

Unable to create project from archetype [org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.1]
Unable to add module to the current project as it is not of packaging type 'pom'

咋回事啊,我没动过Eclipse啊,咋就突然罢工了呢?查了半天也没解决,无奈dogpile(集成了Google, Bing, Yahoo!等几个流行搜索引擎,老外推荐的)一把。在这里找到了答案:http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?messageID=257288044&#257288044

Are you running the command from a directory that has an existing pom.xml file in it? I think that may be confusing Maven, as it thinks you're trying to add your new project as a sub-module of the project in the working directory.
