android 组件重叠,android - Android Studio-VC ++可再发行组件安装期间出现错误997“重叠的IO操作正在进行中” - 堆栈内存溢出...

在安装Android Studio时,我总是在日志中收到以下错误消息, Error 997 "overlapped IO operation is in progress" 。 这是在进行Microsoft VC ++可再发行组件安装的步骤中。


OS Version Information:

OS Version = 6.2.9200, Platform 2

OS Description = Future OS - x64 Enterprise Edition

OS Version Information

Environment details:

CommandLine = d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\Setup.exe /passive /norestart /showfinalerror

Environment details

Entering Function: LocalizedData::CreateLocalizedData


Entering Function: EngineData::CreateEngineData

Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism


MaintenanceMode determination: evaluating EnterMaintenanceModeIf

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

MaintenanceMode determination evaluates to 'not in maintenance mode'

Operation Type:

Operation: Installing

Operation Type

Package details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup

Package Name = Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup

Package Version = 10.0.40219

Package details

User Experience Data Collection Policy:

User Experience Data Collection Policy: UserControlled

User Experience Data Collection Policy

Entering Function: UiDataT::CreateUiDataT


Global Block Checks: Checking for global blockers

BlockIf: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable is not supported on this operating system.

And: evaluating

Equals: evaluating

Equals evaluated to true

GreaterThan: evaluating

GreaterThan evaluated to false

And evaluated to false

BlockIf evaluated to false

BlockIf: A newer version of Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable has been detected on the machine.

And: evaluating

Equals: evaluating

Equals evaluated to true

LessThan: evaluating

LessThan evaluated to false

And evaluated to false

BlockIf evaluated to false

Global Block Checks no blocking conditions found

Applicability for Installing: evaluating each item

Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ - available but not verified yet

Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp - available but not verified yet

Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi - available but not verified yet

Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi - authored action for this item is NoOp

Determining state: of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Determining state of d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp - not applicable

Determining state: of MSIServer

Determining state of MSIServer - payload not required for this item to perform action.

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Applicability for Installing determination is complete

Applicability Result Count:

Number of applicable items: 3

Applicability Result Count

Action: System Requirement Checks

Action: Disk space check for items being downloaded

Action complete

Action: Enumerating incompatible processes

Action complete

Action: Enumerating incompatible services

Action complete

Action complete

Action: Downloading and/or Verifying Items

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ Verifying signature for

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\ Signature verified successfully for

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi: Verifying signature for vc_red.msi

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi Signature verified successfully for vc_red.msi

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp: Verifying signature for msp_kb2565063.msp

d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\msp_kb2565063.msp Signature verified successfully for msp_kb2565063.msp

Action complete

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Exists: evaluating

Exists evaluated to false

Action: Performing actions on all Items

Action: Performing Action on MSI at d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi

Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [Error 997.Overlapped I/O operation is in progress. ]

MSI (d:\68972a9195f7b9c35b\vc_red.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable Setup_20150205_155712703-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt

PerformOperation returned 1603 (translates to HRESULT = 0x80070643)

Action complete

OnFailureBehavior for this item is to Rollback.

Action: Performing actions on all Items

Action complete

Action complete

Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), "Fatal error during installation. " (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:04).

当安装程序运行“ Microsoft Visual C ++ 2010 x86可再发行组件安装程序”的安装时,它将来临。



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要在Android实现浮于上方的布局,您可以使用FrameLayout。FrameLayout允许您将一个视图放置在另一个视图的上方,而不会影响其他视图的布局。 下面是一个示例布局,其一个视图浮于另一个视图的上方: ``` <FrameLayout android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"> <!-- 底部视图 --> <ImageView android:id="@+id/bottom_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/bottom_image"/> <!-- 上部视图 --> <ImageView android:id="@+id/top_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/top_image"/> </FrameLayout> ``` 在此布局,底部视图使用一个ImageView来表示,并且在顶部视图之前定义。顶部视图也是一个ImageView,并且与底部视图具有相同的大小和位置。由于FrameLayout的工作方式,顶部视图将浮于底部视图之上。 如果您需要控制视图的重叠顺序,则可以使用z-index。但是,请注意,在Android没有直接的z-index属性。相反,您需要使用布局视图的顺序来控制它们的叠加顺序。在上面的示例布局,顶部视图定义在底部视图之后,因此它将浮于底部视图之上。如果您希望交换它们的顺序,则可以通过将它们的位置更改为: ``` <!-- 上部视图 --> <ImageView android:id="@+id/top_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/top_image"/> <!-- 底部视图 --> <ImageView android:id="@+id/bottom_view" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:src="@drawable/bottom_image"/> ``` 这将导致底部视图浮于顶部视图之上。


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