
这本书描述了怎么用 c# sql server建一个企业级社交网站,需要你有 3.5,c#3.0,sql server2005/2008相关开发经验,适合进阶开发人员读的书。











Using interfaces like this is a good design regardless of other technologies such as StructureMap. It really helps to create a loosely coupled environment. Having said that,StructureMap relies heavily on the use of interfaces to define a PluginFamily. All members of the same PluginFamily are located through the process of reflection and grouped by the interfaces that they inherit from (example: person and PersonStub would both inherit IPerson and would therefore be part of the same PluginFamily). So in the interest of saving some space in this book, you can safely assume that for every class that has a pluggable
在这里,作者用到了StructureMap这个.NET开源插件。StructureMap也是.NET环境下的一个轻量级依赖注入工具,StructureMap是一个灵活的、可扩展的通用“插件”机制的.NET IOC框架,支持.NET1.12.0。它与Spring.NET比较类似,但是它只支持使用Attribute的方式,而不能通过XML文件来配置,这样虽然显得不够灵活,但是它避免了项目比较大时XML文件的繁琐问题。详细的就不多说了,网上很多教程。


- Highlight on Page 61 | Added on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 08:11 PM

I learned a saying in the Army that has served me well, and applies here too: "It is better to have and not need, than need and not have!"

看到Army没有?原来作者还当过兵呢。呵呵,我们天朝估计没有几个程序员是从部队出来的吧?上面的大致意思是说 作者在部队里学到一句话:“拥有,胜过需要!”。这或许就是意味着从根本上 解决了某些问题。因为彻底拥有了,就不会断断续续的去想要。

- Highlight on Page 65 | Added on Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 09:09 PM

I prefer that we add a settings file for this rather than make entries to our config file. The reason is that we can specify the type of each entry and programmatically access them via the Settings object. In order to add thisSettings.settings file, navigate to the FisharooCore project in Windows Explorer (not in Visual Studio). There, you should have a Properties folder. In this folder, create a new XML file called Settings.settings


因 为经常在项目中需要保存一些运行时变量及程序初始化时加载的参数,因此考虑了写一个存储区,专门来存放参数。以前经常喜欢用全局的方式来调用,但是对设计 模式的理解不断深入以后,开始放弃全局的方式。全局的方式虽然用这方便,可是完全公共的属性,任何对象都可以使用,也使得任何人任何时候都不知道谁该了参 数,改成了什么,导致封装性不够良好。   .net的Settings不仅能够存储程序初始化变量,而且能够在运行时更改,保存,以便应用在下次启动程序时。

- Highlight on Page 111 | Added on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 07:00 PM

Normally, when speaking in terms of Domain-driven Design, an Entity is considered to be something very important to the system. Unfortunately, as far as LINQ to SQL is concerned, every class that is derived from a table in your database is an Entity. While this is not true DDD, it is an unwritten law of LINQ currently! This does not mean that we are going to create a repository for something like the AccountPermission class that LINQ generated for us. That object is not a true entity in our design! It is simply a way for us to see related permissions for a given account.



- Highlight on Page 143 | Added on Thursday, August 16, 2012, 07:25 AM


using System;

using System.Collections;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data; using System.Drawing;

using System.Drawing.Imaging;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.SessionState;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

using Fisharoo.FisharooCore.Core;

using Fisharoo.FisharooCore.Core.Impl;

using StructureMap;

public partial class JpegImage : System.Web.UI.Page


   private Random random = new Random();

  private IWebContext _webContext;

  private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


       _webContext = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IWebContext>();

       _webContext.CaptchaImageText = GenerateRandomCode();

       ICaptcha ci = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<ICaptcha>();

       ci.Text = _webContext.CaptchaImageText;

       ci.Width = 200;

       ci.Height = 50;

       ci.FamilyName = "Century Schoobook";


       Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";

       ci.Image.Save(Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Jpeg);




   private string GenerateRandomCode()


          string s = "";

          for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
              s = String.Concat(s, this.random.Next(10).ToString());

          return s;



   override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)





   private void InitializeComponent()


      this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);



上面这段就是用StructureMap插件写出来的图片验证逻辑代码。调用方式很简单:<asp:Image runat="server" ImageUrl='~/images/JpegImage.aspx' />


说 到MVP模式,很多人会联想到MVC。[MVP 是从经典的模式MVC演变而来,它们的基本思想有相通的地方:Controller/Presenter负责逻辑的处理,Model提供数据,View负 责显示。作为一种新的模式,MVP与MVC有着一个重大的区别:在MVP中View并不直接使用Model,它们之间的通信是通过Presenter (MVC中的Controller)来进行的,所有的交互都发生在Presenter内部,而在MVC中View会从直接Model中读取数据而不是通过 Controller。  在MVC里,View是可以直接访问Model的!从而,View里会包含Model信息,不可避免的还要包括一些业务逻辑。 在MVC模型里,更关注的Model的不变,而同时有多个对Model的不同显示,及View。所以,在MVC模型里,Model不依赖于View,但是 View是依赖于Model的。不仅如此,因为有一些业务逻辑在View里实现了,导致要更改View也是比较困难的,至少那些业务逻辑是无法重用的。


- Highlight on Page 193 | Added on Friday, August 17, 2012, 07:53 AM

The thing that is a bit different here is that we are doing this within an overriddenOnInit()method rather than in the Page_Load() method. This is done so that our dynamically rendered controls will exist in ViewState. The Page_Load() method occurs after ViewState is already established. This means that if our dynamic controls were added in Page_Load(). we would not have access to their toggled values after the f irst postback


- Highlight on Page 273 | Added on Saturday, August 18, 2012, 08:26 PM

Remember that we are not letting LINQ track our relationships at this point (to avoid built in concurrency management issues). So be sure to remove all the relationships that pop up as you drag your tables on to the design surface.



