Pls help to capture the MP log:
1. Login to the MP and from the MP Main Menu,
select CM: Command Menu
2. At the MP>CM>
type CM>sysrev

Select Device: b


Enter cabinet number:0 然后一直回车到MP:CM>





Select Device: c


Enter cabinet number: 0

Enter slot number: 0 然后一直回车到MPCM>
3. Select the SL: Show Event Logs from the MP Main Menu
Event Log Viewer Menu:
Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry
E - System Event 467 75 % 04 Oct 2005 02:48:32
F - Forward Progress 4000 100 % 04 Oct 2005 02:48:32
B - Current Boot 104 34 %
P - Previous Boot 2 0 % 30 Sep 2005 01:46:06
C - Clear All Logs
L - Live Events


Enter menu item or [Ctrl-B] to Quit:E


Log Name Entries % Full Latest Timestamped Entry
E - System Event 468 75 % 04 Oct 2005 02:48:32


Event Log Navigation Help:


+ View next block (forward in time, e.g. from 3 to 4)
- View previous block (backward in time, e.g. from 3 to 2)
Continue to the next or previous block
D Dump the entire log
F First entry
L Last entry
J Jump to entry number
H View mode configuration - Hex
K View mode configuration - Keyword
T View mode configuration - Text
A Alert Level Filter options
U Alert Level Unfiltered
? Display this Help menu
Q Quit and return to the Event Log Viewer Menu
Ctrl-B Exit command, and return to the MP Main Menu


MP:SL (+,-,,D, F, L, J, H, K, T, A, U, ? for Help, Q or Ctrl-B to Quit) >D