Things you need to remember to become a successful developer

1. Keep on learning

I assume that you would not even read this blog without having some elementary education and you would not want to know how to become a successful developer without higher education. So while you are right now a developer, why stop learning?
There is no way to do that. One important thing here: Staying in one place doesn't mean you are staying there - it means you are moving backward. Walking forward doesn't mean you are moving forward - it means at least that you are not lost with the losers in the end. To keep going forward, you need to learn continuously - not to walk, but RUN!
Here is my short list:

  • Read books
  • Subscribe to RSS Feeds and read magazines
  • Try out different features you hear about
  • Go to seminars and do your own presentations
  • Learn everything that can help you move
  • Teach others since this teaches you

2. Establish what your goal is and keep the right way

Ok, it could be hard to run without knowing where to run. The key point here is that you need to clearly imagine your goal. This goal should be a long term target, and after you have a vision of your goal, go ahead and break it down into smaller tasks - build your roadmap. You may create a list of tasks you MUST accomplish per month or per year. Then just follow it.

3. Every challenge is an opportunity

In everyday work, you always encounter different troubles. You get issues and bug reports from your QA. You get new tasks from your Project Manager. Your co-worker is asking for help. You need help. These are all challenges. And the real question is: how do you meet them? I have an answer: you need to take them all with passion, because every challenge is the opportunity. You would say "Hey, but this way I will never get off stupid nasty work." You are 100% not right here. Remember your bosses will be glad to give you more complicated work once they see you do the best to get your current job done.

4. Be positively charged

You should look at everything in a very positive manner. If it is found that you made a mistake, just take it easy - everyone makes them. Do you like people who start to whine once they have troubles? How do you think you will be looking in others' eyes if you will just say "Ok, guys, I did it - I will solve this, give me a minute." and turn around and start fixing your mistake with a smile on your face. After you solve the problem, you will be so happy that you could not even imagine.
Your method is good and you are moving fast forward. Don't ever, ever think that you will not be able to reach your goal.

5. Find a mentor

This does not mean that you a need a person who will help you in doing your job - it is a coach or a more senior staff then you are. This means that you need a person who stays where you want to be and you need to take a leaf from his/her book. And if he will not be high enough - you will need to find another. But all the time you need to have that person. Also have people, friends if you will, who will help you keep on track. It could be your wife or girlfriend (in my case :) ), or best friend who always supports you (in my case he is a developer, but this doesn't matter).

6. Be more public

If you will not show others that you are cool and you deserve more, how will they know? There is simple way to do that - start blogging, ask and answer questions, ensure Google knows something about you. Share your knowledge in your team and project. If you learned something new, why do not share it. You will forget it if will not be trying it.

7. Track your activities; be sure that you are on track

Time to time, you need to check if you are doing all the right methods. Verify if you are accomplishing stated goals. If no, quickly find reasons and work on that. Find your weak areas and fight them. This sounds funny, but I know a very good developer with strength knowledge, but his coding/typing speed is ugly. Why? Because he has a bad keyboard and don't want to spend 10-20 hours with a keyboard trainer. Isn't it stupidity? Men, if you will read this, please promise yourself that you will fight that thing.

8. Do your gym :)

I did a bit of "brainstorming" when writing this article. And "Do your gym" fell there. I'm quite a young man and spend too much time with my laptop and with another machine at work and I cannot coerce myself for doing gym. But this is just like sharpening the blade. There is story about two woodcutters who made a bet based on count of cut trees. One was Strong man and another was Thin (like me). The Strong one was sure that he will win since he was cutting trees 8 hours without a single break and since Thin one had rest each hour for 15 minutes. But Thin won the battle - he cut 150 per contra 100 of the Strong man. His secret is that he was sharpening the blade. Your health is your axe; if you will keep it blunt, you will not be able to cut down your way.


