
I'm a trying to find a sublist of a list. Meaning if list1 say [1,5] is in list2 say [1,4,3,5,6] than it should return True. What I have so far is this:

for nums in l1:

if nums in l2:

return True


return False

This would be true but I'm trying to return True only if list1 is in list2 in the respective order. So if list2 is [5,2,3,4,1], it should return False. I was thinking along the lines of comparing the index values of list1 using < but I'm not sure.


last_found = -1

for num in L1:

last_found = L2.index(num, last_found + 1)

return True

except ValueError:

return False

The index method of list L2 returns the position at which the first argument (num) is found in the list; called, like here, with a second arg, it starts looking in the list at that position. If index does not find what it's looking for, it raises a ValueError exception.

So, this code uses this approach to look for each item num of L1, in order, inside L2. The first time it needs to start looking from position 0; each following time, it needs to start looking from the position just after the last one where it found the previous item, i.e. last_found + 1 (so at the start we must set last_found = -1 to start looking from position 0 the first time).

If every item in L1 is found this way (i.e. it's found in L2 after the position where the previous item was found), then the two lists meet the given condition and the code returns True. If any item of L1 is ever not-found, the code catches the resulting ValueError exception and just returns False.

A different approach would be to use iterators over the two lists, that can be formed with the iter built-in function. You can "advance" an iterator by calling built-in next on it; this will raise StopIteration if there is no "next item", i.e., the iterator is exhausted. You can also use for on the iterator for a somewhat smoother interface, where applicable. The low-level approach using the iter/next idea:

i1 = iter(L1)

i2 = iter(L2)

while True:


lookfor = next(i1)

except StopIteration:

# no more items to look for == all good!

return True

while True:


maybe = next(i2)

except StopIteration:

# item lookfor never matched == nope!

return False

if maybe == lookfor:


or, a bit higher-level:

i1 = iter(L1)

i2 = iter(L2)

for lookfor in i1:

for maybe in i2:

if maybe == lookfor:



# item lookfor never matched == nope!

return False

# no more items to look for == all good!

return True

In fact, the only crucial use of iter here is to get i2 -- having the inner loop as for maybe in i2 guarantees the inner loop won't start looking from the beginning every time, but, rather, it will keep looking where it last left off. The outer loop might as well for for lookfor in L1:, since it has no "restarting" issue.

Key, here, is the else: clause of loops, which triggers if, and only if, the loop was not interrupted by break but rather exited naturally.

Working further on this idea we are again reminded of the in operator, which also can be made to continue where it last left off simply by using an iterator. Big simplification:

i2 = iter(L2)

for lookfor in L1:

if lookfor not in i2:

return False

# no more items to look for == all good!

return True

But now we recognize that is exactly the patter abstracted by the short-circuiting any and all built-in "short-circuiting accumulator" functions, so...:

i2 = iter(L2)

return all(lookfor in i2 for lookfor in L1)

which I believe is just about as simple as you can get. The only non-elementary bit left here is: you need to use an iter(L2) explicitly, just once, to make sure the in operator (intrinsically an inner loop) doesn't restart the search from the beginning but rather continues each time from where it last left off.





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