1.1 HMP安装








[root@localhost ~]# cd /usr

[root@localhost usr]#mkdir hmp

[root@localhost usr]# cd hmp

[root@localhost usr]# ftp ----à下载上传到misp账户下的hmp软件包和hmp license

[root@localhost usr]# tar –zxf lnxHMP_4.1_71.tgz --à解压HMP安装包

[root@localhost usr]#ls

buildinfo install.sh license.txt redistributable-runtime sdk 2r2v2e2c2s2f2i2m2a2u2n2g_host_eva.lic

[root@localhost hmp]# ./install.sh

Installing Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN

Redistributable Runtime

Please wait, installation is in progress...

Initializing install, please wait ......


Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN

Redistributable Runtime


You will now have the opportunity to install software packages.

After the menu is displayed, enter the package number(s) of the desired

packages, separated by a space. Enter A for all packages, Q to quit.

Package dependencies will be automatically resolved during installation. For

example, selecting a single package will automatically install all packages

required for that selection.

Press ENTER to display the menu of packages: -à回车

Item Package Description

---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Dialogic(r) Host Media Processing Software (101 MB)

2 Dialogic(r) DNI Boards & HMP Software (154 MB)

A Install All (154 MB)

Q Quit Installation

Enter the packages you want to install, separated by a space, or [A,a,Q,q]: 1 -à选择1

Package installation order (including dependencies):






Checking for previously installed packages:

lsb-dialogic-hmp-com... will be upgraded

lsb-dialogic-hmp-dmdev... will be upgraded

lsb-dialogic-hmp-hmp... will be upgraded

lsb-dialogic-hmp-lic... will be upgraded

lsb-dialogic-hmp-docs... will be upgraded

Checking for sufficient disk space (need 101 MB): OK

After installation, the filesystem containing the

Dialogic(R) Software will be 32% full.

Installing or upgrading 5 needed packages:

準備中... ########################################### [100%]

1:lsb-dialogic-hmp-docs ########################################### [ 20%]

2:lsb-dialogic-hmp-com ########################################### [ 40%]

3:lsb-dialogic-hmp-dmdev ########################################### [ 60%]

4:lsb-dialogic-hmp-hmp ########################################### [ 80%]

5:lsb-dialogic-hmp-lic ########################################### [100%]

Installation successful.

Press ENTER to continue: -à回车

Item Package Description

---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 Dialogic(r) Host Media Processing Software (101 MB)

2 Dialogic(r) DNI Boards & HMP Software (154 MB)

A Install All (154 MB)

Q Quit Installation

Enter the packages you want to install, separated by a space, or [A,a,Q,q]: q -à选择q

Installation of Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN Redistributable Runtime was successful.

Do you wish to install the Software Development Kit [y/n] ? y -à提示是否安装开发包,选择y

Installing Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN Software Development Kit

準備中... ########################################### [100%]

1:lsb-dialogic-hmp-sdk ########################################### [100%]

Installation successful.

Installation of Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN Software Development Kit was successful.

Do you wish to configure the SNMP Agent Listening Port (default is 161) [y/n] ? n -à提示是否改变SNMP Agent端口,选择n.

Do you wish to configure the CLI Agent Telnet Port (default is 23) [y/n] ? y -à提示是否改变CLI Agent Telnet Port端口,选择y

Please Enter CLI Agent Telnet Port? 2023 -à设置新的端口为2023

CLI port 2023 accepted.

Installation of HMP Software Release 3.1LIN successfully completed.


-- --

-- NOTE: --

-- (1) The default Verification License has been automatically installed. --

-- (2) The Dialogic(R) system services will automatically start --

-- every time the system is rebooted. To start and stop system --

-- services manually, use the dlstop and dlstart scripts found in --

-- /usr/dialogic/bin. --

-- (3) For administration via SNMP, use any SNMP browser, library or tools--

-- (4) For administration via CLI, use the telnet command --

-- (5) For details, refer to documentation --

-- --


-- You need to do the following before using the product: --

-- (1) Before using the software, you must also ensure that the --

-- environment variables are set by performing the following action: --

-- - Logout and login --

-- (2) The Dialogic(R) system services must be started. To start system --

-- services manually, use the dlstart script found in --

-- /usr/dialogic/bin. --

-- (3) Configure an appropriate license (higher density) via SNMP or CLI --

-- --


[root@localhost hmp]# logout -à退出安装完成

5:重新console login


1.2 激活Hmp License



[root@localhost hmp]# telnet localhost 2023


Connected to localhost (

Escape character is '^]'.


