System.Data.SQLite.dll 下载 Downloads ( for .NET Framework 4.5.1 )


System.Data.SQLite Downloads

         Runtime Library Notes      
        All downloadable packages on this web page that do not include        the word "static" in their file name require the        appropriate version (e.g. 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, or 2013) of the        Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library, to be successfully installed on        the target machine, prior to making use of the executables contained        therein.  It should also be noted that the downloadable packages on this        web page that include the word "setup" (i.e. the setup        packages) already include and will attempt to automatically install the        required version of the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library.      
         Latest Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Downloads      
        For detailed information about the latest downloads for each Microsoft        Visual C++ Runtime Library release, please refer to the following page:      
                Latest Supported        Visual C++ Downloads                      
         Support Notes      
        This page contains all the downloadable packages (e.g. sources,         binaries(双星), setups, etc) for the current release version of the official        "System.Data.SQLite" project.  This is the only        official distribution point for these downloadable packages.  If these        packages are obtained elsewhere, it is very important to compare their        SHA1 hashes to the corresponding hashes listed below to make sure the        contained files are the same.      
There are several other projects, with widely varying levels of support and compatibility, known to use the similar names. At least one of those projects is an unofficial fork of the legacy release, modified (by a third-party) to work with Visual Studio 2010 (or higher). Only the software contained on this page is directly supported by the maintainers of this project        (i.e. the SQLite Development Team)        as we do not necessarily have any knowledge of the other projects that        use the same (or a similar) name.  That being said, if a particular        question is related to the core SQLite native library itself, one of the         SQLite support options        is probably the best way to get an answer.      
         Windows Embedded Compact      
        The Precompiled(预编译)         Binaries for Windows CE (.NET Compact Framework) section of this        page contains several binary packages for Windows Embedded Compact        2013.  Further information on integrating SQLite into Windows Embedded        Compact 2013 can be found at the following web site:      
                SQLite for Windows        Embedded Compact 2013                      
         Release Notes      
        The "release notes", which contain lists of notable changes        associated with each officially released version, is available on the         News page.      
         Package Types      
        There are a wide variety of downloadable packages on this page.        Each of them is designed to meet the requirements of a particular        development and/or deployment scenario.        
        The first step is to determine if the package is to be installed (or        used) on a developer machine or a customer machine.      
  •             The source packages are intended primarily for people interested in            studying the source code that corresponds to a particular release            version of the project.  The source packages contain no binaries(双星).            Those interested in studying the latest source code and/or tracking            the unreleased changes should consider accessing the             Fossil repository            instead.          
  •             The setup packages are intended to be installed only on            developer machines and then only when the design-time            components for Visual Studio are required.  In theory, they can be            installed on customer machines as well; however, this type of            deployment is not recommended.          
  •             The binary packages are intended to be used by developers in order            to obtain the assembly binaries necessary for development and            deployment of their applications onto customer machines via             XCOPY            deployment.          
        All the "bundle" packages contain the        "System.Data.SQLite.dll" mixed-mode assembly.  These packages        should only be used in cases where the assembly binary         must be deployed to the         Global        Assembly Cache for some reason (e.g. to support some legacy        application on customer machines).        
        All the "static" packages contain either native or mixed-mode        assembly binaries(双星) linked statically(静止的) to the appropriate version of the         Visual C++        runtime.  Typically, these packages are used in cases where customer        machines may not have the necessary version of the Visual C++ runtime        installed and it cannot be installed due to limited privileges.        
        The next step is to identify the version of the         .NET Framework        being targeted by the application.        Generally, assembly binaries linked against the         .NET Framework        2.0 (or the         .NET Framework        3.5) will work with the         .NET Framework        4.0 (or higher); however, this is less than ideal.  Furthermore,        assemblies linked against the .NET Framework 4.0 (or higher)         cannot be loaded by any versions of the .NET Framework prior to        4.0.      
         Using Native Library Pre-Loading      
        The final step is to identify the target processor architecture on both        the development and customer machines.  Generally,         x86 binaries will work on        an x64 machine running         Windows (using         WoW64).  However, there        is a problem when using managed code.  If the executable that starts the        process consists entirely of managed code, it will run with the native        processor architecture of the machine, which will be x64 on an x64        machine.  Later on, this will cause assemblies containing any native        code compiled for x86 (e.g. the "System.Data.SQLite.dll"        mixed-mode assembly, the "SQLite.Interop.dll" native interop        assembly, or the "sqlite3.dll" native library) to fail to        load, typically resulting in a         BadImageFormatException being thrown.        
        If the development and customer machines may have different processor        architectures, more than one binary package may be required.  For this        situation, using the native library pre-loading feature is highly        recommended.  It is available as of version and enabled by        default.  In order to take advantage of this feature, the separate        managed and interop assemblies must be used with XCOPY deployment        (i.e. this feature is not supported by the mixed-mode assembly, nor when        the assembly is deployed to the global assembly cache), resulting in an        application deployment that looks something like this:      
  • <bin>\App.exe (optional, managed-only application            executable assembly)          
  • <bin>\App.dll (optional, managed-only application            library assembly)          
  • <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.dll (required, managed-only            core assembly)          
  • <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.Linq.dll (optional,            managed-only LINQ assembly)          
  • <bin>\System.Data.SQLite.EF6.dll (optional,            managed-only EF6 assembly)          
  • <bin>\x86\SQLite.Interop.dll (required, x86 native            interop assembly)          
  • <bin>\x64\SQLite.Interop.dll (required, x64 native            interop assembly)          
        The string "<bin>" above represents the directory        where the application binaries(双星) are to be deployed on the target machine.        With the native library pre-loading feature enabled and the application        deployment shown above, the System.Data.SQLite managed-only assembly        will attempt to automatically detect the processor architecture of the        current process and pre-load the appropriate native library.      
         Advanced Configuration Settings      
        If native library pre-loading feature does not work properly in your        environment, it can be disabled by setting the        "No_PreLoadSQLite" environment variable (i.e. to anything)        prior to loading and/or using the System.Data.SQLite assembly.  There        are several more environment variables that can be used to influence the        behavior of the native library pre-loading feature, documented         here.        
        Use of environment variables for configuration settings is not        supported by the .NET Compact Framework builds of System.Data.SQLite,        due to limitations imposed by the platform itself.        
        Alternatively, as of version, all configuration settings can be        specified via an optional         XML configuration file.        Using the XML configuration file when the primary System.Data.SQLite        assembly ("System.Data.SQLite.dll") is being executed from the        Global Assembly Cache is unsupported.        
        For each configuration setting, the associated environment variable        value, if present, will override the value specified via the XML        configuration file.        
        For the full .NET Framework, the XML configuration file must be        named "System.Data.SQLite.dll.config" and it         must be present in the         base directory for the application domain         or the directory containing the primary System.Data.SQLite        assembly as reported by its         location        property; otherwise, it will be ignored.        
        For the .NET Compact Framework, the XML configuration file must        be named "System.Data.SQLite.dll.config" and it         must be present in the directory containing the primary        System.Data.SQLite assembly; otherwise, it will be ignored.      
         Deployment Guidelines      
        To summarize the above:      
  •             Using XCOPY deployment in conjunction with the native library            pre-loading feature, especially for customer machines, is highly            recommended.          
  •             Using the Global Assembly Cache (at all) is not recommended;            therefore, the "bundle" packages should be avoided unless             deemed(认为) absolutely necessary.          
  •             Using the "static" assembly binaries(双星) on development            machines is not recommended; therefore, the "static"            packages should be avoided if all the target machines already have            the Visual C++ runtime installed or it can be




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