Devexpress VCL Build v2011 vol 2.6 发布

New Features/Changes

ExpressBars Suite
  • S39446 - Documentation - The "TdxStatusBarContainerPanelStyle Object" help topic - Add information about how to assign a control to a container panel
ExpressLayout Control
  • S39447 - Return -1 as the function result if the client height or width cannot be obtained via the layout control's OccupiedClientHeight or OccupiedClientWidth function call
  • S35522 - Documentation - The "TdxCustomMemData.SortedField" topic - Add a note that sorting is not performed by calculated fields
  • S34252 - Documentation - Update the "How to Add Different Types of Data to ExpressMemData" and "How to Populate ExpressMemData via Direct Memory Access" topics
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
  • S39064 - OLAP mode - Add the capability to display localizable hints for images representing KPI values
ExpressPrinting System
  • S39327 - All Report Links - Improve performance when destroying a report's data before rebuilding this report or after deactivating a report link
ExpressScheduler Suite
  • Q393681 - Reduce the number of Scheduler.FullRefresh method calls made after an appointment has been resized or moved via drag and drop

Common Libraries

  • S34365 - Documentation - Describe the PostEditingData method
  • S35997 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomDataController.OnSortingChanged" help topic
  • S34559 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomDataController.SetValue" help topic
ExpressEditors Library
  • S35851 - Documentation - Update the "TcxCustomEditProperties.ImmediatePost" help topic
  • S39389 - TdxBreadcrumbEdit - Introduce an event that will fire before the node drop-down menu is shown
  • S139821 - TcxPropertiesStore - Make the RestoreFrom and StoreTo methods virtual

