How To Install The Internet Explorer On Ubuntu 8.04

Version 1.0
Author: Oliver Meyer <o [dot] meyer [at] projektfarm [dot] de>
Last edited 05/20/2008

1 Preliminary Note

For security reasons you should NOT use the Internet Explorer to surf the internet. Use it only for development - for example to test if the web page that you've created works/looks as expected within the Internet Explorer.

2 Needed Packages

Let's install some needed packages.
sudo apt-get install wine cabextract binfmt-support

3 Installation

tar xvfz ies4linux-latest.tar.gz
cd cd ies4linux-*
Next you'll see this window - select which versions of the Internet Explorer shall be installed, mark the corresponding checkbox if you want support for Flash (IE6 only) and choose if/where you want to have launchers. Click on " OK" to proceed. Please note that you can enable the installation of IE7 (experimental) in the advanced options.

切换到 bin目录

wwy@frecolwang:~/bin$ ls
ie6  ie7
wwy@frecolwang:~/bin$ ./ie6
