摘  要






With the development of information technology, management systems are becoming increasingly mature, and various enterprises and institutions use various types of management systems to improve work efficiency and reduce the drawbacks of manual labor. Enterprises and institutions have always attached great importance to the development of company informatization. In recent years, with the expansion of the company's scale and the gradual increase of business, the management of customers by the company has become increasingly difficult. Therefore, the company proposes to optimize the management plan by developing a customer relationship management system WeChat mini program, conducting comprehensive online management of customers, tracking customer information through the system, and improving the work efficiency of company managers.

The customer relationship management system WeChat mini program is a WeChat mini program system developed using the Java framework. The data is stored in MySQL, and the front-end uses WeChat mini program technology to design and implement the interface. This article first thoroughly investigates the requirements analysis of the customer relationship management system WeChat mini program, deeply analyzes the functions that the system should have, and designs a comprehensive database. Utilize mature development techniques to complete coding work, and finally conduct pre investment testing work. Finally, complete the functions of the customer relationship management system WeChat mini program in the front and back ends, mainly including customer management, customer manager management, product information management, product order management, opinion and suggestion management, customer visit management, system management, etc., and achieve data transmission through the front and back ends.

Keywords:customer relationship management; Information technology; WeChat mini program; database


目  录

摘  要 2

Abstract 3

1 绪 论 7

1.1 选题背景 7

1.2 选题意义 8

1.3 研究内容 9

2 相关技术介绍 10

2.1 后台技术 10

2.1.1 JAVA技术介绍 10

2.1.2 SpringBoot框架介绍 11

2.2 前端介绍 11

2.2.1 JavaScript技术 11

2.2.2 小程序技术 12

2.2.3 Vue.js技术 12

2.3 Mysql数据库 13

2.4 开发工具 14

2.4.1 微信开发者工具介绍 14

2.4.2 Eclipse工具介绍 14

3 系统分析 15

3.1可行性分析 15

3.1.1  法律可行性 15

3.1.2  经济可行性 15

3.1.3  技术可行性 15

3.2需求分析 15

3.2.1 功能性需求分析 15

3.2.2 系统用例 16

3.2.3 非功能需求分析 21

4 数据库设计 22

4.1 系统和数据的关系 22

4.2 数据库结构设计 23

4.3 数据库逻辑结构设计 24

5 系统的详细设计和实现 34

5.1 系统架构设计 34

5.1.1 Dao层设计 35

5.1.2 Service层设计 35

5.1.3 Controller层设计 35

5.1.4 View层设计 36

5.2 微信小程序端功能模块的实现 36

5.2.1 小程序用户登录的实现 36

5.2.2 小程序首页的实现 38

5.2.3 个人信息管理的实现 39

5.2.4 商品订单的实现 46

5.2.5 意见建议的实现 48

5.2.6 经理拜访计划的实现 50

5.2.7 经理拜访签到的实现 52

5.3 后台功能模块的实现 55

5.3.1 管理员登录的实现 55

5.3.2 客户信息管理的实现 56

5.3.3 商品信息管理的实现 64

5.3.4 商品订单管理的实现 72

5.3.5 意见建议管理的实现 76

5.3.6 拜访计划管理的实现 77

5.3.7 拜访监管管理的实现 79

5.3.8 系统管理的实现 81

5.4 系统设计特点 85

6 系统测试 87

6.1 系统测试综述 87

6.2 测试用例 88

6.3 测试结论 92

总 结 94

参考文献 95

致  谢 97












