Basic Fire Safety Tips For The Home

One of the best forms of fire fighting is fire prevention. Taking steps to reduce the chances of a fire starting in the first place. Many people unfortunately ignore the dangers of fire and it is not until it is too late that they take action. In many unfortunate cases the action is taken too late to prevent loss of lives and property.

There are various steps you can take when you consider fire prevention. It does not matter where you live,folding electric bicycles, apartment,folding electric bicycles, house or a mobile home. Fires can start anywhere so you need to take steps to ensure that you reduce the chances of a fire starting in your property.

If you do not have smoke alarms fitted in your home then you should buy some today and attach them to the ceiling throughout the property. Ensure they are fitted inside sleeping areas and on every level of the property. If you already have smoke alarms fitted then you need to check the batteries at regular intervals. You can check the smoke alarm by pressing the red button so that you can manually activate the alarm to check it is working. To enable you to remember to check the smoke alarms in the future then why note make a note in your diary or circle a date on the calendar. You could do a check every month, maybe on the last or first day.

Placing fire extinguishers on every floor is another good fire prevention step to take along with one in the kitchen. Never buy a second hand fire extinguisher because it may be faulty. If you buy new from a registered stockiest then you will know it will be working fine and has passed all the safety checks.

A fire blanket in the kitchen is another good idea. If you place it near the doorway it can be used quite quickly and will provide you with a easy exit should the fire get out of control. Avoid using common towels and cloths if I fire starts in the kitchen. This can make the fire spread and may also endanger you. It is always best to use equipment that was made for the specific job. Fire blankets are this equipment because they are made from fire retardant material that will smother the fire,electric bicycle, starving it of oxygen so it ill be extinguished quickly.

Electrical fires are very common and generally start by faulty wiring or overloading the sockets with a multitude of plugs. Check wiring that may be exposed or may run under carpets. This is one of the common problems as wiring gets damaged due to people walking on top of the carpet. Avoid having too many electrical plus connected to one socket. Use a more powerful 5 or 6 gang socket strip that can cope with the extra load.

If you have fuses that tend to trip quite often many people make the big mistake in thinking that their fuses are not powerful enough so they change them to larger ones. This is a big mistake that can cause fires. The fuses are there for a reason and will trip once excess power is being used so as to prevent fires. Try spreading the electric you use around the home on different electrical circuits. Water heaters can be turned on throughout the night.

If you have children in the home then you need to ensure that you have guards covering any real fires or gas heaters. Check that any matches or lighters are locked away from any curious child. You can buy child resistant lighters if security is a problem.

If you have mobile heaters then ensure that you have a space around the heater of approximately 1-metre. Avoid placing heaters close to curtains,electric bikes, clothing or furniture. Make sure the heater is stable just incase an inquisitive child comes along. Make sure the heaters are switched off when you leave the room for long periods.

Never keep flammable liquids inside the home. They should be kept outside in secure containers. Many people use common petrol for cleaning specific things and have the container inside the home. This is a big mistake so take anything flammable outside.

Ensure your house perimeter is free from excessive garden growth and rubbish that may be a fire hazard when dry. Check the gutters and drains of the house to see that they are not full of leaves. This is a common problem in Autumn.

You should always have pre-planned escape routes incase of fire. You should make your family aware of the routes by practicing them on a regular basis. When a fire starts you and your family will know the steps to take that will be the quickest way to get them to safety. The escape routes will need to be planned so that they can be implemented from all parts of the house.

If you take the necessary steps to prevent fires starting in the first place it reduces the risk and dangers significantly. It is just a matter of taking action and putting a little time aside to consider the worst thing that can happen and to take precautions accordingly. Doing this will not just protect your property and valuables it will also save the lives of you and your family.