php5.4.38 手册,F.38. tsearch2

F.38.1. Portability Issues

Although the built-in text search features were based on

contrib/tsearch2 and are largely similar to it,

there are numerous small differences that will create portability

issues for existing applications:

Some functions' names were changed, for example rank

to ts_rank.

The replacement tsearch2 module

provides aliases having the old names.

The built-in text search data types and functions all exist within

the system schema pg_catalog. In an installation using

contrib/tsearch2, these objects would usually have been in

the public schema, though some users chose to place them

in a separate schema of their own. Explicitly schema-qualified

references to the objects will therefore fail in either case.

The replacement tsearch2 module

provides alias objects that are stored in public

(or another schema if necessary) so that such references will still work.

There is no concept of a "current parser" or "current

dictionary" in the built-in text search features, only of a current

search configuration (set by the default_text_search_config

parameter). While the current parser and current dictionary were used

only by functions intended for debugging, this might still pose

a porting obstacle in some cases.

The replacement tsearch2 module emulates these

additional state variables and provides backwards-compatible functions

for setting and retrieving them.

There are some issues that are not addressed by the replacement

tsearch2 module, and will therefore require

application code changes in any case:

The old tsearch2 trigger function allowed items in its

argument list to be names of functions to be invoked on the text data

before it was converted to tsvector format. This was removed

as being a security hole, since it was not possible to guarantee that

the function invoked was the one intended. The recommended approach

if the data must be massaged before being indexed is to write a custom

trigger that does the work for itself.

Text search configuration information has been moved into core

system catalogs that are noticeably different from the tables used

by contrib/tsearch2. Any applications that examined

or modified those tables will need adjustment.

If an application used any custom text search configurations,

those will need to be set up in the core

catalogs using the new text search configuration SQL commands.

The replacement tsearch2 module offers a little

bit of support for this by making it possible to load an old set

of contrib/tsearch2 configuration tables into

PostgreSQL 8.3. (Without the module,

it is not possible to load the configuration data because values in the

regprocedure columns cannot be resolved to functions.)

While those configuration tables won't actually do

anything, at least their contents will be available to be consulted

while setting up an equivalent custom configuration in 8.3.

The old reset_tsearch() and get_covers()

functions are not supported.

The replacement tsearch2 module does not define

any alias operators, relying entirely on the built-in ones.

This would only pose an issue if an application used explicitly

schema-qualified operator names, which is very uncommon.

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PHP 手册 by: Mehdi Achour Friedhelm Betz Antony Dovgal Nuno Lopes Hannes Magnusson Georg Richter Damien Seguy Jakub Vrana 其他贡献者 2015-04-16 Edited By: Philip Olson 中文翻译人员: 肖盛文 穆少磊 宋琪 黄啸宇 王远之 肖理达 乔楚 戴劼 © 1997-2015 PHP 文档组 •版权信息 •PHP 手册•序言 •入门指引•简介 •简明教程 •安装与配置•安装前需要考虑的事项 •Unix 系统下的安装 •Mac OS X 系统下的安装 •Windows 系统下的安装 •云计算平台上的安装 •FastCGI 进程管理器(FPM) •PECL 扩展库安装 •还有问题? •运行时配置 •语言参考•基本语法 •类型 •变量 •常量 •表达式 •运算符 •流程控制 •函数 •类与对象 •命名空间 •异常处理 •生成器 •引用的解释 •预定义变量 •预定义异常 •预定义接口 •上下文(Context)选项和参数 •支持的协议和封装协议 •安全•简介 •总则 •以 CGI 模式安装时 •以 Apache 模块安装时 •文件系统安全 •数据库安全 •错误报告 •使用 Register Globals •用户提交的数据 •魔术引号 •隐藏 PHP •保持更新 •特点•用 PHP 进行 HTTP 认证 •Cookie •会话 •处理 XForms •文件上传处理 •使用远程文件 •连接处理 •数据库持久连接 •安全模式 •PHP 的命令行模式 •垃圾回收机制 •DTrace 动态跟踪 •函数参考•影响 PHP 行为的扩展 •音频格式操作 •身份认证服务 •针对命令行的扩展 •压缩与归档扩展 •信用卡处理 •加密扩展 •数据库扩展 •日期与时间相关扩展 •文件系统相关扩展 •国际化与字符编码支持 •图像生成和处理 •邮件相关扩展 •数学扩展 •非文本内容的 MIME 输出 •进程控制扩展 •其它基本扩展 •其它服务 •搜索引擎扩展 •针对服务器的扩展 •Session 扩展 •文本处理 •变量与类型相关扩展 •Web 服务 •Windows 专用扩展 •XML 操作 •PHP 核心:骇客指南•序言 •内存管理 •变量的使用 •函数的编写 •类和对象的使用 •资源的使用 •INI 设置的使用 •流的使用 •"counter" 扩展 - 一个连续的实例 •PHP 5 构建系统 •扩展的结构 •PDO 驱动 •扩展相关 FAQ •Zend Engine 2 API 参考 •Zend Engine 2 操作码列表 •Zend Engine 1 •FAQ — FAQ:常见问题•一般信息 •邮件列表 •获取 PHP •数据库问题 •安装 — 安装常见问题 •编译问题 •使用 PHP •密码散列 — 密码散列安全 •PHP 和 HTML •PHP 和 COM •从 PHP 4 移植到 PHP 5 •杂类问题 •附录•PHP 及其相关工程的历史 •从PHP 5.5.x 移植到 PHP 5.6.x •从 PHP 5.4.x 迁移到 PHP 5.5.x •从 PHP 5.3.X 迁移到 PHP 5.4.X •从 PHP 5.2.x 移植到 PHP 5.3.x •Migrating from PHP 5.1.x to PHP 5.2.x •Migrating from PHP 5.0.x to PHP 5.1.x •从 PHP 4 移植到 PHP 5 •类与对象(PHP 4) •PHP 的调试 •配置选项 •php.ini 配置 •扩展库列表/归类 •函数别名列表 •保留字列表 •资源类型列表 •可用过滤器列表 •所支持的套接字传输器(Socket Transports)列表 •PHP 类型比较表 •解析器代号列表 •用户空间命名指南 •关于本手册 •Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 •索引 •更新日志 •CHM 版本•关于此版本 •Using PHP Manual CHM Edition •The Full Text Search •Integrating the PHP Manual User Contributed Notes michael 14-Jan-2015 09:49 Great info on PHP, helps greatly with ANY issues that have faced me, and i am sure that this site will continue to knock over any barriers that are built in front of me.


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