


 *                                    algraph.h
 * Adjacency List Based Undirected Graph.
 * This is a C++ template class for undirected graph with an adjacency list
 * representation. It provedes the general operations for graph, such as
 * insertVertex, removeVertex, insertEdge, removeEdge, getVertexNumber,
 * getEdgeNumber, getData, getWeight, getNextDst, and so on.
 * It also includes the Depth First Search (nonrecursion version), Breadth
 * First Search and Minimum Span Tree algorithms.
 * When debugging, use #define BOUNDS_CHECK above your "#include algraph.h"
 * line. When done debugging, comment out #define BOUNDS_CHECK for better
 * performance.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10

#ifndef ALGRAPH_H
#define ALGRAPH_H

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <constants.h>
#include <stack.h>
#include <queue.h>

using namespace std;

namespace itlab

     * graph's edge
    template<typename Weight>
    struct Edge
        int             dst;
        Weight          cost;
        Edge<Weight>    *next;

        Edge( int d, Weight c, Edge<Weight> *p=NULL )
          : dst(d), cost(c), next(p)
        { }

     * graph's vertex
    template<typename Object, typename Weight>
    struct Vertex
        Object          data;
        Edge<Weight>    *adj;

        Vertex( Object x=Object(), Edge<Weight> *p=NULL )
          : data(x), adj(p)
        { }

     * adjacency list based graph
    template<typename Object, typename Weight>
    class ALGraph


        static const Weight MAXWEIGHT = Weight(32767);
        static const Weight MINWEIGHT = Weight(-32768);

        explicit ALGraph( int n=INITSIZE );

        int getVertexNumber() const;
        int getEdgeNumber() const;

        Object getData( int i ) const;
        int getIndex( const Object &x ) const;
        Weight getWeight( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 ) const;

        int getNextDst( const Object &x ) const;
        int getNextDst( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 ) const;

        void insertVertex( const Object &x );
        void removeVertex( const Object &x );
        void insertEdge( const Object &x1, const Object &x2, Weight c );
        void removeEdge( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 );

        void dfs();
        void dfs( int start, bool *visited );
        void bfs();
        void bfs( int start, bool *visited );

        void minSpanTree( int start, int *addedVertex, int *conectedVertex, Weight *lowCost );


        int curSize;
        int maxSize;
        int edgeNum;
        Vertex<Object, Weight> *vertexArray;


    #include <algraph-impl.h>

// namespace itlab





 *                               algraph-impl.h
 * Implementation for ALGraph class.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10

 * constructors and destructor
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
ALGraph<Object,Weight>::ALGraph( int n )
    maxSize = n;
    curSize = 0;
    edgeNum = 0;

    vertexArray = new Vertex<Object,Weight>[maxSize];
    if( vertexArray == NULL )
        cerr << "Out of memory!";

    for( int i=0; i<maxSize; ++i )
        vertexArray[i].adj = NULL;

template<typename Object, typename Weight>
    for( int i=0; i<maxSize; ++i )
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[i].adj;
        while( p != NULL )
            vertexArray[i].adj = p->next;
            delete p;
            p = vertexArray[i].adj;

    delete []vertexArray;

 * Get the vertex number of the graph.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
inline int ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getVertexNumber() const
    return curSize;

 * Get the edge number of the graph.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
inline int ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getEdgeNumber() const
    return edgeNum;

 * Return the content of vertex "i".
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
inline Object ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getData( int i ) const
    assert( 0 <= i );
    assert( i < curSize );

    return vertexArray[i].data;

 * Return the index of vertex "x", if there is no shuch vertex, return -1.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
inline int ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getIndex( const Object &x ) const
    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        if( vertexArray[i].data == x )
            return i;

    return -1;

 * Return weight on the edge between vertex "x1" and "x2".
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
Weight ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getWeight( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 ) const
    int v1 = getIndex(x1),
        v2 = getIndex(x2);

    if( v1 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x1 << endl;
        return Weight(0);
    else if( v2 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x2 << endl;
        return Weight(0);
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[v1].adj;
        while( p != NULL && p->dst != v2 )
            p = p->next;

        if( p != NULL )
            return p->cost;
            cerr << "There is no edge between " << x1 << " and " << x2 << endl;
            return Weight(0);

 * Get the position of the next adjacency point of vertex "x",
 * if there is no next adjacendy vertex, return -1;
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
int ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getNextDst( const Object &x ) const
    int i = getIndex(x);

    if( i == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x << endl;
        return -1;
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[i].adj;
        if( p != NULL )
            return p->dst;
            return -1;

template<typename Object, typename Weight>
int ALGraph<Object,Weight>::getNextDst( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 ) const
    int v1 = getIndex(x1),
        v2 = getIndex(x2);

    if( v1 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x1 << endl;
        return -1;
    else if( v2 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x2 << endl;
        return -1;
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[v1].adj;
        while( p != NULL && p->dst != v2 )
            p = p->next;

        if( p != NULL && p->next != NULL )
            return p->next->dst;
            return -1;

