits at this time. No need to convert to real glass (unless you want to).Compare analysis to starting point. Save the lens with a new name.BONUS: Can you make it f/2.8 and meet MTF and distortion spe。

27、cs? (Hint: You will need to play with field weights.)Tolerancing BasicsTolerance analysis is an important step for any design that will be fabricatedThe goal is to identify and simulate possible fabrication errors and predict their effectsIdeally this should be done in terms of measurable quality criteria such as MTF, RMS wave error, or coupling efficiencyShould also simulate the effects of assemb。

28、ly or end-use adjustments (compensators)CODE V has several tolerancing featuresTolerance Analysis FunctionsTOR is CODE V’s primary option for calculating the effects of manufacturing and assembly errors on MTF, RMS wavefront error, fiber coupling efficiency, or polarization dependent lossThe name TOR comes from Tolerancing, Ray-based (as opposed to paraxial-based tolerancing)It uses a very fast al。

29、gorithm that provides information about individual tolerance sensitivities (i.e., performance drivers) and it accurately predicts system performanceMany of the details of TOR will discussed in the Introduction to Tolerancing sectionTolerance Analysis FunctionsCODE V has other tolerancing optionsTOL – tolerance first-order third-order properties TOD – tolerance on chief ray distortionTOLFDIF – macr。

30、o for finite-difference tolerancing using user-defined performance measuresTOLMONTE – macro for Monte Carlo tolerancing using user-defined performance measuresThese other tolerancing options will not be covered this weekFab & Assembly: What Can Go Wrong?Murphy’s Law in action Anything that can go wrong WILL go wrongNo physical device can be built perfectly, so possible errors must be anticipated a。

31、nd simulatedThe greater the required precision, the greater the cost Typical tolerances (partial list)Test plate fit (DLF) – measures surface shape errorThickness (DLT) – measures glass or air thicknessIndex and dispersion (DLN, DLV) – glass errorsSurface tilt is usually measured as wedge (TIR = total indicator runout)Barrel tilt (BTI) measures the tilt of an element or groupCompensatorsCompensato。

32、rs simulate adjustments made during assembly or alignmentCompensators minimize loss in performanceThey are not allowed to improve the performance by themselves but only to minimize performance lossCompensation is done simultaneously over field and zoom (by default)Compensation can be done separately for each field and zoomAny tolerance parameter can be a compensatorMost compensators relate to movi。

33、ng an element or group of elements (shift along Z, tilt, decenter, etc.)Default compensator is shift of the image surface (DLZ SI)StatisticsTolerances specify the plus and minus limits that are possible around a nominal value (range) You try to achieve the nominal value, but the as-built values will be randomly scattered within the rangeTherefore each unit you build is slightly differentPerformanc。

34、e prediction requires statisticsYou want to know the yield (percentage of as-built systems with acceptable performance) or probability of success for unit-one systemsSuch predictions can be obtained from Monte Carlo simulation, or from simulated Monte Carlo based on assumption of large number (> 10) tolerances Inverse vs. Sensitivity ModeSensitivity analysis means taking a set of assumed tolera。

35、nce values and predicting their performance effectsThis requires a way to determine the assumed tolerancesCould be based on fabrication capability (or guess work)Inverse sensitivity means determining tolerance values that cause a certain performance changeThis is done for each tolerance, scaling so that each tolerance causes the same small drop in performanceLimits and rounding are applied to the 。

36、values to make sure they are realistic, so in practice, not all tolerances will contribute the same error Default Tolerance Run InputTolerances are associated with surfaces and are thus defined in the LDM as part of lens dataYou can define tolerances in great detail, for individual surfaces or groups of surfacesIf you run TOR without defining tolerances, a default set is defined for youIt includes。

37、 all the basic surface tolerances plus group tolerances for single elements and cemented elementsThis is often a good starting point, but it does not contain group tolerances for non-cemented sub-assemblies, since CODE V does not know the mount structure of a lensPrepare the LensUse File > Open or the NLW to locate and open the supplied lens cooke1.len (a Cooke triplet)Draw the lens with Displa。

38、y > View lens or Place the lens at best focus by clicking the Quick Best Focus button on the tool barTOR works best when the lens is at best focusQuick Best Focus runs the RMS Wave Error option and sets the image surface thickness for best focusRun MTF Tolerance AnalysisChoose Analysis > Tolerancing > MTFIn the dialog, enter 15 for the Spatial Frequency for each of the three fields (Lines。