- Highlight on Page 346 | Added on Wednesday, August 22, 2012, 07:35 AM

 public class UrlRewrite : IHttpModule


    Private IAccountRepository _accountRepository;

   private IBlogRepository _blogRepository;

   public UrlRewrite()


      _accountRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IAccountRepository>();

     _blogRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IBlogRepository>();


  public void Init(HttpApplication application)


      //let's register our event handler

      application.PostResolveRequestCache += (new EventHandler(this.Application_OnAfterProcess));


  public void Dispose()



  private void Application_OnAfterProcess(object source, EventArgs e)


     HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;

     HttpContext context = application.Context;

     string[] extensionsToExclude = { ".axd", ".jpg", ".gif", ".png", ".xml", ".config", ".css", ". js", ".aspx", ".htm", ".html" };

     foreach (string s in extensionsToExclude)


         if (application.Request.PhysicalPath.ToLower().Contains(s))



    if (!System.IO.File.Exists(application.Request.PhysicalPath))


       if (application.Request.PhysicalPath. ToLower().Contains("blogs"))


            string[] arr = application.Request.PhysicalPath. ToLower().Split(‘\\');

            string blogPageName = arr[arr.Length - 1];

            string blogUserName = arr[arr.Length - 2];

           blogPageName = blogPageName.Replace(".aspx", "");

           if (blogPageName.ToLower() != "profileimage" && blogUserName.ToLower() != "profileavatar")


                    Account account = _accountRepository. GetAccountByUsername(blogUserName);
                   Blog blog = _blogRepository.GetBlogByPageName (blogPageName, account.AccountID);

                   context.RewritePath("~/blogs/ViewPost.aspx?BlogID=" + blog.BlogID.ToString());









       string username = application.Request.Path.Replace("/", "");

      Account account = _accountRepository.GetAccountByUsername(username);

     if (account != null)


       string UserURL = "~/Profiles/profile.aspx?AccountID=" + account.AccountID.ToString();









    In the UrlRewrite class just seen notice that I added a reference to the BlogRepository so that we can get the blog in question if that is indeed what this rewrite is for. Next, notice that I removed the .aspx extension from the list of extensions to exclude it from processing. This is because we want our pages to look like real pages even though they are actually dynamic (read non-existent) resources.



- Highlight on Page 512 | Added on Saturday, August 25, 2012, 07:19 AM

If you need to send hundreds of emails, then you need to possibly make the same amount of connections to an SMTP server. To reduce this slowness, we will build a system that allows us to stuff(填充) our emails into a queue and send the email later from another system. This will greatly improve our users' experience as they will not have to wait for the web server to make a connection to SMTP and send an email. We will instead stuff the email into our queue and assume(假设) that the email will be delivered from another system.



- Highlight on Page 515 | Added on Saturday, August 25, 2012, 07:34 AM

Partitioning We will focus on how to build and utilize a partitioned table. Keep in mind that we only need to do this once the database has gotten to a point where it is starting to feel a bit sluggish(缓慢) (actually, you want to do this prior to feeling sluggish!). These are the general steps for creating the horizontal partition.

1. Create filegroups if you want to put the data on multiple physical disks.

    This is the best way to feel the most gain out of this particular performance hop up. This way when you are querying across the partition, the work is split up across      multiple disks.

2. Create a partition function. This defines the range that we will be working with.

3. Create a partition scheme. This allows us to specify which partition sits on which filegroup.

4. With these steps out of the way, we can then start to create the partition tables

上面这段 是关于数据库分区的3个步骤。一般数据库上了千万电信级别 是需要分区的。





- Highlight on Page 534 | Added on Saturday, August 25, 2012, 09:17 PM

This is where Lucene.NET comes in handy. The thing to know about Lucene.NET is that it works best searching already indexed data. So this is where we will start creating indexes.

作者提到了 它是Lucene的.net移植版本,是一个开源的全文检索引擎开发包,即它不是一个完整的全文检索引擎,而是一个全文检索引擎的架构,提供了完整的查询引擎和索引引擎。开发人员可以基于Lucene.net实现全文检索的功能。  Lucene.net是Apache软 件基金会赞助的开源项目,基于Apache License协议。  Lucene.net并不是一个爬行搜索引擎,也不会自动地索引内容。我们得先将要索引的文档中的文本抽取出来,然后再将其加到 Lucene.net索引中。标准的步骤是先初始化一个Analyzer、打开一个IndexWriter、然后再将文档一个接一个地加进去。一旦完成这 些步骤,索引就可以在关闭前得到优化,同时所做的改变也会生效。这个过程可能比开发者习惯的方式更加手工化一些,但却在数据的索引上给予你更多的灵活性。 [摘自百度百科]


- Highlight on Page 545 | Added on Saturday, August 25, 2012, 09:35 PM

To this point we have discussed speeding up the site from a database point of view, a hardware point of view, an indexing point of view, and a caching point of view. I am sure that it didn't take you too much convincing that all these are wise places to look for eking that last bit of performance out of your site.






1)       全部采用了骆驼式命名法(Camel-Case)。而我们可能数据库的命名方式千奇百怪,就像江湖中的三教九流来黑木崖聚会一样。

                  骆驼的由来:   例如,mmyFirstName、myLastName,这样的变量名看上去就像骆驼峰一样此起彼伏,故得名。


  2)     表名 后缀“s”: 这样很好的体现了领域是一个集合。

  3)     主键ID命名方式: 领域名+ID。

  4)     衍射关系表命名方式:领域A名称+领域B名称+"s".

  5)     衍射关系表的ID:直接命名为ID即可。












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