oracle block change tracking,block change tracking buffer space

block change tracking buffer space

Wait is related to the sizing / usage of the CTWR dba buffer in the Large Pool memory structure more ...


Problem: When a session waits on the "Block Change Tracking Buffer" event, it indicates that there was a wait for space in the CTRW dba buffer. If this happens too often the performance of Backups and/or the entire database can suffer. There are several alternatives to fixing this if it occurs in your system.

Solution 1: Review the location of the change-tracking file to ensure that it's not co-located on disks with other heavily used or "HOT" files. For example, do not locate the change-tracking file on the same disk with your redo or archive files.

Solution 2: Consider changing the value of Large_pool_size or the hidden parameter _bct_public_dba_buffer_size to a larger value. NOTE: Always check with Oracle Support before using a hidden parameter value as Oracle may not support these types of changes ( _bct_public_dba_buffer_size = total size of all public change tracking dba buffers).

Solution 3: Turn off the BCT feature so that it does not require the CTWR dba buffer.

Expanded Definition

When data blocks change, shadow processes track the changed blocks in a private area of memory at the same time they generate redo. When a commit is issued, the BCT information is copied to a shared area in Large Pool called 'CTWR dba buffer'. At the checkpoint, a new background process, Change Tracking Writer (CTWR), writes the information from the buffer to the change-tracking file. If contention for space in the CTWR dba buffer occurs, a wait event called, 'Block Change Tracking Buffer Space' is recorded. By default, the CTWR process is disabled because it can introduce some minimal performance overhead on the database. You can query V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING table to determine whether change tracking is enabled and CTWR dba buffer is being used:

SELECT status FROM v$block_change_tracking

If the CTWR process is enabled, you can view the size of the CTWR dba buffer by looking at v$sgastat:

SELECT * FROM v$sgastat WHERE name like 'CTWR%';


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Block Change Tracking(BCT)是 Oracle 数据库中一种技术,用于跟踪在备份之间更改的数据块,以加速增量备份和恢复。如果你想从 BCT 中获取变数据块,可以按照以下步骤进行: 1. 首先,你需要确认 BCT 已经启用。你可以使用以下命令来检查: ``` SELECT status FROM v$block_change_tracking; ``` 如果返回的状态为 ENABLED,则表示 BCT 已经启用。如果状态为 DISABLED,则需要通过以下命令启用 BCT: ``` ALTER DATABASE ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING; ``` 2. 接下来,你需要创建一个包含变数据块的文件。你可以使用以下命令来创建该文件: ``` ALTER DATABASE CREATE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING FILE '/path/to/bct/file'; ``` 其中 '/path/to/bct/file' 是你想要创建的 BCT 文件的路径。请确保该路径对于数据库服务器上的 Oracle 进程是可读写的。 3. 等待一段时间后,BCT 文件将包含所有在最后一次备份之后更改的数据块。你可以使用以下命令来获取变数据块: ``` SELECT file#, block# FROM v$backup_block_change_tracking WHERE status = 'YES'; ``` 该命令将返回一个包含文件号和块号的结果集,表示包含变数据块的数据文件和该文件中的变数据块的块号。 请注意,BCT 文件只包含最后一次备份之后更改的数据块,因此如果你想获取之前的变数据块,需要使用相应的增量备份文件。同时,BCT 文件也需要定期清理或重新创建,以确保其有效性。




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