The Changing Face of Business Intelligence(正在改变中的BI的脸)二


Focus on Business Analysts
Analytics are an important aspect of business measurement and performance management. The analysts, however, are even more important than the analytics. It is analysts – the people who perform. analysis – who find meaning in the data . These are the people who explore cause-effect relationships and who guide decision-making processes. It is they who will lead the charge to reshape decision making in business.
分析是企业 衡量和绩效管理 中很重要的一个方面。分析师甚至比分析更为重要。这是分析师- 谁的人进行分析- 谁找到意义的数据。这些人谁探讨因果关系,谁指导决策过程。这是谁,他们将领导负责重塑商业决策。
The shift to analyst focus is already underway. It goes hand-in-hand with the focus on business analytics. The goals of technology providers – user focused, ease of use, desktop based, agile, visual and accessible – all recognize and respond to the important role of business analysts.
    向分析师倾斜的转变已经在展开了。不言而喻同为重点也发生在业务分析。技术提供商的目标是- 用户集中,易于使用,基于桌面的,敏捷,可视的并且可访问- 所有认识和应对方面发挥重要作用的业务分析师。
But it takes more than technology. To achieve the right focus we must first answer the question:Where are the Business Analysts? Bear in mind that analyst focus is not reserved for those with business analyst job titles. Every manager in a business is a de facto business analyst. The controller performing cash flow analysis, the compliance officer performing risk analysis and the marketing manager analyzing campaign effectiveness all have some business analyst roles and responsibilities. These people are analytic professionals, though they may not be professional analysts.
Focus on Business
The final piece in the BI evolution puzzle is focus on business. The concentration here needs to be much deeper than the lip-service to business alignment. BI and business need to be consciously and actively aligned in three dimensions: management, motivation and measurement. Figure 3 illustrates this multidimensional view of analytic alignment – a business-oriented BI framework .
BI 发展的最后一个困难是要关注业务。集中在这里需要更加深入服务,以业务融合。BI 和企业需要有意识的、积极关注以下三个方面:管理,激励和度量。
图3 说明了这多方面的观点分析视图- 以商业导向的为主的BI 框架。
The management dimension is used to achieve functional alignment. It describeswhat is managed and measured in analytic systems – the functional domains that are areas of management responsibility. The diagram in Figure 3 shows eight domains that are common to virtually every business. Don’t hesitate to adapt and customize these to be specific to your business. Those in the insurance industry, for example, might choose to show claims, actuarial and underwriting as items in the management dimension. Higher education may show education, research and student servi
ces. Retail might include merchandising, customer relations, supplier relations, etc.
图中的图3 显示8 个领域的共同几乎所有的业务。不要犹豫去适应和定制这些是特定于您的业务。那些在保险业,例如,可以选择显示索赔,精算和承销的项目在管理层面。高等教育可能显示的教育,研究和学生服务。零售业可能包括销售,客户关系,供应商关系等
The motivation dimension supports goal alignment. It describeswhy we measure and manage – the criteria used to determine quality of management. The diagram illustrates four criteria: performance, compliance, profit and risk. This dimension may need to be tailored to the nature of your enterprise. Public sector organizations, for example, may need to include public service and public perception. Higher education institutions will certainly want to include accreditation.
    动力方面支持的目标一致。它说明为什么我们衡量和管理- 使用的标准,以确定管理的质量。该图显示四个标准:性能,遵守,利润和风险。这一方面可能需要进行调整,以适应的性质,您的企业。公共部门组织,例如,可能需要包括公共服务和公众的看法。高等教育机构将肯定要包括认可。
The measurement dimension connects management and motivation with analytics. It describes thehow of measurement-based management. The framework shows six elements that apply to enterprises of all types and in virtually every industry. A measure is a single, quantitative data value coupled with data describing the thing that is quantified and the time of measurement. A metric is a system of measures with sufficient context to provide information through sorting, grouping, filtering, summarization, etc. References are the comparative values that give meaning to metrics – the basis by which metric values can be evaluated as “good” or “bad.” References include thresholds, targets, previous values, etc. A trend is a specific kind of reference in which a series of metric values is compared to observe behavior. over time. Indicators are metrics used to evaluate performance against tactical and operational goals. An index is a composite of multiple indicators that is used to evaluate performance against strategic goals.
测量尺寸连接管理和动机与分析。它描述了如何测量为基础的管理。该框架表明六项内容,适用于各类企业,并在几乎每一个行业。这一措施是一个单一的,量化的数据值加上数据描述的事情是量化和测量的时间。一个数据是一个系统的措施,提供充分的背景资料,通过整理,分类,筛选,总结,参考文献等是比较值,使指标的意义- 根据该指标值可评为“良好”或“坏的。 “参考包括起点,目标,以往的价值观念等的趋势是一种特定的范围,其中的一系列指标值进行比较,观察一段时间的行为。指标是衡量标准来评价业绩,战术和作战目标。该指数是一个综合的多指标,用来评价业绩的战略目标。
The three-dimensional approach to analytics is a powerful alignment tool. As illustrated in Figure 3, the framework contains 192 cells. Each cell represents analytic opportunities. When used to align, prioritize and identify analytic needs, the framework places the right emphasis on thebusiness part of business intelligence.
三维分析方法是一个功能强大的调整工具。正如图3 ,该框架包含192 个单元格。每个单元格都代表不同的分析机会。当用来调整,确定优先次序和分析需求,框架中正确位置应该强调商业智能 的业务部分。
In Conclusion
Over the coming several months, business intelligence will experience change that will have broad, deep and lasting impact. Changing focus to simultaneously concentrate on business analytics, business analysts and business itself is significant. Ultimately, it will change the way that we think about business and the way that business decisions are made. When thoughtful analysis replaces gut feel, conventional wisdom, tribal knowledge and “the way we’ve always done it,” then we will realize the true potential of business analytics and enter into the next generation of business intelligence. We will truly enable business capacity to reason, plan, predict, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend, innovate and learn. We will finally come full circle to realize Howard Dresner’s BI vision.
在未来的几个月里,商业智能将经历的变化,有广泛,深入和持久的影响。改变的同时,重点集中在商业分析,业务分析和业务本身是重要的。最终,这将改变,我们认为有关商业和商务的方式作出决定。当深思熟虑的分析代替肠认为,传统的智慧,知识和部落“的方式我们一直这样做” ,那么我们将实现真正的潜力,商业分析,进入下一代的商业智能。我们将真正使企业的能力,因此,计划,预测,解决问题,认为抽象,理解,创新和学习 。我们将充分循环终于实现霍华德Dresner 的BI 视野。
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Recent articles by Dave Wells
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Dave Wells -
Dave is a consultant, mentor and teacher in the field of business intelligence (BI). He brings to every consulting endeavor a unique and balanced perspective about the relationships of business and technology. This perspective – refined through a career of more than 35 years that encompassed both business and technical roles – helps to align business and information technology in the most effective ways.
Dave 是一名在商务智能(BI )领域的专职顾问,导师和教师。他带来了每一个独特的咨询工作和在业务和技术关系中如何平衡的角度。通过了35 年的职业生涯所精炼的观点有助于以更有效的办法去协调业务和信息技术。
Editor's note: More articles, resources, news and events are available inDave Wells' expert channel . Be sure to visit today!

