在 Windows 10 上设置开发环境Set up your development environment on Windows 10
本指南将帮助你开始安装和设置在 Windows 或适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统上进行开发所需的语言和工具。This guide will help you get started with installing and setting up the languages and tools you need to develop on Windows or Windows Subsystem for Linux.
开发路径Development paths
通过在 Windows 上或适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统上设置开发环境并安装 Node.js、React、Vue、Express、Gatsby、Next.js 或 Nuxt.js,开始使用 JavaScript。Get started with JavaScript by setting up your development environment on Windows or Windows Subsystem for Linux and install Node.js, React, Vue, Express, Gatsby, Next.js, or Nuxt.js.
在 Windows 或适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统上安装 Python 并设置开发环境。Install Python and get your development environment setup on Windows or Windows Subsystem for Linux.
安装 Android Studio,或选择 Xamarin、React 或 Cordova 等跨平台解决方案,然后在 Windows 上设置开发环境。Install Android Studio, or choose a cross-platform solution like Xamarin, React, or Cordova, and get your development environment setup on Windows.
开始使用 UWP、Win32、WPF、Windows Forms 生成适用于 Windows 10 的桌面应用,或者使用 MSIX 和 XAML Islands 更新和部署现有桌面应用。Get started building desktop apps for Windows 10 using UWP, Win32, WPF, Windows Forms, or updating and deploying existing desktop apps with MSIX and XAML Islands.
开始使用 C++、C 和程序集开发应用、服务和工具。Get started with C++, C, and assembly to develop apps, services, and tools.
开始使用 C# 和 .NET Core 生成应用。Get started building apps using C# and .NET Core.
利用 Visual Studio、VS Code、.NET、适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统或各种 Azure 服务的支持来创建远程开发容器。Create remote development containers with support from Visual Studio, VS Code, .NET, Windows Subsystem for Linux, or a variety of Azure services.
开始使用 PowerShell(一种命令行 shell 和脚本语言)自动完成跨平台任务和管理配置。Get started with cross-platform task automation and configuration management using PowerShell, a command-line shell and scripting language.
开始使用 Rust 编程 — 其中包括如何使用 Windows crate 设置 Rust for Windows。Get started programming with Rust—including how to set up Rust for Windows by consuming the windows crate.
工具和平台Tools and platforms
使用与 Windows 完全集成的偏好 Linux 分发版(不再需要双引导)。Use your favorite Linux distribution fully integrated with Windows (no more need for dual-boot).
安装 WSLInstall WSL
自定义终端环境,以使用多个命令行 shell。Customize your terminal environment to work with multiple command line shells.
安装终端Install Terminal
将 winget.exe 客户端(一种综合程序包管理器)与命令行配合使用,在 Windows 10 上安装应用程序。Use the winget.exe client, a comprehensive package manager, with your command line to install applications on Windows 10.
安装 Windows 程序包管理器(公共预览版)Install Windows Package Manager (public preview)
通过这组高级用户实用程序,调整并简化 Windows 体验,以提高工作效率。Tune and streamline your Windows experience for greater productivity with this set of power user utilities.
安装 PowerToys(公共预览版)Install PowerToys (public preview)
轻量级源代码编辑器,具有对 JavaScript、TypeScript、Node.js 的内置支持;并且还是丰富的扩展(C++、C#、Java、Python、PHP、Go)和运行时(例如 .NET 和 Unity)生态系统。A lightweight source code editor with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, a rich ecosystem of extensions (C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity).
安装 VS CodeInstall VS Code
集成开发环境,可用于编辑、调试、生成代码和发布应用,包括编译器、IntelliSense 代码完成以及更多功能。An integrated development environment that you can use to edit, debug, build code, and publish apps, including compilers, intellisense code completion, and many more features.
安装 Visual StudioInstall Visual Studio
用于托管现有应用并简化新开发的完整云平台。A complete cloud platform to host your existing apps and streamline new development. Azure 服务集成了开发、测试、部署和管理应用所需的一切。Azure services integrate everything you need to develop, test, deploy, and manage your apps.
设置 Azure 帐户Set up an Azure account
带有工具和库的开源开发平台,可用于生成任何类型的应用,包括 Web、移动、桌面、游戏、IoT、云和微服务。An open source development platform with tools and libraries for building any type of app, including web, mobile, desktop, gaming, IoT, cloud, and microservices.
安装 .NETInstall .NET
运行 Windows 和 LinuxRun Windows and Linux
适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统 (WSL) 允许开发人员同时运行 Linux 操作系统和 Windows。Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) allows developers to run a Linux operating system right alongside Windows. 两者共享同一硬盘驱动器(可以访问对方的文件),剪贴板自然地支持二者之间的复制和粘贴,不需要双启动。Both share the same hard drive (and can access each other’s files), the clipboard supports copy-and-paste between the two naturally, there's no need for dual-booting. WSL 使你能够使用 BASH,并提供 Mac 用户最熟悉的环境。WSL enables you to use BASH and will provide the kind of environment most familiar to Mac users.
你还可以使用 Windows 终端,通过多个选项卡或多个窗格在同一窗口中打开所有喜欢的命令行工具(PowerShell、Windows 命令提示符、Ubuntu、Debian、Azure CLI、Oh-my-Zsh、Git Bash 或以上所有工具)。You can also use Windows Terminal to open all of your favorite command line tools in the same window with multiple tabs, or in multiple panes, whether that's PowerShell, Windows Command Prompt, Ubuntu, Debian, Azure CLI, Oh-my-Zsh, Git Bash, or all of the above.
在 Mac 和 Windows 之间转换Transitioning between Mac and Windows
Check out our guide to transitioning between between a Mac and Windows (or Windows Subsystem for Linux) development environment. 它可以帮助确定以下项之间的区别:It can help you map the difference between:
其他资源Additional resources