
《OpenAI Dota2 5v5模式击败人类,AI每天训练量抵人类180年》今天凌晨,OpenAI通过官方博客宣布了其在Dota对抗上的新进展——由五个神经网络组成的团战AI团队,在5v5中击败了业余人类玩家,并表示,将有望挑战顶级专业团队。

《事非经过不知难,京东Kubernetes的定制与优化》京东 618 当天,聊聊架构发布了题为《京东构建了全球最大的 Kubernetes 集群,没有之一》的文章,系统回顾了京东基于 Kubernetes 的 JDOS 平台的演进历程。今天这篇文章是整个系列文章的第一篇,将会从技术角度详细剖析相关的实现,也希望能够帮助后来者学习和参考。赠人玫瑰,手有余香。

《Apache Beam 2.5.0》We are glad to present the new 2.5.0 release of Beam. This release includes multiple fixes and new functionalities. For more information please check the detailed release notes.

《Getting Started with dA Platform on Google Kubernetes Engine》dA Platform is a production-ready platform for stream processing with Apache Flink®. The Platform includes open source Apache Flink, a stateful stream processing and event-driven application framework, and dA Application Manager, the central deployment and management component of the product.

《Static website hosting for Azure Storage now in public preview》Today we are excited to announce the public preview of __static website hosting for Azure Storage__! The feature set is available in __all public cloud regions __with support in government and sovereign clouds coming soon__.__

《The emerging big data architectural pattern》Lambda architecture is a popular pattern in building Big Data pipelines. It is designed to handle massive quantities of data by taking advantage of both a batch layer (also called cold layer) and a stream-processing layer (also called hot or speed layer).

《Using the Retry pattern to make your cloud application more resilient》Running your application in containers or in the cloud does not automatically make your application resilient. It’s up to you to configure the features that will enable the retry logic you provide. When you need retry logic added to your system, you should use a library such as Polly to speed up your implementation. Or, if you are exploring how to add resiliency without code, you should investigate service mesh products like Istio and Linkerd.

《A closer look at Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2》On June 27, 2018 we announced the preview of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 the only data lake designed specifically for enterprises to run large scale analytics workloads in the cloud. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 takes core capabilities from Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1 such as a Hadoop compatible file system, Azure Active Directory and POSIX based ACLs and integrates them into Azure Blob Storage. This combination enables best in class analytics performance along with Blob Storage’s tiering and data lifecycle management capabilities and the fundamental availability, security and durability capabilities of Azure Storage.

《Azure Elastic Database jobs is now in public preview》We are excited to announce the availability of a new, significantly upgraded public preview release of Azure Elastic Database jobs. Elastic Database jobs is now a fully Azure-hosted service. Unlike the earlier, customer-hosted and managed version of Elastic Database jobs, this version is an integral part of Azure with no additional services or components to install and configure. This release also adds significant capabilities making it easy for customers to automate and execute T-SQL jobs using PowerShell, REST, or T-SQL APIs against a group of databases. These jobs can be used to handle a wide variety of tasks such as index rebuilding, schema updates, collection of query results for analytics, and performance monitoring.

《Amazon MQ Introduces Four New Broker Instances》Amazon MQ now supports four new M5 broker instances that enable you to scale your brokers to meet higher throughput requirements.  

《Apache Pulsar 2.0支持模式注册表和主题压缩》最新版本的开源分布式消息传递框架Apache Pulsar让企业能够实时处理数据,从而“超越了批次处理”。Streamlio最近宣布推出Apache Pulsar 2.0.1流式消息解决方案。最新版本支持Pulsar Function、模式注册表和主题压缩。

《Data vs. Goliath: How retailers come out on top in the age of transformation》On June 6, Treasure Data hosted marketing leaders from across the Bay Area to discuss how companies can compete against the “Goliaths” in the marketplace through innovative and responsible use of customer data. We were lucky to be joined by partners Cloudwick and Chartio, who provided additional color on the topic. For those who couldn’t join us, our CMO provides an overview of key retail trends and successful strategies below. Check out the accompanying webinar for even more insight!





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