VOA DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Project Finds New Homes for Unwanted Bikes From US


DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Project Finds New Homes for Unwanted Bikes From US

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This is the VOA Special English Development Report.
Americans bought an estimated eighteen and a half million bicycles last year. Some bikes never get much riding. Mostly they gather dust. But a project based in Washington is putting unwanted bikes from the United States to good use in developing countries.

Keith Oberg is the director of Bikes for the World.
Keith Obergs是“自行车服务全世界”这一项目的执行人。

KEITH OBERG: "Everybody has an old bicycle, and it is usually not ridden. It sits there in the garage, or basement or shed, going to waste."
KEITH OBERG:“每个人都有一辆自行车,而且,一般很少被使用。它就这样被放在车库里,或者地下室,或者工棚里,逐渐变成废品。”

Stephen Popick recently had two bikes to donate.
Stephen Popick最近有两辆自行车要捐赠。

STEPHEN POPICK: "I brought in two mountain bikes that my wife and I have ridden for the past ten years. My bikes wouldn't fetch a nice price and wouldn't be worth trying to sell, but they could be useful to somebody else."
STEPHEN POPICK:“我买了两辆山地自行车,在过去的十年里,我和妻子一直用它。我的自行车可能不值什么好价钱而且也不值得去卖了,但是,对于有些人来说,它们还是大有用处的。”

Bikes for the World collects bicycles and delivers them at low cost to community programs in developing countries. It shipped more than five thousand bikes during the first eight months of this year. Last year it shipped about ten thousand three hundred.

The bicycle recycling program is one of the largest in the United States. It is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.

Bikes for the World began in two thousand five. Since then it has shipped more than forty thousand bikes to communities in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, says director Keith Oberg.
执行人Keith Oberg说,“自行车服务全世界”开始于2005年。从那时起,这一项目已经通过海运输出了超过4万辆自行车到非洲,拉美以及加勒比海岸。

KEITH OBERG: "We work currently with partners in seven countries actively -- in Uganda, Ghana. We're talking to an organization that we would like to ship to in Liberia. We have shipped to Namibia and the Gambia in the past. And in Central America we ship to Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, and we are talking to two organizations in El Salvador."
KEITH OBERG:“我们目前和七个国家的合作者们积极地协作——在乌干达,加纳。我们正在和一个组织机构沟通,我们想把自行车海运至利比里亚。过去,我们已经海运到纳米比亚冈比亚了。并且,在中美洲,我们运到巴拿马,哥斯达黎加,洪都拉斯,另外,我们现在正在和萨尔瓦多的两个组织沟通。”

Bikes for the World partners with nonprofit groups in the United States to collect unwanted bikes. Then it works with nonprofits in the other countries to get the bikes to organizations and individuals that need them the most.

For example, the Bicycle Empowerment Network Namibia uses the bikes to provide transportation for health workers. That makes it possible for them to visit more patients each day. The organization also has bicycle ambulance services to transport the sick.

The Bicycle Empowerment Network also provides training and support to help local organizations and individuals open bike shops of their own. The businesses sell the recycled bikes at low cost and provide repair services. Many of the organizations use the money they earn to help pay for other community projects.






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