



Childhood的英语作文 篇1

I was born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me feel that I was the happiest girl in the world. Before I went to middle school, my parents decided to let me live in the hometown, where I spent the good time. I was surrounded by green trees and clean water. Every day, I would play funny games with my friends. When I went to middle school, I left hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study. Every night, my father would check my homework and if I had questions, he would help me to solve them. My mother always made delicious dessert for us. When I finished homework, we ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time of my childhood.


Childhood的英语作文 篇2

I was born in a beautiful village in Shan Tou city.

My hometown is very beautiful.It has mang beautiful landscape.The Yang YI Park is my paradise.It is many peoples paradise,too.

In my childhood,I often play game with my friends in Yang Yi Garden.The Yang Yi Park has a good time to me and my friends.

In my childhood,I like Yang Yi Park,best.Because it very beautiful. In the spring,the grais very fresh and green. The leaves are very green.The flowers, are very beautiful. And the kites, are flying sky, the children are very happy. Everymorning, some peopel play sports in Yang Yi Park.The young men play sports in it, the old men play sports in it, too.

Oh, I miyou, my childhood.

Childhood的英语作文 篇3

My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the primary school and home every day. No matter when it’s rainy or windy.

But one day, after we got home from school, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn’t know what had happened.

I sat beside her , my mother said to me , “it doesn’t matter , mum only has a headache . I will be all right after a while.” Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain, at that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.





Childhood的英语作文 篇4

I grew up in a small village。 I am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest。 Our house is on the main street of the village so I always saw a lot of people on the streets There were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village。 My sister and I used to play with the next-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher。 Sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too。 Also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other。 On breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach。 When I look back on my early life in the village, I feel I had a happy childhood。

Childhood的英语作文 篇5

i grew up in a small village. i am the second child of the family, and my sister is the eldest. our house is on the main street of the village so i always saw a lot of people on the streets there were farmers, fishermen, and a few merchants in the village. my sister and i used to play with the net-door children; their father is an elementary school teacher. sometimes when we played together in the house we made so much noise that my mother wanted us to play outside, so we went to the seashore to look for crabs and clams, and pretty seashells, too. also, we enjoyed running on the beach chasing each other. on breezy days we used to enjoy flying kites on the beach. when i look back on my early life in the village, i feel i had a happy childhood.

Childhood的英语作文 篇6

I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. When I was six years old, I was a lovely girl!

One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “Why can fish only live in water?” I thought about it, then I gave him the answer, “Because there are some cats on the bank.” My father laughed when he heard that. Then he said, “You are smart!” I was happy to hear that.

Maybe you will say, “It’s a funny answer.” Now, I think, it is very interesting. And now I am smart. My parents love me very much. I am so happy to have that childhood.




Childhood的英语作文 篇7

I was bur in a quite big twn in the east cast f Zheiang Prvince.I was brn n Septeber 2nd 2001.I lived in a huse with a living r,three bedr,tw bathr and a itchen.Its cfrtable t live there.

M firet schl was Lng gang N.2 Priar Schl.It was a beautiful schl with a big garden.There were lts f things t d in scl,with a big plagrund,an clubs and a big reading r.I wasnt bred and was ver happ there.M firet teacher was Mrhen.He was friendl but strict.I lve hi.I was ver naught but I was gd in class.And I was gd at schl wr.M first friend was called Bett.She was ver lvel and she was gd in schl t.We were gd friends.Iiss past life.It was relaxing.

One da I will g bac t hetwn.And I a ling frward t seeing friends again.

Childhood的英语作文 篇8

I always dream about returning to the past. As many people say, childhood is the happiest and easiest time in one’s life.

Children show you their true emotions. They know what is compassion and what is tolerance better than adults. In their world, all real thoughts are presented. They may easily have different opinions with others, but they never understand what is animosity. They enjoy making friends but they never think about making social communication net. Every child talks from the bottom of his heart without evil plans hidden and never intrigues against each other. Only in children’s way can adults make our life simple, more real and more enjoyable.

I wish everyone’s heart would keep as innocent and lovely as they ever did in their childhood. Then, the walls between our hearts can be broken down and the world would be a better place to live in.

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