C# JackLib系列之如何获取地球上两经纬度坐标点间的距离



A diagram illustrating great-circle distance (drawn in red) between two points on a sphere, P and Q. Two antipodal points, u and v, are also depicted.

谷歌都在用呢, C#实现的代码如下:

 /// <summary>
/// 地球半径
/// </summary>
private const double EARTH_RADIUS = 6378.137;
<summary> /// 获取两点之间的距离,大圆距离公式 /// </summary> /// <param name="lat1"></param> /// <param name="lon1"></param> /// <param name="lat2"></param> /// <param name="lon2"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static double DistanceOfEarthTwoPoints(double latA, double lngA, double latB, double lngB) {
double radLat1 = lat1 * Math.PI / 180.0;
     double radLat2 = lat2 * Math.PI / 180.0;
     double a = radLat1 - radLat2;
     double b = lon1 * Math.PI / 180.0 - lon2 * Math.PI / 180.0;
     double s = 2 * Math.Asin(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Math.Sin(a / 2), 2) + Math.Cos(radLat1) * Math.Cos(radLat2) * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(b / 2), 2)));
     s = s * EARTH_RADIUS;
     s = Math.Round(s * 1000000) / 1000000;
     return s; }


/// <summary>
/// 获取两点之间的距离,大圆距离公式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lat1"></param>
/// <param name="lon1"></param>
/// <param name="lat2"></param>
/// <param name="lon2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static double DistanceOfEarthTwoPoints(double latA, double lngA, double latB, double lngB) {
   double s = Math.Acos(Math.Cos(Rad(latA)) * Math.Cos(Rad(latB)) * (Math.Cos(Rad(lngA) - Rad(lngB))) + Math.Sin(Rad(latA)) * Math.Sin(Rad(latB)));
   s = s * EARTH_RADIUS;
   s = Math.Round(s * 1000000) / 1000000;
   return s;



An illustration of the central angle, Δσ, between two points, P and Q. λ and φ are the longitudinal and latitudinal angles of P respectively

Let \phi_1,\lambda_1 and \phi_2,\lambda_2 be the geographical latitude and longitude of two points 1 and 2, and \Delta\phi,\Delta\lambda their absolute differences; then \Delta\sigma, the central angle between them, is given by the spherical law of cosines:


The distance d, i.e. the arc length, for a sphere of radius r and \Delta\sigma given in radians

d = r \, \Delta\sigma.

Computational formulas

On computer systems with low floating-point precision, the spherical law of cosines formula can have large rounding errors if the distance is small (if the two points are a kilometer apart on the surface of the Earth, the cosine of the central angle comes out 0.99999999). For modern 64-bit floating-point numbers, the spherical law of cosines formula, given above, does not have serious rounding errors for distances larger than a few meters on the surface of the Earth.[2] The haversine formula is numerically better-conditioned for small distances:[3]

\Delta\sigma =2\arcsin \sqrt{\sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\phi}{2}\right)+\cos{\phi_1}\cdot\cos{\phi_2}\cdot\sin^2\left(\frac{\Delta\lambda}{2}\right)} .\;\!

Historically, the use of this formula was simplified by the availability of tables for the haversine function: hav(θ) = sin2(θ/2).

Although this formula is accurate for most distances on a sphere, it too suffers from rounding errors for the special (and somewhat unusual) case of antipodal points (on opposite ends of the sphere). A more complicated formula that is accurate for all distances is the following special case of the Vincenty formula for an ellipsoid with equal major and minor axes:[4]

\Delta\sigma=\arctan \frac{\sqrt{\left(\cos\phi_2\cdot\sin(\Delta\lambda)\right)^2+\left(\cos\phi_1\cdot\sin\phi_2-\sin\phi_1\cdot\cos\phi_2\cdot\cos(\Delta\lambda)\right)^2}}{\sin\phi_1\cdot\sin\phi_2+\cos\phi_1\cdot\cos\phi_2\cdot\cos(\Delta\lambda)} .

When programming a computer, one should use the atan2() function rather than the ordinary arctangent function (atan()), so that \Delta\sigma is placed in the correct quadrant.

The determination of the great-circle distance is just part of the more general problem of great-circle navigation, which also computes the azimuths at the end points and intermediate way-points.







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