
    原文:http://www.sufeinet.com/thread-1950-1-1.html 可以下载源码

C#仿QQ皮肤-实现原理系列文章导航 最新版源码下载






     界面的布局上我就不多讲了,主要的是一个tabControl1和一些ImageLayout等,干翠我把InitializeComponent()方法的代码贴上来大家看看吧,感觉 这样更直观一些。




   ///   <summary>
///  Required method for Designer support - do not modify
///  the contents of this method with the code editor.
///   </summary>
         private   void  InitializeComponent()
this .tabControl1  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TabControl();
this .tabPage2  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TabPage();
this .tkbLightnes  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar();
this .stkbSaturation  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar();
this .tkbHue  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar();
this .btnSkinColor7  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor3  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor6  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor5  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor2  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor4  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor1  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnSkinColor0  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .tabPage1  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.TabPage();
this .btnShading8  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading5  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading2  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading7  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading6  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading4  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading3  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading1  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .btnShading0  =   new  CRD.WinUI.Misc.CommandButton();
this .tabControl1.SuspendLayout();
this .tabPage2.SuspendLayout();
this .tkbLightnes)).BeginInit();
this .stkbSaturation)).BeginInit();
this .tkbHue)).BeginInit();
this .tabPage1.SuspendLayout();
this .SuspendLayout();
//  tabControl1
             this .tabControl1.Controls.Add( this .tabPage2);
this .tabControl1.Controls.Add( this .tabPage1);
this .tabControl1.Dock  =  System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this .tabControl1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 0 0 );
this .tabControl1.Name  =   " tabControl1 " ;
this .tabControl1.SelectedIndex  =   0 ;
this .tabControl1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 165 184 );
this .tabControl1.TabIndex  =   0 ;
//  tabPage2
             this .tabPage2.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.White;
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .tkbLightnes);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .stkbSaturation);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .tkbHue);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor7);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor3);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor6);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor5);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor2);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor4);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor1);
this .tabPage2.Controls.Add( this .btnSkinColor0);
this .tabPage2.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 4 21 );
this .tabPage2.Name  =   " tabPage2 " ;
this .tabPage2.Padding  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Padding( 3 );
this .tabPage2.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 157 159 );
this .tabPage2.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .tabPage2.Text  =   " 调色 " ;
//  tkbLightnes
             this .tkbLightnes.AutoSize  =   false ;
this .tkbLightnes.LargeChange  =   2 ;
this .tkbLightnes.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 10 125 );
this .tkbLightnes.Maximum  =   15 ;
this .tkbLightnes.Minimum  =   - 15 ;
this .tkbLightnes.Name  =   " tkbLightnes " ;
this .tkbLightnes.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 129 25 );
this .tkbLightnes.SmallChange  =   3 ;
this .tkbLightnes.TabIndex  =   4 ;
this .tkbLightnes.TickStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.TickStyle.None;
this .tkbLightnes.Scroll  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Scroll);
//  stkbSaturation
             this .stkbSaturation.AutoSize  =   false ;
this .stkbSaturation.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 10 95 );
this .stkbSaturation.Maximum  =   150 ;
this .stkbSaturation.Minimum  =   - 150 ;
this .stkbSaturation.Name  =   " stkbSaturation " ;
this .stkbSaturation.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 129 25 );
this .stkbSaturation.SmallChange  =   15 ;
this .stkbSaturation.TabIndex  =   4 ;
this .stkbSaturation.TickStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.TickStyle.None;
this .stkbSaturation.Scroll  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Scroll);
//  tkbHue
             this .tkbHue.AutoSize  =   false ;
this .tkbHue.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 10 65 );
this .tkbHue.Maximum  =   180 ;
this .tkbHue.Minimum  =   - 180 ;
this .tkbHue.Name  =   " tkbHue " ;
this .tkbHue.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 129 24 );
this .tkbHue.SmallChange  =   15 ;
this .tkbHue.TabIndex  =   4 ;
this .tkbHue.TickStyle  =  System.Windows.Forms.TickStyle.None;
this .tkbHue.Scroll  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Scroll);
//  btnSkinColor7
             this .btnSkinColor7.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor7.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor7.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 117 40 );
this .btnSkinColor7.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor7.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor7.Name  =   " btnSkinColor7 " ;
this .btnSkinColor7.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor7.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor7.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnSkinColor7.Tag  =   " OFFICE " ;
this .btnSkinColor7.ToolTip  =   " OFFICE " ;
this .btnSkinColor7.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor3
             this .btnSkinColor3.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor3.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor3.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 117 10 );
