
 * log刊物
 * @author Jenly
public class LogUtils {

	public static final String TAG = "Jenly";

	private static final String COLON = ":";

	private static final String ARROW = "->";

	/** 是否显示Log日志 */
	private static boolean isShowLog = true;
	/** Log日志优先权 */
	private static int priority = 1;
     * Priority constant for the println method;use System.out.println
    public static final int PRINTLN	 = 1;
     * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.v.
    public static final int VERBOSE = 2;

     * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.d.
    public static final int DEBUG = 3;

     * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.i.
    public static final int INFO = 4;

     * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.w.
    public static final int WARN = 5;

     * Priority constant for the println method; use Log.e.
    public static final int ERROR = 6;

     * Priority constant for the println method.use Log.wtf.
    public static final int ASSERT = 7;


	public static void setShowLog(boolean isShowLog){
		LogUtils.isShowLog = isShowLog;
	public static boolean isShowLog(){
		return isShowLog;
	public static int getPriority() {
		return priority;
	public static void setPriority(int priority) {
		LogUtils.priority = priority;


	 * Log.v
	 * @param e
	public static void v(Throwable e) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
	public static void v(String tag,Throwable e) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
			for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++)
					new StringBuilder()
	public static void v(Throwable e,String msg) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
	public static void v(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
			for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++)
					new StringBuilder()

	public static void v(String msg) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
			v(TAG, msg);


	public static void v(String tag, String msg) {
		if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE)
			Log.v(tag, msg);


	public static void v(Class<?

> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE) v(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void v(String tag,Class<?> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE) Log.v(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void v(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE) v(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void v(String tag,Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= VERBOSE) Log.e(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------Log.d /** * Log.d * @param e */ public static void d(Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) d(TAG,e); } public static void d(String tag,Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.d(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getMessage()) .toString()); } public static void d(Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) d(TAG,e,msg); } public static void d(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.d(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString(),e); } public static void d(String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) d(TAG, msg); } public static void d(String tag, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) Log.d(tag, msg); } public static void d(Class<?> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) d(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void d(String tag,Class<?> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) Log.d(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void d(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) d(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void d(String tag,Class<?

> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= DEBUG) Log.d(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------Log.i /** * Log.i * @param e */ public static void i(Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) i(TAG,e); } public static void i(String tag,Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.i(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getMessage()) .toString()); } public static void i(Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) i(TAG,e,msg); } public static void i(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.i(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString(),e); } public static void i(String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) i(TAG, msg); } public static void i(String tag, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) Log.i(tag, msg); } public static void i(Class<?> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) i(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void i(String tag,Class<?

> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) Log.i(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void i(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) v(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void i(String tag,Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= INFO) Log.i(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------Log.w /** * Log.w * @param e */ public static void w(Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) w(TAG,e); } public static void w(String tag,Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.w(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getMessage()) .toString()); } public static void w(Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) w(TAG,e,msg); } public static void w(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.w(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString(),e); } public static void w(String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) w(TAG, msg); } public static void w(String tag, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) Log.w(tag, msg); } public static void w(Class<?> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) w(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void w(String tag,Class<?> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) Log.w(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void w(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) w(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void w(String tag,Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= WARN) Log.w(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------Log.e /** * Log.e * @param e */ public static void e(Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) e(TAG,e); } public static void e(String tag,Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.e(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getMessage()) .toString()); } public static void e(Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) e(TAG,e,msg); } public static void e(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.e(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString(),e); } public static void e(String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) e(TAG, msg); } public static void e(String tag, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) Log.e(tag, msg); } public static void e(Class<?> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) e(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void e(String tag,Class<?> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) Log.e(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void e(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) e(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void e(String tag,Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ERROR) Log.w(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------Log.wtf /** * Log.wtf * @param e */ public static void wtf(Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) wtf(TAG,e); } public static void wtf(String tag,Throwable e) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.wtf(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getMessage()) .toString()); } public static void wtf(Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) wtf(TAG,e,msg); } public static void wtf(String tag,Throwable e,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) for(int i=0;i<e.getStackTrace().length;i++) Log.wtf(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getLineNumber()) .append(COLON) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getClassName()) .append(ARROW) .append(e.getStackTrace()[i].getMethodName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString(),e); } public static void wtf(String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) wtf(TAG, msg); } public static void wtf(String tag, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) Log.wtf(tag, msg); } public static void wtf(Class<?> cls, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) wtf(TAG,cls,msg); } public static void wtf(String tag,Class<?> cls,String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) Log.wtf(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } public static void wtf(Class<?> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) e(TAG,cls,line,msg); } public static void wtf(String tag,Class<?

> cls, String line, String msg) { if (isShowLog && priority <= ASSERT) Log.wtf(tag, new StringBuilder() .append(line).append(COLON) .append(cls.getSimpleName()) .append(COLON) .append(msg) .toString()); } //-----------------------------------System.out.print /** * System.out.print * @param msg */ public static void print(String msg){ if(isShowLog && priority <= PRINTLN) System.out.print(msg); } public static void print(Object obj){ if(isShowLog && priority <= PRINTLN) System.out.print(obj); } //-----------------------------------System.out.printf /** * System.out.printf * @param msg */ public static void printf(String msg){ if(isShowLog && priority <= PRINTLN) System.out.printf(msg); } //-----------------------------------System.out.println /** * System.out.println * @param msg */ public static void println(String msg){ if(isShowLog && priority <= PRINTLN) System.out.println(msg); } public static void println(Object obj){ if(isShowLog && priority <= PRINTLN) System.out.println(obj); } }




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