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以下是对提供的参考资料的总结,按照要求结构化多个要点分条输出: 4G/5G无线网络优化与网规案例分析: NSA站点下终端掉4G问题:部分用户反馈NSA终端频繁掉4G,主要因终端主动发起SCGfail导致。分析显示,在信号较好的环境下,终端可能因节能、过热保护等原因主动释放连接。解决方案建议终端侧进行分析处理,尝试关闭节电开关等。 RSSI算法识别天馈遮挡:通过计算RSSI平均值及差值识别天馈遮挡,差值大于3dB则认定有遮挡。不同设备分组规则不同,如64T和32T。此方法可有效帮助现场人员识别因环境变化引起的网络问题。 5G 160M组网小区CA不生效:某5G站点开启100M+60M CA功能后,测试发现UE无法正常使用CA功能。问题原因在于CA频点集标识配置错误,修正后测试正常。 5G网络优化与策略: CCE映射方式优化:针对诺基亚站点覆盖农村区域,通过优化CCE资源映射方式(交织、非交织),提升RRC连接建立成功率和无线接通率。非交织方式相比交织方式有显著提升。 5G AAU两扇区组网:与三扇区组网相比,AAU两扇区组网在RSRP、SINR、下载速率和上传速率上表现不同,需根据具体场景选择适合的组网方式。 5G语音解决方案:包括沿用4G语音解决方案、EPS Fallback方案和VoNR方案。不同方案适用于不同的5G组网策略,如NSA和SA,并影响语音连续性和网络覆盖。 4G网络优化与资源利用: 4G室分设备利旧:面对4G网络投资压减与资源需求矛盾,提出利旧多维度调优策略,包括资源整合、统筹调配既有资源,以满足新增需求和提质增效。 宏站RRU设备1托N射灯:针对5G深度覆盖需求,研究使用宏站AAU结合1托N射灯方案,快速便捷地开通5G站点,提升深度覆盖能力。 基站与流程管理: 爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程:未提供具体内容,但通常涉及邻区规划、参数配置、测试验证等步骤,以确保基站间顺畅切换和覆盖连续性。 网络规划与策略: 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点:虽未提供详细内容,但可推测涉及高铁跨海大桥区域的4G/5G网络覆盖规划,需考虑信号穿透、移动性管理、网络容量等因素。 总结: 提供的参考资料涵盖了4G/5G无线网络优化、网规案例分析、网络优化策略、资源利用、基站管理等多个方面。 通过具体案例分析,展示了无线网络优化的常见问题及解决方案,如NSA终端掉4G、RSSI识别天馈遮挡、CA不生效等。 强调了5G网络优化与策略的重要性,包括CCE映射方式优化、5G语音解决方案、AAU扇区组网选择等。 提出了4G网络优化与资源利用的策略,如室分设备利旧、宏站RRU设备1托N射灯等。 基站与流程管理方面,提到了爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程,但未给出具体细节。 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点展示了特殊场景下的网络规划需求。




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