this .btnSkinColor3.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor3.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor3.Name  =   " btnSkinColor3 " ;
this .btnSkinColor3.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor3.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor3.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnSkinColor3.Tag  =   " 青草 " ;
this .btnSkinColor3.ToolTip  =   " 青草 " ;
this .btnSkinColor3.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor6
             this .btnSkinColor6.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor6.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor6.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 82 40 );
this .btnSkinColor6.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor6.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor6.Name  =   " btnSkinColor6 " ;
this .btnSkinColor6.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor6.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor6.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnSkinColor6.Tag  =   " 巧克力 " ;
this .btnSkinColor6.ToolTip  =   " 巧克力 " ;
this .btnSkinColor6.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor5
             this .btnSkinColor5.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor5.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor5.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 47 40 );
this .btnSkinColor5.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor5.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor5.Name  =   " btnSkinColor5 " ;
this .btnSkinColor5.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor5.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor5.TabIndex  =   2 ;
this .btnSkinColor5.Tag  =   " 紫罗兰 " ;
this .btnSkinColor5.ToolTip  =   " 紫罗兰 " ;
this .btnSkinColor5.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor2
             this .btnSkinColor2.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor2.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor2.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 82 10 );
this .btnSkinColor2.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor2.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor2.Name  =   " btnSkinColor2 " ;
this .btnSkinColor2.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor2.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor2.TabIndex  =   3 ;
this .btnSkinColor2.Tag  =   " 橘子 " ;
this .btnSkinColor2.ToolTip  =   " 橘子 " ;
this .btnSkinColor2.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor4
             this .btnSkinColor4.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor4.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor4.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 12 40 );
this .btnSkinColor4.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor4.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor4.Name  =   " btnSkinColor4 " ;
this .btnSkinColor4.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor4.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor4.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .btnSkinColor4.Tag  =   " 灰蓝 " ;
this .btnSkinColor4.ToolTip  =   " 灰蓝 " ;
this .btnSkinColor4.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor1
             this .btnSkinColor1.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor1.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 47 10 );
this .btnSkinColor1.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor1.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor1.Name  =   " btnSkinColor1 " ;
this .btnSkinColor1.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor1.TabIndex  =   2 ;
this .btnSkinColor1.Tag  =   " 草莓 " ;
this .btnSkinColor1.ToolTip  =   " 草莓 " ;
this .btnSkinColor1.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  btnSkinColor0
             this .btnSkinColor0.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnSkinColor0.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnSkinColor0.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 12 10 );
this .btnSkinColor0.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor0.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor0.Name  =   " btnSkinColor0 " ;
this .btnSkinColor0.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnSkinColor0.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 24 24 );
this .btnSkinColor0.TabIndex  =   1 ;
this .btnSkinColor0.Tag  =   " Default " ;
this .btnSkinColor0.ToolTip  =   " Default " ;
this .btnSkinColor0.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeSkinColor_Click);
//  tabPage1
             this .tabPage1.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.White;
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading8);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading5);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading2);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading7);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading6);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading4);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading3);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading1);
this .tabPage1.Controls.Add( this .btnShading0);
this .tabPage1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 4 21 );
this .tabPage1.Name  =   " tabPage1 " ;
this .tabPage1.Padding  =   new  System.Windows.Forms.Padding( 3 );
this .tabPage1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 157 159 );
this .tabPage1.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .tabPage1.Text  =   " 底纹 " ;
//  btnShading8
             this .btnShading8.BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
this .btnShading8.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading8.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading8.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 104 102 );
this .btnShading8.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading8.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading8.Name  =   " btnShading8 " ;
this .btnShading8.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading8.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading8.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading8.Tag  =   " 腊梅飘香 " ;
this .btnShading8.ToolTip  =   " 腊梅飘香 " ;
this .btnShading8.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading5