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基于微信小程序的家政服务预约系统采用PHP语言和微信小程序技术,数据库采用Mysql,运行软件为微信开发者工具。本系统实现了管理员和客户、员工三个角色的功能。管理员的功能为客户管理、员工管理、家政服务管理、服务预约管理、员工风采管理、客户需求管理、接单管理等。客户的功能为查看家政服务进行预约和发布自己的需求以及管理预约信息和接单信息等。员工可以查看预约信息和进行接单。本系统实现了网上预约家政服务的流程化管理,可以帮助工作人员的管理工作和帮助客户查询家政服务的相关信息,改变了客户找家政服务的方式,提高了预约家政服务的效率。 本系统是针对网上预约家政服务开发的工作管理系统,包括到所有的工作内容。可以使网上预约家政服务的工作合理化和流程化。本系统包括手机端设计和电脑端设计,有界面和数据库。本系统的使用角色分为管理员和客户、员工三个身份。管理员可以管理系统里的所有信息。员工可以发布服务信息和查询客户的需求进行接单。客户可以发布需求和预约家政服务以及管理预约信息、接单信息。 本功能可以实现家政服务信息的查询和删除,管理员添加家政服务信息功能填写正确的信息就可以实现家政服务信息的添加,点击家政服务信息管理功能可以看到基于微信小程序的家政服务预约系统里所有家政服务的信息,在添加家政服务信息的界面里需要填写标题信息,当信息填写不正确就会造成家政服务信息添加失败。员工风采信息可以使客户更好的了解员工。员工风采信息管理的流程为,管理员点击员工风采信息管理功能,查看员工风采信息,点击员工风采信息添加功能,输入员工风采信息然后点击提交按钮就可以完成员工风采信息的添加。客户需求信息关系着客户的家政服务预约,管理员可以查询和修改客户需求信息,还可以查看客户需求的添加时间。接单信息属于本系统里的核心数据,管理员可以对接单的信息进行查询。本功能设计的目的可以使家政服务进行及时的安排。管理员可以查询员工信息,可以进行修改删除。 客户可以查看自己的预约和修改自己的资料并发布需求以及管理接单信息等。 在首页里可以看到管理员添加和管理的信息,客户可以在首页里进行家政服务的预约和公司介绍信息的了解。 员工可以查询客户需求进行接单以及管理家政服务信息和留言信息、收藏信息等。
数字社区解决方案是一套综合性的系统,旨在通过新基建实现社区的数字化转型,打通智慧城市建设的"最后一公里"。该方案以国家政策为背景,响应了国务院、公安部和中央政法会议的号召,强调了社会治安防控体系的建设以及社区治理创新的重要性。 该方案的建设标准由中央综治办牵头,采用"9+X"模式,通过信息采集、案(事)件流转等手段,实现五级信息中心的互联互通,提升综治工作的可预见性、精确性和高效性。然而,当前社区面临信息化管理手段不足、安全隐患、人员动向难以掌握和数据资源融合难等问题。 为了解决这些问题,数字社区建设目标提出了"通-治-服"的治理理念,通过街道社区、区政府、公安部门和居民的共同努力,实现社区的平安、幸福和便捷。建设思路围绕"3+N"模式,即人工智能、物联网和数据资源,结合态势感知、业务分析和指挥调度,构建起一个全面的数据支持系统。 数字社区的治理体系通过"一张图"实现社区内各维度的综合态势可视化,"一套表"进行业务分析,"一张网"完成指挥调度。这些工具共同提升了社区治理的智能化和效率。同时,数字社区还提供了包括智慧通行、智慧环保、居家养老和便民服务等在内的多样化数字服务,旨在提升居民的生活质量。 在硬件方面,数字社区拥有IOT物联网边缘网关盒子和AI边缘分析盒子,这些设备能够快速集成老旧小区的物联设备,实现传统摄像设备的智能化改造。平台优势体现在数字化能力中台和多样化的应用,支持云、边、端的协同工作,实现模块化集成。


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