
    我要寻觅的操作系统应该是一个这样的系统-----“体型足够娇小”,如果还兼顾稳定性和支持丰富的扩展那就更好了。经过我在google上的一番“苦搜”,我终于邂逅了她----Tiny Core Linux。在看完了它的介绍之后,其特性确实让我惊艳了:

  • Tiny Core Linux 是一个非常小的(10M)小型化的GUI桌面版,它基于Linux2.6内核,Busybox,Tiny X 和Fltk其核心完全运行在ram中,启动巨快!
  • 于此同时网站还提供了Micro Core ,它基于console,才6M大。如果你习惯命令行并且不需要运行图形界面程序的话Micro Core 可是个首先。
  • 看一下最关心的应用:isc-dhcp.tcz 、lvm2.tcz、mdadm.tcz、tftp(自带)都有了,遗憾的是没有vblade,看来只能自己编译了,不过它的wiki对软件编译打包有非常详细的说明。
  • 再看一下其他的,可以重新整合,可以整合扩展到ISO中,可以光盘启动,可以安装到硬盘上,可以安装到u盘等移动设备上等等,太完美了!

    好了唾沫星子飞了半天,毕竟自己的E文水平不够高,某些地方理解也不到位,还是贴出它的官方网站网址和其对Tiny Core Linux的简短说明吧。



 Tiny Core Linux is a very small (10 MB) minimal Linux GUI Desktop. It is based on Linux 2.6 kernel, Busybox, Tiny X, and Fltk. The core runs entirely in ram and boots very quickly. Also offered is Micro Core a 6 MB p_w_picpath that is the console based engine of Tiny Core. CLI versions of Tiny Core's program allows the same functionality of Tiny Core's extensions only starting with a console based system.

It is not a complete desktop nor is all hardware completely supported. It represents only the core needed to boot into a very minimal X desktop typically with wired internet access.

The user has complete control over which applications and/or additional hardware to have supported, be it for a desktop, a netbook, an appliance, or server, selectable by the user by installing additional applications from online repositories, or easily compiling most anything you desire using tools provided.



Isolinux boot screen


Tiny Core desktop

Terminal window

Control panel

App Browser connected to application repository

Some desktop applications running

Background (wallpaper) selection dialogue

Integrated File Manager

Exit Options Dialogue