
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//  All Rights Reserved , Copyright (C) 2011 , Hairihan TECH, Ltd. 
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

using  System.Data;

namespace  DotNet.Example
using  DotNet.BaseManager;
using  DotNet.DbUtilities;

public   class  ImportExportData
///   <summary>
///  导出数据库到Oralce
///   </summary>
         public   void  Export()
this .ExportTable( " Items_Nationality " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Area " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_AuditStatus " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Degree " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Duty " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Education " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Express " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Links " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_MembershipLevels " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_NewsCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_OnSale " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_OrganizeCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Party " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Pattern " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_PayCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_PostCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_RoleCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_SalaryItemCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_SendCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Gender " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Title " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Units " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_Wed " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_AuditStatus " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_WorkCategory " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_WorkFlowCategories " );
this .ExportTable( " Items_WorkingProperty " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Businesscard " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Comment " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Contact " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_ContactDetails " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Exception " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_File " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Folder " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Items " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Log " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Message " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_News " );

this .ExportTable( " Base_Organize " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Module " "  SELECT * FROM BASE_MODULE ORDER BY PARENTID, ID  " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_PermissionItem " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Role " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Staff " );

this .ExportTable( " Base_Parameter " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Project " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_Permission " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_PermissionScope " );

this .ExportTable( " Base_Sequence " );

this .ExportTable( " Base_StaffOrganize " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_TableColumns " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_User " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_UserAddress " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_UserOrganize " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_UserRole " );
this .ExportTable( " Base_StaffOrganize " );



public   void  ExportTable( string  tableName)
            ExportTable(tableName.ToUpper(), tableName.ToUpper());

///   <summary>
///  导出一个表
///   </summary>
///   <param name="tableName"> 表名 </param>
///   <param name="table"> 里面的数据 </param>
         public   void  ExportTable( string  tableName,  string  table)
//  这里是获取目标数据表的方法
            IDbHelper sourceDB  =   new  SqlHelper( " Data Source=;Initial Catalog=UserCenterV36;User Id = sa ; Password = xx; " );
            DataTable dataTable 
=   new  DataTable(tableName);
if  (tableName.Equals(table))
=  sourceDB.Fill( " SELECT * FROM  "   +  table);
=  sourceDB.Fill(table);

//  这里是目标表的数据插入处理
//  IDbHelper targetDB = new OracleHelper("Data Source=KANGFU;user=usercenter;password=xx;");
            IDbHelper targetDB  =   new  DB2Helper( " Database=UCV36;UserID=JIRIGALA;Password=xx;Server=JIRIGALA-PC; " );
            SQLBuilder sqlBuilder 
=   new  SQLBuilder(targetDB);
//  清除表数据
//  targetDB.ExecuteNonQuery(" TRUNCATE TABLE " + tableName);
                targetDB.ExecuteNonQuery( "  DELETE FROM  "   +  tableName);
//  创建配套的序列
//  targetDB.ExecuteNonQuery("create sequence SEQ_" + tableName.ToUpper() + " as bigint start with 1000000 increment by 1 minvalue 10000 maxvalue 99999999999999999 cycle cache 20 order");
//  targetDB.ExecuteNonQuery("create sequence SEQ_" + tableName + " minvalue 1 maxvalue 999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20");
                 int  r  =   0 ;
for  (r  =   0 ; r  <  dataTable.Rows.Count; r ++ )
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  dataTable.Columns.Count; i ++ )
                        sqlBuilder.SetValue(dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName, dataTable.Rows[r][dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName]);
//  System.Console.WriteLine("表 " + tableName + " 已插入第 " + r.ToString() + " 行");
"  - - 表  "   +  tableName  +   "  共插入  "   +  r.ToString()  +   "  行 " );
catch  (System.Exception exception)
//  targetDB.RollbackTransaction();
                System.Console.WriteLine(tableName  +   "  --  "   +  exception.Message);