Resolved Issues

ExpressBars Suite
  • B222670 - AutoSize does not work correctly with TdxRibbonForm if TForm.BorderStyle is not equal to bsSizeble / bsSizeToolWin, and Windows Aero is enabled
  • B213265 - dxRibbonForm - Form borders are not drawn correctly in the LowColors display mode
  • Q395179 - Hints are not displayed for a TcxDBNavigator control embedded into TdxBarControlContainerItem
  • B223472 - Ribbon - If a BackstageView menu's item is focused, closing BackstageView requires pressing the Esc key twice
  • B214543 - Ribbon - Office 2007 Style - Text is centered in contextual tab labels, rather than left-aligned as per the Ribbon UI design guidelines
  • Q389244 - Ribbon - The caption of hot-tracked or active in-place bar editors is erroneously highlighted
  • B223052 - TcxHintStyleController misplaces hints shown for bar items that reside near the bottom of the desktop if the controller's HintStyle.CallOutPosition property is set to cxbpAuto
  • B221915 - TdxBarPopupMenu produces shadow artifacts in applications run via Remote Desktop
  • B213266 - TdxRibbon - An incorrect background color for the Hot and Pressed states of ApplicationButton in LowColors mode
  • B213268 - TdxRibbon - Fading Engine ignores the TdxRibbon.ColorScheme.LowColors property value
  • B223554 - TdxRibbonForm - Top-left and top-right corners are drawn incorrectly under Windows XP if TdxRibbon.Visible is set to False before the form is shown
  • B223652 - TdxRibbonStatusBar - Toolbar painters are not refreshed correctly after a value of the TdxRibbonStatusBar.Ribbon property is changed
  • B202869 - Ribbon Gallery - The Gallery filter does not work
ExpressDocking Library
  • Q388117 - If changing the TdxTabContainerDockSite.ActiveChildIndex property, the child receives focus even if the focus was in another dock panel
ExpressLayout Control
  • B222816 - Disabling a right-aligned caption displaces it if the currently applied look and feel style has the СaptionOptions.TextDisabledColor property assigned within the ItemOptions or GroupOptions property set
  • B222522 - Item settings restored with any of the LoadFrom~ methods do not take into account settings of TAction objects linked to items
  • B223040 - The OnLinkPress and OnLinkHotTrack events are not raised for links displayed in the popup window of the collapsed Navigation Pane
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
  • B222998 - TcxPivotGridDrillDownDataset is incorrectly populated when multiple cells are selected in the related TcxPivotGrid control
  • B223584 - The pivot grid freezes when sorted by summary values and two or more column/row group fields are sorted in descending order
ExpressPrinting System
  • Q391874 - Empty cells are displayed in a report for card rows with the Options.ShowData property set to False
  • B222421 - LayoutControl Report Link - An AV occurs when printing the layout control if no handle is associated with it and one of its items is linked to an external control
  • Q387287 - PivotGrid Report Link - A field with the assigned Properties property does not print data returned via the field's OnGetDisplayText event handler
  • B223566 - Progress bar columns print zeros instead of the progress value if this value has a fractional part
  • B223449 - Scheduler Report Link - Gantt View - Task groups and milestones are printed as normal events
  • B213086 - The "Can't convert Null to Double" exception occurs when PivotGrid with the ProgressBar column is being printed
  • B213228 - The bug fix for Issue ID: Q381487 breaks the FitToPage command's functionality
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
  • B222370 - Layout View - An AV occurs when switching tabs in a tabbed group after a grid item that is associated with one of the group's items has been programmatically hidden and then positioned again within the group in customization mode
  • Q386873 - A style specified in the Styles.OnGetContentStyle event handler is not applied if the View's OptionsBehavior.AlwaysShowEditor property is enabled
  • B207169 - An AV occurs if raising an exception in the OnDetailFirst event handler and then closing the form
  • Q394882 - An AV occurs when holding the mouse down on the column header and scrolling the View by the mouse wheel at the same time
  • B223011 - ChartView that displays a Pie chart generates an exception if there's no room to display data
  • B222107 - cxGrid hangs in Master-Detail mode when the Detail view's Navigator is visible, the ColumnAutoWidth property is set to True, and the last visible row is expanded
  • B222213 - Documentation - TcxCustomGridCellViewInfo - The Bounds and Params class fields are not documented
  • B212876 - Layout View - Master-Detail - An AV occurs when adding records to different Layout Views used as detail Views
  • B223051 - The Apply Filter button displayed in a filter drop-down window cannot be localized
  • B199481 - The FilterBox.MRUItemsListDropDownCount property value does not persist in DFM files if the value is 10
  • B211818 - The grid content disappears when time-consuming operations are running in the OnSelectionChanged event handler
ExpressScheduler Suite
  • B223120 - A connection line is drawn incorrectly when creating a task link if the Scheduler.OptionsView.ViewPosition property has the vpRight value
  • B204122 - An AV occurs when cutting an event from the scheduler using the Ctrl+X key combination
  • B222508 - cxSchedulerStorage - Events are created with incorrect time values if the storage's StoreUsingGlobalTime property is set to True
  • Q398146 - Incorrect drawing '12 AM' label on the time ruler if current locale in the operation system is Arabic
  • B212816 - Right-clicking the Date Navigator's vertical or horizontal splitter unexpectedly resizes the Date Navigator pane if a scheduler control was recently resized or displayed for the first time
  • B222495 - Scheduler - Text of the "lbInformation" label in Event Editor is unreadable in dark skins
  • B223511 - TcxSchedulerDBStorage - An event's properties that correspond to read-only storage fields can be modified
  • Q392147 - The <Scheduler>.SelFinish property is not correctly synchronized with the Event.Finish property after selecting Event in <Scheduler>.ViewTimeGrid
  • B222126 - The ID property value type of the newly created Scheduler's Event is Unassigned instead of a Null value after upgrading ExpressScheduler from 11.1.x to 11.2.5
  • B213208 - The Scheduler.SelStart and Scheduler.SelFinish properties have the NullDate value if ViewTimeGrid is active on startup
  • B222549 - The TcxSchedulerStorage.IsRecurrenceAvailable function does not check the RecurrenceInfoField.IsActive property
  • B223515 - TimeGrid and Gantt Views - Scrolling to an event whose Duration is 0 using navigation buttons never shows the event in the View and leaves a clicked navigation button always active
  • B222833 - When SmartRefresh is active, a custom event of a recurring event isn't a deleted properly
ExpressSkins Library
  • B223232 - Scheduler - The RigthBottom and RightTop corners of all day event are not drawn completely when the DevExpress Style and DevExpress Dark Style skins are used
  • B222664 - TcxComboBox - Buttons background not drawn if Skin uses and DropDownListStyle = lsFixedList
  • B223230 - TdxNavBar - Glyph for a drop-down button of OverflowPanel is drawn incorrectly in the hover state when one of the Blueprint, DevExpress Style, DevExpress Dark Style, VS2010 or White Print skins is used
  • B214385 - The control's <Style>.BorderColor is not taken into account when a skin is applied
  • Q390563 - The FooterPanel.TextColor value set in SkinEditor is not applied to the grid
  • Q396901 - The dxSpellChecker.IsValidWord method works differently than described in the documentation
  • B223957 - Application freezes if a cell's text is justified and a font applied to this cell defines a non-space character as BreakChar (for instance, the Calibry font)
  • B223266 - Error when removing a table sheet if another sheet contains a formula referencing the sheet being removed
  • B223263 - Save/Load changes columns' width if large fonts are active in the operating system
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
  • B222521 - The TcxRTTIInspector does not work with FIBPlus components

