1. download bitcoin
    git clone https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin.git

    2. run autogen.sh

    3. run configure
    write a shell script 'my-conf.sh' to run 'configure' script:


    ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} \
      --enable-debug \
      --enable-werror \
      --with-gui \

    Some errors took place in the configure process:
    1). configure: error: Found Berkeley DB other than 4.8, required for portable wallets (--with-incompatible-bdb to ignore or --disable-wallet to disable wallet functionality)
       resolve method: add "--with-incompatible-bdb".

    2). configure: error: Qt dependencies not found
       resolve method: sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev

    3). checking for protoc... no
       configure: error: PROTOC not found
       resolve method: sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler

    4) C++ source seen but 'CXX' is undefined
    sudo apt-get install libtool

    5). continue to run 'my-conf.sh'. The result:
    Options used to compile and link:
      with wallet   = yes
      with gui / qt = yes
        qt version  = 4
        with qr     = auto
      with zmq      = no
      with test     = yes
      with bench    = yes
      with upnp     = yes
      debug enabled = yes
      werror        = yes

      target os     = linux
      build os      =

      CC            = /usr/bin/ccache gcc
      CFLAGS        = -g -O2 -g3 -O0
      CXX           = /usr/bin/ccache g++ -std=c++11
      CXXFLAGS      = -g -O2 -g3 -O0 -Wall -Wextra -Wformat -Wvla -Wformat-security -Wno-unused-parameter
      LDFLAGS       =
      ARFLAGS       = cr

    4. make
    5. make instal