在数据同步过程中,客户担心在源端误操作,比如truncate, drop, delete all等,在目标端也会立即同步,而无法挽救损失;因此,客户希望是目标端的数据比源端要慢一个时间点。
Specifies a length of time for Replicat to wait before applying replicated operations to the target database.
<n> A numeric value for the amount of time to delay. The minimum delay time is the value that is set for the EOFDELAY parameter. The maximum delay time is seven days.
<unit> The unit of time for the delay. Can be: S | SEC | SECS | SECOND | SECONDS | MIN | MINS | MINUTE | MINUTES | HOUR | HOURS | DAY | DAYS
<unit> The unit of time for the delay. Can be: S | SEC | SECS | SECOND | SECONDS | MIN | MINS | MINUTE | MINUTES | HOUR | HOURS | DAY | DAYS