Ajax技术越来越多地应用到网站制作中,用户希望自己能编辑页面,想要搜索查询,想要刷新页面某个部分, 这样可以使网页浏览速度更快,也更简单,用户体验好。众所周知,Ajax技术非常强大,当然了他并不适用于所有网站,在本文中,收集了30个应用Ajax技术的案例,几乎包括了所有应用Ajax技术的的方面。

1.An AJAX-Based Shopping Cart with PHP, CSS and jQuery

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2.Creating an AJAX Web App Using the Bit.ly API

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3.A Twitter List AJAX-Powered Fan Page

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4.Learn How to AJAXify Comment Forms

5.A Simple AJAX Website with jQuery

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6.Create a Twitter-Like “Load More” Widget

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7.A Simple Twitter App with Ruby on Rails

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8.AJAX Multiple-File-Upload Form Using jQuery

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9.How to Send Facebook-Style Mail with PHP, AJAX and jQuery

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10.How to Create Your Own Stats Program (JavaScript, AJAX, PHP)

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