A systematic research was conducted to assess general properties of Kudzu starch, including physical and physicochemical properties, such as particle size, granule distribution, thermal properties, morphology, crystallite, and the relative amount of double helices and crystallinity. Kudzu starch granules showed a bimodal size distribution. The gelatinization and enthalpy temperature was 64.32℃ and 1.77 J·g-1, respectively. Crystal structures of Kudzu starch, including the crystalline, crystallinity, and double helix were precisely characterized via 13 C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy. The C1's chemical shift from 94 to 110 ppm revealed on the NMR spectroscopy contained two peaks after a sub-peak, indicating that crystallite of Kudzu is Cb-type. Furthermore, X-ray powder diffraction was employed for verifying the conclusion of CP/MAS spectroscopy, coherently. Distinct C-type signature doublets emerged at 2θ=5.7°,15.3°, 17.2° and 17.5°, respectively, demonstrating the credible evidence to ensure the conclusion. The relative degree of crystallinity detected through 13 C CP/MAS and XRD was 28.7% and 19.18%, respectively. 13 C CP/MAS showed that a relative amount of double helix of 41.21% exited in Kudzu starch. Potato starch was used as a control because potato and kudzu are tuberous root species.