1 创建fragment

@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (savedInstanceState == null) {
        // First-time init; create fragment to embed in activity.
        FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
        Fragment newFragment = MyFragment.newInstance("From Arguments");
        ft.add(R.id.created, newFragment);

2 tools:text android:text区别

android:text --> what you would see while running the app

tools:text --> what you would see just on preview window (when you need to design layout, but won't it to see on layout in app)


tools可以告诉Android Studio,哪些属性在运行的时候是被忽略的,只在设计布局的时候有效。

3 RecyclerView.onBindViewHolder called only once

原因:Make sure you set layout_height =" wrap_content" of RecyclerView child item.

4 Only one item displaying in recycler view. 显示列表的时候,有三条记录,却仅仅显示第一条。

具体布局:<RecyclerView> <RelativeLayout/> <TextView/>


方案: Change height of LinearLayout to wrap_content in itemlist.xml


That means : RecyclerView and RelativeLayout both need to set