             this .btnShading5.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading5.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading5.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 104 59 );
this .btnShading5.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading5.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading5.Name  =   " btnShading5 " ;
this .btnShading5.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading5.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading5.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading5.Tag  =   " 清雅幽兰 " ;
this .btnShading5.ToolTip  =   " 清雅幽兰 " ;
this .btnShading5.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading2
             this .btnShading2.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading2.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading2.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 104 18 );
this .btnShading2.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading2.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading2.Name  =   " btnShading2 " ;
this .btnShading2.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading2.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading2.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading2.Tag  =   " 芙蓉轻粉 " ;
this .btnShading2.ToolTip  =   " 芙蓉轻粉 " ;
this .btnShading2.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading7
             this .btnShading7.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading7.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading7.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 58 102 );
this .btnShading7.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading7.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading7.Name  =   " btnShading7 " ;
this .btnShading7.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading7.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading7.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading7.Tag  =   " 柔和雅灰 " ;
this .btnShading7.ToolTip  =   " 柔和雅灰 " ;
this .btnShading7.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading6
             this .btnShading6.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading6.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading6.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 102 );
this .btnShading6.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading6.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading6.Name  =   " btnShading6 " ;
this .btnShading6.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading6.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading6.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading6.Tag  =   " 空灵淡蓝 " ;
this .btnShading6.ToolTip  =   " 空灵淡蓝 " ;
this .btnShading6.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading4
             this .btnShading4.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading4.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading4.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 58 59 );
this .btnShading4.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading4.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading4.Name  =   " btnShading4 " ;
this .btnShading4.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading4.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading4.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading4.Tag  =   " 橘黄雪花 " ;
this .btnShading4.ToolTip  =   " 橘黄雪花 " ;
this .btnShading4.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading3
             this .btnShading3.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading3.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading3.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 59 );
this .btnShading3.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading3.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading3.Name  =   " btnShading3 " ;
this .btnShading3.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading3.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading3.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading3.Tag  =   " 荷叶嫩绿 " ;
this .btnShading3.ToolTip  =   " 荷叶嫩绿 " ;
this .btnShading3.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading1
             this .btnShading1.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading1.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading1.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 58 18 );
this .btnShading1.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading1.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading1.Name  =   " btnShading1 " ;
this .btnShading1.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading1.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading1.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading1.Tag  =   " 淡淡墨绿 " ;
this .btnShading1.ToolTip  =   " 淡淡墨绿 " ;
this .btnShading1.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  btnShading0
             this .btnShading0.BackgroundImageLayout  =  System.Windows.Forms.ImageLayout.Center;
this .btnShading0.ImageTransparentColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.Empty;
this .btnShading0.Location  =   new  System.Drawing.Point( 14 18 );
this .btnShading0.MouseDownImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading0.MouseMoveImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading0.Name  =   " btnShading0 " ;
this .btnShading0.NormalImage  =   null ;
this .btnShading0.Size  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 35 35 );
this .btnShading0.TabIndex  =   0 ;
this .btnShading0.Tag  =   " Default " ;
this .btnShading0.ToolTip  =   " Default " ;
this .btnShading0.Click  +=   new  System.EventHandler( this .ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click);
//  SkinForm
             this .AutoScaleDimensions  =   new  System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 12F);
this .AutoScaleMode  =  System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this .BackColor  =  System.Drawing.Color.White;
this .ClientSize  =   new  System.Drawing.Size( 165 184 );
this .Controls.Add( this .tabControl1);
this .Name  =   " SkinForm " ;
this .ShowInTaskbar  =   false ;
this .Text  =   " SkinForm " ;
this .tabControl1.ResumeLayout( false );
this .tabPage2.ResumeLayout( false );
this .tkbLightnes)).EndInit();
this .stkbSaturation)).EndInit();
this .tkbHue)).EndInit();
this .tabPage1.ResumeLayout( false );
this .ResumeLayout( false );