 * Insert a new vertex "x". If the vertex array is full, output
 * the FULL warning.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::insertVertex( const Object &x )
    if( curSize < maxSize )
        vertexArray[curSize++] = Vertex<Object,Weight>( x, NULL );
        cerr << "The vertex table is full!" << endl;

 * Remove the vertex "x".
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::removeVertex( const Object &x )
    int i = 0,
        v = getIndex(x);

    if( v == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x << endl;
        Edge<Weight> *p, *r, *s;

        while( vertexArray[v].adj != NULL )
            p = vertexArray[v].adj;
            i = p->dst;

            r = vertexArray[i].adj;
            s = NULL;
            while( r != NULL && r->dst != v )
                s = r;
                r = r->next;
            if( s != NULL )
                s->next = r->next;
                vertexArray[i].adj = r->next;
            delete r;

            vertexArray[v].adj = p->next;
            delete p;

        vertexArray[v] = vertexArray[--curSize];
        vertexArray[curSize].adj = NULL;

        p = vertexArray[v].adj;
        while( p != NULL )
            r = vertexArray[p->dst].adj;
            while( r != NULL )
                if( r->dst == curSize )
                    r->dst = v;
                    r = r->next;
            p = p->next;

 * Insert an edge (x1,x2) with weight "c". If the edge already exist then
 * return false, else return true.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::insertEdge( const Object &x1, const Object &x2, Weight c )
    int v1 = getIndex(x1),
        v2 = getIndex(x2);

    if( v1 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x1 << endl;
    else if( v2 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x2 << endl;
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[v1].adj,
                          *q = NULL;

        while( p != NULL && p->dst != v2 )
            p = p->next;
        if( p != NULL )
            cerr << "The edge is already existence!" << endl;

        p = new Edge<Weight>( v2, c, vertexArray[v1].adj );
        vertexArray[v1].adj = p;

        q = new Edge<Weight>( v1, c, vertexArray[v2].adj );
        vertexArray[v2].adj = q;


 * Remove the edge (x1,x2).
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::removeEdge( const Object &x1, const Object &x2 )
    int v1 = getIndex(x1),
        v2 = getIndex(x2);

    if( v1 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x1 << endl;
    else if( v2 == -1 )
        cerr << "There is no vertex: " << x2 << endl;
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[v1].adj,
                          *q = NULL,
                               *r = p;

        while( p != NULL && p->dst != v2 )
            q = p;
            p = p->next;

        if( p != NULL )
            if( p == r )
                vertexArray[v1].adj = p->next;
                q->next = p->next;
                delete p;
            cerr << "There is no such edge between " << x1 << " and " << x2 << endl;

        p = vertexArray[v2].adj;
        q = NULL;
        r = p;

        while( p->dst != v1 )
            q = p;
            p = p->next;

        if( p == r )
            vertexArray[v2].adj = p->next;
            q->next = p->next;
            delete p;


 * The nonrecursion implementation for Depth First Search algorithm.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::dfs()
    bool *visited = new bool( curSize );
    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        visited[i] = false;

    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        if( !visited[i] )
            dfs( i, visited );

    delete visited;

template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::dfs( int start, bool *visited )
    Edge<Weight> *p;
    Stack< Edge<Weight>* > s( curSize );

    cout << getData( start ) << endl;
    visited[start] = true;
    s.push( vertexArray[start].adj );

    while( !s.isEmpty() )
        s.getTop( p );
        while( p != NULL && visited[p->dst] )
            p = p->next;

        if( p != NULL )
            int d = p->dst;
            cout << getData( d ) << endl;
            visited[d] = true;
            s.push( vertexArray[d].adj );

 * The nonrecursion implementation for Breadth First Search algorithm.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::bfs()
    bool *visited = new bool( curSize );
    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        visited[i] = false;

    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        if( !visited[i] )
            bfs( i, visited );

    delete visited;

template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::bfs( int start, bool *visited )
    Queue<int> q;
    cout << getData( start ) << endl;
    visited[start] = true;
    q.enqueue( start );

    int a = 0;
    Edge<Weight> *p = NULL;
    while( !q.isEmpty() )
        q.dequeue( a );
        p = vertexArray[a].adj;
        while( p != NULL )
            int d = p->dst;
            if( !visited[d] )
                cout << getData( d ) << endl;
                visited[d] = true;
                q.enqueue( d );
            p = p->next;

