数据库DB2 9.7.10 具有以下BUG:
“执行create db、list db directory、backup命令时,会引起数据库缓慢。

IT05909: The commands accessing db directory like create db, list db directory may hang

Error description

    If the dbm cfg parameter dir_cache is set to yes(default),
    commands that access database directory files i.e sqldbdir may
    Such commands may include create db, connect to db, list db
    directory etc.

    The problem exists only in v9.7fp10.

    The hang is due to wait on latch sqleDirCacheLatch. One frequent
    symptom would be the following stack.

    <<<<   Waiter Information (Address = 7800000002a1650)  >>>>
       TOTAL WAITERS >> 4
       File Information:
         Line: 59, File: sqledcle.C

       19668 (./21626912.19668.000.stack.txt) -- Line: 59, File:
    sqledcle.C (SQLO_LT_SQLE_KRCB__sqleDirCacheLatch)
       Agent Type:  db2agent ()

    <<< Stack >>>

    Timestamp: 2014-11-24-
    0x090000000A7FBB64 thread_waitlock@glue884 + 0x8C
    0x090000000A7FB90C sqloXlatchConflict + 0x1CC
    0x090000000A7FB67C sqloXlatchConflict@glue1AC + 0x78
    0x090000000D137084 sqleGetDirCacheLatch__Fv + 0x68
    0x090000000AA00544 sqlehdir__FP8SQLE_BWA + 0x13C
    sqleUCconnectDirLookup__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandle + 0xC0
    @63@sqljsVerifyAgent__FP8sqeAgentP14db2UCconHandlePb + 0x1F4
    andlePbPPc + 0x2F4
    @63@sqljsDrdaAsInnerDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_Tb + 0x234
    0x090000000AA80B7C sqljsDrdaAsDriver__FP18SQLCC_INITSTRUCT_T +
    0x090000000A9EA5D8 RunEDU__8sqeAgentFv + 0x2F0
    0x090000000A9E7C34 EDUDriver__9sqzEDUObjFv + 0xE4
    0x090000000A72A1A0 sqloEDUEntry + 0x250

Local fix

    db2 update dbm cfg using dir_cache no
    db2set DB2LDAPCACHE=NO