        这个窗体是继承自 FormBase  这个窗体,具体的大家可以参考基窗体FormBase与基用户控件FormBase1的实现 相关的文章来了解,首先我们得重写一下Load事件并宜添加两个方法 SetSkinColorBitmap()和SetTexturesBitmap()方法,这两个的方法代码我会在在文章结尾处给出请大家查阅哦,还就是是启动一下当前的皮肤  this.CurrentSkinColor = Shared.CurrentSkinColor;



   private   void  ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
this .Hide();






  private   void  ChangeSkinColor_Scroll( object  sender, EventArgs e)
=  tkbHue.Value  >   0   ?  tkbHue.Value  *   150   /   180  : tkbHue.Value  *   210   /   180 ;

=  stkbSaturation.Value  >   0   ?  stkbSaturation.Value  *   100   /   150  : stkbSaturation.Value  *   200   /   150 ;

=  tkbLightnes.Value  >   0   ?  tkbLightnes.Value  *   10   /   15  : tkbLightnes.Value  *   20   /   15 ;

=  SkinColor.Undefault;






  private   void  ChangeSkinColor_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)

this .Close();
this .Dispose( true );




using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Windows.Forms;
using  System.IO;
using  System.Drawing.Imaging;

namespace  CRD.WinUI.Forms
public   partial   class  SkinForm : FormBase
public  SkinForm()
this .SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer  |  ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint,  true );

protected   override   void  OnLoad(EventArgs e)


this .CurrentSkinColor  =  Shared.CurrentSkinColor;

base .OnLoad(e);

void  SetSkinColorBitmap()
            Stream skinStream 
=  Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.Skin.colors.bmp " );

            Bitmap skinBitmap 
=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(skinStream));

this .btnSkinColor0.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 2 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor0.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 26 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor0.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 48 0 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor1.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 74 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor1.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 98 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor1.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 120 0 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor2.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 146 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor2.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 170 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor2.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 192 0 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor3.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 218 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor3.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 242 2 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor3.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 264 0 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor4.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 2 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor4.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 26 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor4.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 48 24 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor5.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 74 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor5.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 98 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor5.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 120 24 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor6.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 146 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor6.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 170 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor6.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 192 24 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnSkinColor7.NormalImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 218 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor7.MouseMoveImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 242 26 20 20 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnSkinColor7.MouseDownImage  =  skinBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 264 24 24 24 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);


void  SetTexturesBitmap()
            Stream texturesStream 
=  Shared.AssemblyWinUI.GetManifestResourceStream( " CRD.WinUI.Resources.Skin.textures.bmp " );
            Bitmap texturesBitmap 
=   new  Bitmap(Bitmap.FromStream(texturesStream));

this .btnShading0.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 2 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading0.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 37 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading0.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 70 0 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading1.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 107 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading1.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 142 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading1.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 175 0 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading2.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 212 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading2.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 247 2 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading2.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 280 0 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading3.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 2 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading3.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 37 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading3.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 70 35 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading4.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 107 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading4.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 142 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading4.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 175 35 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading5.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 212 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading5.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 247 37 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading5.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 280 35 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading6.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 2 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading6.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 37 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading6.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 70 70 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading7.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 107 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading7.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 142 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading7.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 175 70 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);

this .btnShading8.NormalImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 212 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading8.MouseMoveImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 247 72 31 31 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);
this .btnShading8.MouseDownImage  =  texturesBitmap.Clone( new  Rectangle( 280 70 35 35 ), PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb);


private   void  ChangeBackgroundStripe_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
this .Hide();

protected  BackgroundStripe GetBackgroundStripeEnum( string  stripe)
            BackgroundStripe c 
=  BackgroundStripe.Default;

if  ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(stripe))
foreach  (Enum i  in  Enum.GetValues( typeof (BackgroundStripe)))
if  (i.ToString()  ==  stripe)
//  c = (BackgroundStripe)Enum.Parse(typeof(BackgroundStripe), i.ToString());
                        c  =  (BackgroundStripe)i;
return  c;

return  c;


private   void  ChangeSkinColor_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)

this .Close();
this .Dispose( true );

protected  SkinColor GetSkinColorEnum( string  stripe)
            SkinColor c 
=  SkinColor.Default;

if  ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(stripe))
foreach  (Enum i  in  Enum.GetValues( typeof (SkinColor)))
if  (i.ToString()  ==  stripe)
=  (SkinColor)i;
return  c;

return  c;


private   void  ChangeSkinColor_Scroll( object  sender, EventArgs e)
=  tkbHue.Value  >   0   ?  tkbHue.Value  *   150   /   180  : tkbHue.Value  *   210   /   180 ;

=  stkbSaturation.Value  >   0   ?  stkbSaturation.Value  *   100   /   150  : stkbSaturation.Value  *   200   /   150 ;

=  tkbLightnes.Value  >   0   ?  tkbLightnes.Value  *   10   /   15  : tkbLightnes.Value  *   20   /   15 ;

=  SkinColor.Undefault;

protected   override   void  OnLostFocus(EventArgs e)
base .OnLostFocus(e);
this .Close();










当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