 * The Prim algorithm for Minimum Span Tree.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
void ALGraph<Object,Weight>::minSpanTree( int start, int *addedVertex,
                                          int *conectedVertex, Weight *lowCost )
    assert( 0 <= start );
    assert( start < curSize );

    bool *mark = new bool[curSize];
    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        addedVertex[i] = -1;
        conectedVertex[i] = -1;
        lowCost[i] = MAXWEIGHT;
        mark[i] = false;

    addedVertex[0] = start;
    conectedVertex[0] = start;
    lowCost[start] = 0;
    mark[start] = true;

    for( int i=1; i<curSize; ++i )
        Edge<Weight> *p = vertexArray[start].adj;
        while( p != NULL )
            int j = p->dst;
            if( !mark[j] && lowCost[j]>p->cost )
                lowCost[j] = p->cost;
                conectedVertex[j] = start;
            p = p->next;

        Weight min = MAXWEIGHT;
        for( int j=0; j<curSize; ++j )
            if( !mark[j] && lowCost[j] < min )
                min = lowCost[j];
                start = j;

        mark[start] = true;
        addedVertex[i] = start;

    /* output the result...
    for( int i=0; i<curSize; ++i )
        cout << "( " << addedVertex[i] << ", "
             << conectedVertex[addedVertex[i]] << ", "
             << lowCost[addedVertex[i]] << " )" << endl;

 * Reload the "<<" operator.
template<typename Object, typename Weight>
ostream& operator<<( ostream &out, const ALGraph<Object,Weight> &g )
    int verNum = g.getVertexNumber(),
        edgeNum = g.getEdgeNumber();

    out << "This graph has " << verNum << " vertexes and " << edgeNum << " edges." << endl;
    for( int i=0; i<verNum; ++i )
        Object x1 = g.getData(i);
        out << x1 << " :    ";
        int j = g.getNextDst(x1);
        if( j != -1 )
            Object x2 = g.getData(j);
            out << "( " << x1 << ", " << x2 << ", " << g.getWeight(x1,x2) << " )" << "    ";
                j = g.getNextDst( x1, x2 );
                if( j != -1 )
                    x2 = g.getData(j);
                    out << "( " << x1 << ", " << x2 << ", " << g.getWeight(x1,x2) << " )" << "    ";
            while( j != -1 );
        out << endl;
    return out;




 *                               graph_test.cpp
 * Adjacency List Based Undirected Graph testing.
 * Zhang Ming, 2009-10


#include <iostream>
#include <graph.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace itlab;

int main()
    ALGraph<char, int> g( 6 );

    g.insertVertex( 'A' );
    g.insertVertex( 'B' );
    g.insertVertex( 'C' );
    g.insertVertex( 'D' );
    g.insertVertex( 'E' );
    g.insertVertex( 'F' );
    cout << g << endl << endl;

    g.insertEdge( 'A', 'B', 6 );
    g.insertEdge( 'A', 'C', 1 );
    g.insertEdge( 'A', 'D', 5 );
    g.insertEdge( 'B', 'C', 5 );
    g.insertEdge( 'B', 'E', 3 );
    g.insertEdge( 'C', 'D', 5 );
    g.insertEdge( 'C', 'E', 6 );
    g.insertEdge( 'C', 'F', 4 );
    g.insertEdge( 'D', 'F', 2 );
    g.insertEdge( 'E', 'F', 6 );
    cout << g << endl << endl;

    cout << "The Depth First Search traverse:" << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "The Breadth First Search traverse:" << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << "The Minimum Span Tree:" << endl;
    int vtxNum = g.getVertexNumber();
    int start = 0,
        *addedVertex = new int[vtxNum],
        *conectedVertex = new int[vtxNum],
        *lowCost = new int[vtxNum];
    g.minSpanTree( start, addedVertex, conectedVertex, lowCost );
    for( int i=0; i<vtxNum; ++i )
        cout << "( " << addedVertex[i] << ", "
             << conectedVertex[addedVertex[i]] << ", "
             << lowCost[addedVertex[i]] << " )" << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;

    cout << g << endl << endl;

    g.removeEdge( 'A', 'B' );
    cout << g << endl << endl;
    g.removeEdge( 'A', 'D' );
    cout << g << endl << endl;
    g.removeEdge( 'E', 'D' );
    cout << g << endl << endl;

    cout << "The depth first search traverse:" << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "The Breadth First Search traverse:" << endl;
    cout << endl << endl;

    delete []addedVertex;
    delete []conectedVertex;
    delete []lowCost;
    return 0;



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