| |

| .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. |

| ::: Dialogic(R) Host Media Processing Software Release 3.1 LIN ::: |

| `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' |

| |

| |

| For HELP: |

| Use '?' at command prompt |

| Use '-h' within commands |

| |


Login :root

Password :****** ---à密码是public

CLI> conf system ipmedia stop

updated- This action can take a few minutes to complete. Please wait


EVENT-- SYSTEM Run State [Shutdown]


EVENT-- SYSTEM Run State [Inactive]


EVENT-- SYSTEM [not ready]


IpMedia stop complete

CLI> conf license directory /usr/hmp


CLI> conf license activate 2r2v2e2c2s2f2i2m2a2u2n2g_host_eva.lic

License verification is in progress. Please wait


updated - will be effective on the next ipmedia start

CLI> conf system ipmedia start

updated- This action can take a few minutes to complete. Please wait


EVENT-- SYSTEM Run State [Initializing]


EVENT-- SYSTEM Run State [Active]


EVENT-- SYSTEM [ready]


IpMedia start complete

3:Hmp license安装完成

1.3 验证安装

cd /usr/dialogic/demos/Verification/VerificationDemo/Release/



[root@localhost Release]# ./VerificationDemo

Welcome to the HMP Demostration Program

The purpose of this demo is to establish a basic level

of functionality after installing and configuring the

Intel(R) NetStructure(TM) Host Media Processing Software.

This application will perform some sanity checking and

then wait for a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) call

to be placed into the system using a SIP or H.323 VOIP

phone configured to use the G.711 codec. After connecting

a message prompt will be played out to the calling party.

Press ENTER to continue.....

Checking that the HMP service is running.......

Getting the host IP address.....

sh: LicenseManager: command not found

Opening Prompt File........

Opening Voice Device.......

Opening Global Call IP Device.......

Starting the Global Call subsystem.....

The system is initialized and ready for a call.

Place a SIP or H.323 call to the IP address of this machine.

on this system: | | | \-- <ipmB1C1>

The call will be answered automatically and a welcome

message prompt will be played. Event and call

processing messages will be displayed as the call

is answered and the prompt plays. If the call is

immediately disconnected, check the settings on your

phone and make sure that G.711 is the selected codec.

Press Q at any time to quit this demo .........

Normal ResetLine Event on iptB1T1

Waiting for Incoming Call on iptB1T1

用sip phone拨打该机器的ip地址,应该可以听到放音

1.4 Hmp的卸载

[root@localhost ~]# cd /usr

[root@localhost usr]# ls

bin dialogic etc games hmp include kerberos lib libexec local mysql ofed sbin share src tmp X11R6

[root@localhost usr]# cd dialogic/bin

[root@localhost bin]# ./dlguninstall.sh


Dialogic(R) HMP Software Release 3.1LIN


Before you uninstall the software, you may wish to save certain configuration

files that you have modified based upon the configuration of your system.

If you wish to save these configuration files, answer Y at the prompt below to

quit the uninstall. You may then manually back up any files located under


Once this has been done, re-run this script to uninstall the software.

Quit the uninstall and back up your configuration files now [y/n] ? n -à选择n

The Dialogic(R) Software will now be uninstalled.

Stopping Dialogic(r) software ...Successful

lsb-dialogic-hmp-com... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-com

lsb-dialogic-hmp-dmdev... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-dmdev

lsb-dialogic-hmp-docs... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-docs

lsb-dialogic-hmp-hmp... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-hmp

lsb-dialogic-hmp-lic... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-lic

lsb-dialogic-hmp-sdk... successfully removed lsb-dialogic-hmp-sdk

To complete the removal of the Dialogic(r) software,

the following action is required:

- Logout and login

NOTE: A reboot is not required to complete the uninstall process.

[root@localhost bin]#