[翻译 EF Core in Action 2.4] 加载相关数据

Entity Framework Core in Action

Entityframework Core in action是 Jon P smith 所著的关于Entityframework Core 书籍。原版地址. 是除了官方文档外另一个学习EF Core的不错途径, 书中由浅入深的讲解的EF Core的相关知识。因为没有中文版,所以本人对其进行翻译。 预计每两天一篇更新 PS: 翻译难免限于本人水平有不准确的地方,建议英文水平不错的同学直接查看原版,有不足的地方欢迎指正



之前我向你展示了Book实体类,它有其他三个实体的导航属性: PriceOffer,Review和BookAuthor. 下面介绍如何使用代码访问这些数据. 你有以下方式加载数据: 贪婪加载,显式加载,选择加载和懒加载(在EF Core 2.1中)

有一点很重要,EF Core默认不会加载实体类的任何关系(导航属性),如果加载了Book类,在默认情况下Book实体的每个导航属性都为null

默认不加载任何关系的行为是正确的,这意味着EF Core最小化了数据库访问. 如果你想加载一个关系则添加需要代码告诉EF Core. 下面介绍三种方法,以及它们的优缺点

贪婪加载: 加载与主实体类的关系

加载相关数据的第一种方法是贪婪加载. 贪婪加载需要告诉EF Core在加载主实体数据的查询中加载导航属性. 使用两个方法Include和ThenInClude指定预先加载. 下个清单展示了Book实体类实例查询Books表的第一行数据以及贪婪加载单个关系Reviews


  • EF6 EF Core的贪婪加载与EF 6.x的方法类似, 但EF Core改进了语法和SQL实现. EF 6.x没有ThenInclude方法, 并且EF 6.x的sql实现是尝试在一个查询中加载所有数据和集合,这样的SQL查询很可能是低效的. EF Core在一个单独的查询中加载集合,你可以在前面的SQL部分看到这一点



之前展示了使用贪婪加载方法Include获取AuthorsLink关系(一级关系),直接由加载的实体类引用的关系. Include后面使用ThenInclude加载二级关系,本例中是BookAuthor的Author表. 这种方式(Include后面使用ThenInclude)是访问深层次关系的标准方法,你可以使用更多的ThenInclude深入更深的关系

如果数据不存在,比如Book类的Promotion属性指向的可选PriceOffer类,Include不会失败,它只是加载不到任何东西,如果是集合会返回一个空集合. ThenInclude也是这样. 如果前面的Include或Theninclude为空,后面的ThenInclude会被忽略


注: 在EF Core2.0中,如果你在查询中使用了不必要的Include方法,则会有一个警告,比如 context.Books.Include(b => b.Promotion).Where( b => b.Promotion.NewPrice > 10).Select(b => b.BookId) 代码中使用了include,但它是不必要的,因为查询只返回了BookId. EF Core团队为此情况添加了警告,因为没有必要使用Inlcude方法.

显式加载: 在加载了实体类之后加载关系

第二个方法是显式加载,加载了主实体类之后,使用显式加载其他所需的关系. 下面的代码首先加载了书籍,然后使用显式加载命令读取所有关系


显式加载有一个额外的命令,在加载数据的同时并且可用查询. 下面的代码展示了使用显式加载方法Query命令查询评论数量并加载每个评论的所有星级评分. 你可以在Query方法后使用LINQ命令,例如Where,Orderby等


显式加载的优点是不会立即加载实体的关系. 这对于在某些情况下需要相关数据,显式加载会很有用. 你还会发现在复杂业务逻辑中显式加载也很有用

显式加载的缺点是会产生更多的数据库往返,这可能是低效的. 如果你事先知道所需的数据,那么贪婪加载通常会更好,因为加载关系所需的数据库往返次数更少

选择加载: 加载实体类的特定属性和关系

第三种方法是使用LINQ的Select方法明确的选择需要的数据,我称之为选择加载. 下面展示了使用Select方法从Book类中选择属性,在查询中执行特定的代码获取书的评论数量


Select查询方法的优点是只加载你需要的数据,在你不需要所有的数据时,这会很有用. 上面的查询代码只需要一个Select SQL命令获取所有数据. 在数据库往返次数方面也很少. EF Core将查询的p.Reviews.Count转换为SQL命令,在数据库中完成计数. 如下面的SQL所示

SELECT TOP(1) [p].[Title], [p].[Price], ( 
       SELECT COUNT(*)  
       FROM [Review] AS [r0] 
       WHERE [p].[BookId] = [r0].[BookId] ) 
       FROM [Books] AS [p] 

选择加载的缺点是需要为每个属性/计算编写代码. 这会很繁琐, 在10.3节中我介绍了一种自动化的方法

注: 在本章的后面,你会看到更复杂的选择加载案例,我们会使用这种类型的加载构建图书应用程序的图书列表查询

EF Core 2.1中的延迟加载

在EF 6.x中将属性标记为virtual,在读取到该属性时会进行数据库访问. 延迟加载添加到了EF Core 2.1中

喜欢延迟加载的人说,延迟加载很容易使用,在读取属性时不需要应用程序数据库上下文. 延迟加载的缺点是对延迟加载的数据进行更多的数据库访问. 让查询变慢, 本章描述的三种方法在我看来完全可以消除延迟加载的存在意义,它们可以带来性能更高的数据库访问


Summary Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. Following the crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 diagrams, you'll discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and unit testing. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology There's a mismatch in the way OO programs and relational databases represent data. Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that bridges this gap, making it radically easier to query and write to databases from a .NET application. EF creates a data model that matches the structure of your OO code so you can query and write to your database using standard LINQ commands. It will even automatically generate the model from your database schema. About the Book Using crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 diagrams, Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. You'l start with a clear breakdown of Entity Framework, long with the mental model behind ORM. Then you'll discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and even unit testing. As you go, you'll address common data access challenges and learn how to handle them with Entity Framework. What's Inside Querying a relational database with LINQ Using EF Core in business logic Integrating EF with existing C# applications Applying domain-driven design to EF Core Getting the best performance out of EF Core Covers EF Core 2.0 and 2.1
Summary Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. Following the crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 diagrams, you'll discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and unit testing. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology There's a mismatch in the way OO programs and relational databases represent data. Enti ty Framework is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that bridges this gap, making it radically easier to query and write to databases from a .NET application. EF creates a data model that matches the structure of your OO code so you can query and write to your database using standard LINQ commands. It will even automatically generate the model from your database schema. About the Book Using crystal-clear explanations, real-world examples, and around 100 diagrams, Entity Framework Core in Action teaches you how to access and update relational data from .NET applications. You'l start with a clear breakdown of Entity Framework, long with the mental model behind ORM. Then you'll discover time-saving patterns and best practices for security, performance tuning, and even unit testing. As you go, you'll address common data access challenges and learn how to handle them with Entity Framework. What's Inside Querying a relational database with LINQ Using EF Core in business logic Integrating EF with existing C# applications Applying domain-driven design to EF Core Getting the best performance out of EF Core Covers EF Core 2.0 and 2.1




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