39、 per MM column)Click OK. Tolerance OutputTOR generates significant output, including:Tolerance sensitivity tables for each field and zoom showing the performance change with compensated plus and minus tolerance changeA performance summary table for each fieldIf CODE V is determining the tolerance set (inverse sensitivity mode), two tables of tolerance values are printed (centered & decentered tole。

40、rances)A final 2-Sigma (98% probability) performance summary for all fields and zoomsA cumulative probability plotAll of this output will be covered in detail in the Introduction to Tolerancing sectionExample OutputPerformance Summary Table & GraphReview > Tolerances (LDM)Special Features In this section, we will introduce two special features of CODE V: zoom and decentered systems CODE V has o。

41、ther special features, includingNon-spherical surfacesSolves and pickupsGradient-index (GRIN) materialsPolarizers and birefringent elementsDiffractive surfacesAs with decenters shown in this section, these features are accessed through Lens > Surface Properties for required surfaceWhat is Zoom?Zoom actually means “multi-configuration” and is used for many situations where something changes in u。

42、sing the optical system, for example: Zoom lenses (air spaces change to change focal length)Scanners (tilt angles change to simulate scanning)Multi-spectral (spectrometers, demux systems, etc.)Zoom requires defining a nominal system, a number of positions (up to 99), and the items that are “zoomed”Simultaneous optimization of multiple configurations is the most powerful feature of zoom in CODE VTi。

43、lts & DecentersMany optical systems do not have an optical axis Surfaces or elements can be tilted or decenteredExamples: Fold mirrors, scanners, prismsCODE V defines a coordinate break which establishes a new local coordinate system for all following surfacesThe new coordinates are defined by x, y, and z decenters and by alpha, beta, and gamma Euler anglesThere are also special-purpose decenter t。

44、ypes for fixed fold mirrors (“bend”) and for temporary tilts (“decenter and return” or DAR)A Simple ScannerScanners can be modeled in various ways Zoom is often used to vary the scan angleAn oscillating mirror can be modeled with two surfaces, one a zoomed DAR, the other a dummy with a fixed tilt angle (often 90 degrees)A Petzval lens can be turned into a scan lens by inserting a mirror and a dumm。

45、y surfaceWe will first reduce the EPD to 20 mm and delete the two off-axis field pointsInsert scan mirror herePetzval Lens to Scanner (1)File > New, New Lens Wizard, Sample LensesSelect cv_lens:petzval.lenEntrance pupil diameter 20, wavelengths et al. defaultDelete fields 2 and 3 (select, right click, Delete)Select s4, Edit > Insert, 2 surfaces, OKThickness of s3 and s5 each 38.25468 (=76.50。

46、9/2)Set refract mode of s4 to ReflectSelect surfaces 5 to Image Edit > Scale, factor -1, click OKQuick 2D Plot (button) or Display > View Lens (OK)Zoom the Scan AngleTo zoom the scan angle, you must first define it through Lens > Surface Properties on s4This is done on the Decenters page of Surface PropertiesDecenter and Return restores the following coordinatesDummy surface s5 (in contac。

47、t with s4, thickness = 0) tilted 90 degrees to position rear opticsNext you define the number of zoom positions (3), then zoom the alpha tilt of s4 to 40, 45, and 50 deg.Note that only the parameters that change with configuration must be zoomed – all other parameters are shared across zoom positionsSurface Properties and Zoom EditorAfter tilt and zoom are defined on s4 Petzval Lens to Scanner (2)。

48、Right click s4, Surface Properties, Decenters pageType: Decenter and Return, Alpha tilt 45 degreesChoose surface 5 on upper left dropdownMake decenter type Basic, alpha tilt 90 degreesChoose Lens > Zoom Lens menuSet title to “45 Petz zoom”Change number of zooms to 3Change titles 45 to 40 for z1 and 50 for z3In Surface Properties, Decenters for s4…Right click alpha tilt and choose ZoomChange alp。

49、ha to 40.0 for z1 and 50.0 for z3Overlaying Zooms in DrawingsDefault draws all positions separatelyTry Display > View Lens then click OKNote three graphics tabsOverlay of configurations is often usefulChoose Display > View LensOn Title/Offset tab, right click Return Pen to Origin, choose Zoom and check z1 and z2, click OK.Same tab, click Overlay Zoom pos. at Surf. No. and change surface to ImageClick OKZoom Overlay Lens DrawingOverlay is forced at Image surfaceNote 3 scan positions of mirrorDefault apertures are sized for reference rays from all zoom positions此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢。

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