
stp region-configuration,进入MST域视图。
一个域中最多可创建49个实例,其中Instance 0为缺省配置,不需要创建。
缺省情况下,所有的VLAN都映射到Instance 0。
【实验拓扑和软件 】

LSW0 LSW1 LSW2 组成RRPP domain 1   业务vlan 10 11   控制vlan 101 102
LSW0 LSW3 LSW4 组成RRPP domain 2   业务vlan 20 21   控制vlan 201 202
这里要特别注意的是: 所有vlan都要加在STP实例中,而且控制vlan 还不能提前创建。
采用的模拟器是ENSP  1.0 
<LSW0>dis cu
sysname LSW0
vlan batch 100 to 101 200 to 201
rrpp enable
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ndp enable
drop illegal-mac alarm
diffserv domain default
stp region-configuration
 instance 1 vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 instance 2 vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 active region-configuration
rrpp domain 1
 control-vlan 100
 protected-vlan reference-instance 1
 ring 1 node-mode master primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/2 level 0
 ring 1 enable
rrpp domain 2
 control-vlan 200
 protected-vlan reference-instance 2
 ring 2 node-mode master primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/3 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/4 level 0
 ring 2 enable
drop-profile default
 authentication-scheme default
 authorization-scheme default
 accounting-scheme default
 domain default
 domain default_admin
 local-user admin password simple admin
 local-user admin service-type http
interface Vlanif1
interface MEth0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/4
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
<LSW1>dis cu
sysname LSW1
vlan batch 100 to 101
rrpp enable
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ndp enable
drop illegal-mac alarm
diffserv domain default
stp region-configuration
 instance 1 vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 active region-configuration
rrpp domain 1
 control-vlan 100
 protected-vlan reference-instance 1
 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/2 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 level 0
 ring 1 enable
drop-profile default
 authentication-scheme default
 authorization-scheme default
 accounting-scheme default
 domain default
 domain default_admin
 local-user admin password simple admin
 local-user admin service-type http
interface Vlanif1
interface MEth0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
<LSW2>dis cu
sysname LSW2
vlan batch 100 to 101
rrpp enable
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ndp enable
drop illegal-mac alarm
diffserv domain default
stp region-configuration
 instance 1 vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 active region-configuration
rrpp domain 1
 control-vlan 100
 protected-vlan reference-instance 1
 ring 1 node-mode transit primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/2 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 level 0
 ring 1 enable
drop-profile default
 authentication-scheme default
 authorization-scheme default
 accounting-scheme default
 domain default
 domain default_admin
 local-user admin password simple admin
 local-user admin service-type http
interface Vlanif1
interface MEth0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 to 11 100 to 101
 stp disable
<LSW3>dis cu
sysname LSW3
vlan batch 200 to 201
rrpp enable
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ndp enable
drop illegal-mac alarm
diffserv domain default
stp region-configuration
 instance 2 vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 active region-configuration
rrpp domain 2
 control-vlan 200
 protected-vlan reference-instance 2
 ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/2 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 level 0
 ring 2 enable
drop-profile default
 authentication-scheme default
 authorization-scheme default
 accounting-scheme default
 domain default
 domain default_admin
 local-user admin password simple admin
 local-user admin service-type http
interface Vlanif1
interface MEth0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
<SW4>dis cu
sysname SW4
vlan batch 200 to 201
rrpp enable
cluster enable
ntdp enable
ndp enable
drop illegal-mac alarm
diffserv domain default
stp region-configuration
 instance 2 vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 active region-configuration
rrpp domain 2
 control-vlan 200
 protected-vlan reference-instance 2
 ring 2 node-mode transit primary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/2 secondary-port GigabitEthernet0/0/1 level 0
 ring 2 enable
drop-profile default
 authentication-scheme default
 authorization-scheme default
 accounting-scheme default
 domain default
 domain default_admin
 local-user admin password simple admin
 local-user admin service-type http
interface Vlanif1
interface MEth0/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 to 21 200 to 201
 stp disable
<LSW0>dis rrpp brief 
Abbreviations for Switch Node Mode :
M - Master , T - Transit , E - Edge , A - Assistant-Edge
RRPP Protocol Status: Enable
RRPP Working Mode: HW
RRPP Linkup Delay Timer: 0 sec (0 sec default)
Number of RRPP Domains: 2
Domain Index   : 1
Control VLAN   : major 100    sub 101
Protected VLAN : Reference Instance 1
Hello Timer    : 1 sec(default is 1 sec)  Fail Timer : 6 sec(default is 6 sec)
 Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common           Secondary/Edge           Is
 ID    Level  Mode  Port                     Port                     Enabled
 1     0      M     GigabitEthernet0/0/1     GigabitEthernet0/0/2     Yes
Domain Index   : 2
Control VLAN   : major 200    sub 201
Protected VLAN : Reference Instance 2
Hello Timer    : 1 sec(default is 1 sec)  Fail Timer : 6 sec(default is 6 sec)
 Ring  Ring   Node  Primary/Common           Secondary/Edge           Is
 ID    Level  Mode  Port                     Port                     Enabled
 2     0      M     GigabitEthernet0/0/3     GigabitEthernet0/0/4     Yes
<LSW0>dis rrpp verbose domain 1
Domain Index   : 1
Control VLAN   : major 100    sub 101
Protected VLAN : Reference Instance 1
Hello Timer    : 1 sec(default is 1 sec)  Fail Timer : 6 sec(default is 6 sec)
RRPP Ring      : 1
Ring Level     : 0
Node Mode      : Master
Ring State     : Complete
Is Enabled     : Enable                             Is Active: Yes
Primary port   : GigabitEthernet0/0/1               Port status: UP     
Secondary port : GigabitEthernet0/0/2               Port status: BLOCKED
<LSW0>dis rrpp verbose domain 2
Domain Index   : 2
Control VLAN   : major 200    sub 201
Protected VLAN : Reference Instance 2
Hello Timer    : 1 sec(default is 1 sec)  Fail Timer : 6 sec(default is 6 sec)
RRPP Ring      : 2
Ring Level     : 0
Node Mode      : Master
Ring State     : Complete
Is Enabled     : Enable                             Is Active: Yes
Primary port   : GigabitEthernet0/0/3               Port status: UP     
Secondary port : GigabitEthernet0/0/4               Port status: BLOCKED