Common Libraries

  • B214160 - DevExpress data-aware controls bound to the same dataset do not synchronize their focused record in response to changing the dataset's active record
ExpressEditors Library
  • B223074 - An Access Violation exception occurs when posting an invalid path to BreadcrumbEdit and showing a message dialog in the BreadcrumbEdit.OnPathValidate event handler
  • Q23737 - Controls are not aligned automatically when placed on TdxStatusBarContainerControl in runtime mode, even if TdxStatusBarContainerPanelStyle.AlignControl = True.
  • B223035 - cxSpinEdit used as in-place editor - An AV occurs when closing an application after any spin button has been pressed if Properties.ImmediatePost is True
  • B222275 - Data-aware editors - Refreshing a bound dataset within its EnableControls/DisableControls method blocks may result in data loss in RAD Studio XE2 Update 4
  • B223975 - DevExpress UI elements may blend with a background if the High Contrast White theme is applied
  • B213166 - Documentation - The TcxDragDropSettings.DefaultDropEffect property description is incorrect
  • B221933 - Documentation - The TdxTreeCustomNode class is not documented
  • B222994 - dxShellBreadcrumbEdit - The "Invalid class casting" exception is thrown after calling the UpdateContent method if DropDownMenu for a Node is active
  • B213307 - ExpressEditors are erroneously painted by VCL styles, as if they are standard VCL editors
  • B223737 - Intersections of transparent DevExpress editors and double-buffered controls may appear opaque
  • B222506 - Subject - cxMemo - Scrollbars do not appear at runtime if the Align and Properties.ScrollBars properties are set to alClient and ssBoth respectively
  • B222917 - TcxButton is erroneously painted by VCL styles as if it is a standard VCL button
  • Q396400 - TcxCustomMaskEdit descendants - Changing TcxFormatController settings resets the editor's Property.MaxLength property to 0 if the editor has no mask specified
  • B222695 - TcxDBImage - Calling a bound dataset's Post method clears the image pasted from the clipboard if the editor's Properties.ImmediatePost property is set to True
  • Q396277 - TcxShellTreeView - A newly created folder cannot be selected if the Root.BrowseFolder property is set to a value other than bfDesktop
  • B223393 - TdxShellBreadcrumbEdit prohibits assigning of a newly created folder to the SelectedPath property if the Properties.ShellOptions.Root.BrowseFolder property is set to a value other than bfDesktop
  • B213052 - In Delphi XE2 64-bit, an AV occurs in the cxGraphics.cxCompareBitmaps function
  • B214342 - XLSX file is corrupted if exported data contains values whose character codes are less than $1F
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