再读《Parallel Programming with Python》并作笔记





#coding: utf-8

import logging, threading
from Queue import Queue

logger = logging.getLogger()
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')

ch = logging.StreamHandler()

fibo_dict = {}
shared_queue = Queue()
input_list = [30, 10, 55, 71]

queue_condition = threading.Condition()

def fibonacci_task(condition):
    with condition:
        while shared_queue.empty():
            logger.info("[%s] - waiting for elements in queue..."
                        % threading.current_thread().name)
            value = shared_queue.get()
            a, b = 0, 1
            for item in range(value):
                a, b = b, a + b
                fibo_dict[value] = a
        logger.debug("[%s] fibonacci of key [%d] with result [%d]" %
                     (threading.current_thread().name, value, fibo_dict[value]))

def queue_task(condition):
    logging.debug('Starting queue_task...')
    with condition:
        for item in input_list:
        logging.debug("Notifying fibonacci_task threads that the queue is ready to consume...")

threads = [threading.Thread(target=fibonacci_task,
                            args=(queue_condition,)) for i in range(4)]
[thread.start() for thread in threads]

prod = threading.Thread(name="queue_task_thread", target=queue_task,

[thread.join() for thread in threads]


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Paperback: 107 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (June 25, 2014) Language: English Develop efficient parallel systems using the robust Python environment Overview Demonstrates the concepts of Python parallel programming Boosts your Python computing capabilities Contains easy-to-understand explanations and plenty of examples In Detail Starting with the basics of parallel programming, you will proceed to learn about how to build parallel algorithms and their implementation. You will then gain the expertise to evaluate problem domains, identify if a particular problem can be parallelized, and how to use the Threading and Multiprocessor modules in Python. The Python Parallel (PP) module, which is another mechanism for parallel programming, is covered in depth to help you optimize the usage of PP. You will also delve into using Celery to perform distributed tasks efficiently and easily. Furthermore, you will learn about asynchronous I/O using the asyncio module. Finally, by the end of this book you will acquire an in-depth understanding about what the Python language has to offer in terms of built-in and external modules for an effective implementation of Parallel Programming. This is a definitive guide that will teach you everything you need to know to develop and maintain high-performance parallel computing systems using the feature-rich Python. What you will learn from this book Explore techniques to parallelize problems Integrate the Parallel Python module to implement Python code Execute parallel solutions on simple problems Achieve communication between processes using Pipe and Queue Use Celery Distributed Task Queue Implement asynchronous I/O using the Python asyncio module Create thread-safe structures Approach A fast, easy-to-follow and clear tutorial to help you develop Parallel computing systems using Python. Along with explaining the fundamentals, the book will also introduce you to slightly advanced concepts and will help you in implementing these techniques in the real world. Who this book is written for If you are an experienced Python programmer and are willing to utilize the available computing resources by parallelizing applications in a simple way, then this book is for you. You are required to have a basic knowledge of Python development to get the most of this book.
Master efficient parallel programming to build powerful applications using Python About This Book Design and implement efficient parallel software Master new programming techniques to address and solve complex programming problems Explore the world of parallel programming with this book, which is a go-to resource for different kinds of parallel computing tasks in Python, using examples and topics covered in great depth Who This Book Is For Python Parallel Programming Cookbook is intended for software developers who are well versed with Python and want to use parallel programming techniques to write powerful and efficient code. This book will help you master the basics and the advanced of parallel computing. What You Will Learn Synchronize multiple threads and processes to manage parallel tasks Implement message passing communication between processes to build parallel applications Program your own GPU cards to address complex problems Manage computing entities to execute distributed computational tasks Write efficient programs by adopting the event-driven programming model Explore the cloud technology with DJango and Google App Engine Apply parallel programming techniques that can lead to performance improvements In Detail Parallel programming techniques are required for a developer to get the best use of all the computational resources available today and to build efficient software systems. From multi-core to GPU systems up to the distributed architectures, the high computation of programs throughout requires the use of programming tools and software libraries. Because of this, it is becoming increasingly important to know what the parallel programming techniques are. Python is commonly used as even non-experts can easily deal with its concepts. This book will teach you parallel programming techniques using examples in Python and will help you explore the many ways in which you can write code that allows more than one process to happen at once. Starting with introducing you to the world of parallel computing, it moves on to cover the fundamentals in Python. This is followed by exploring the thread-based parallelism model using the Python threading module by synchronizing threads and using locks, mutex, semaphores queues, GIL, and the thread pool. Next you will be taught about process-based parallelism where you will synchronize processes using message passing along with learning about the performance of MPI Python Modules. You will then go on to learn the asynchronous parallel programming model using the Python asyncio module along with handling exceptions. Moving on, you will discover distributed computing with Python, and learn how to install a broker, use Celery Python Module, and create a worker. You will also understand the StarCluster framework, Pycsp, Scoop, and Disco modules in Python. Further on, you will learn GPU programming with Python using the PyCUDA module along with evaluating performance limitations. Next you will get acquainted with the cloud computing concepts in Python, using Google App Engine (GAE), and building your first application with GAE. Lastly, you will learn about grid computing concepts in Python and using PyGlobus toolkit, GFTP and GASS COPY to transfer files, and service monitoring in PyGlobus. Style and approach A step-by-step guide to parallel programming using Python, with recipes accompanied by one or more programming examples. It is a practically oriented book and has all the necessary underlying parallel computing concepts. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started with Parallel Computing and Python Chapter 2: Thread-based Parallelism Chapter 3: Process-based Parallelism Chapter 4: Asynchronous Programming Chapter 5: Distributed Python Chapter 6: GPU Programming with Python
If you’ve mastered Python’s fundamentals, you’re ready to start using it to get real work done. Programming Python will show you how, with in-depth tutorials on the language’s primary application domains: system administration, GUIs, and the Web. You’ll also explore how Python is used in databases, networking, front-end scripting layers, text processing, and more. This book focuses on commonly used tools and libraries to give you a comprehensive understanding of Python’s many roles in practical, real-world programming. You’ll learn language syntax and programming techniques in a clear and concise manner, with lots of examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms. Completely updated for version 3.x, Programming Python also delves into the language as a software development tool, with many code examples scaled specifically for that purpose. Topics include: Quick Python tour: Build a simple demo that includes data representation, object-oriented programming, object persistence, GUIs, and website basics System programming: Explore system interface tools and techniques for command-line scripting, processing files and folders, running programs in parallel, and more GUI programming: Learn to use Python’s tkinter widget library Internet programming: Access client-side network protocols and email tools, use CGI scripts, and learn website implementation techniques More ways to apply Python: Implement data structures, parse text-based information, interface with databases, and extend and embed Python


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