可以使用call_formnew_formopen_form但是推荐使用fnd_function.execute APP_NAVIGATE.EXECUTE 
        CALL_FORM: start a new form and pass control to it. The parent form will be suspended until the called form is terminated. 
        NEW_FORM: terminate the current form and replace it with the indicated new form. The old form's resources (like cursors and locks) will be released. 
        OPEN_FORM: Opens the indicated new form without suspending or replacing the parent form.

Built-in Type restricted procedure :
        APP_NAVIGATE.EXECUTE(function_name => 'EBMCHECK',
                open_flag => 'N', -- Y--原Form仍然显示,N--原Form不显示,new_form
                session_flag => 'Y', 
                other_params => '',
                activate_flag => 'ACTIVATE', --焦点在哪个Form上
                pinned => FALSE);  --FALSE--只有一个实例,TRUE--可以打开多个实例

        -- app_window.close_first_window; 
        fnd_function.execute(function_name => 'EBMCHECK',
                open_flag => 'N', 
                session_flag => 'Y', 
                activate_flag => 'ACTIVATE');