中国人创新系列之分享中国创新企业和产品(Part of Chinese innovation series, to share innovative companies and products in...

(Part of Chinese innovation series, to share innovative companies and products in China)
中国人创新系列之分享中国创新企业和产品 --李开复

While Twitter was generally regarded as Jack Dorsey's baby, Sina Weibo (the "Chinese Twitter") is more of a whole-company effort led by Sina executive Peng Shaobin.
Twitter emphasizes its social elements, but Sina Weibo is undoubtedly the sharpest media ever seen in China. Twitter users have a 140-character limit, but Sina Weibo's limit in Chinese is equivalent to 500 characters in English. This allows the writer to summarize a book, to debate each other preserving context, or to give the first-paragraph abstract of a late breaking news. Most top Twitter stars talk about what they're doing and point to other sites, but Sina Weibo has become the portal for accessing news, gossip, and commentaries. I am convinced this simple difference makes Weibo a very different media than Twitter.

In China, the traditional media is regulated by the government, and on many issues there is only one viewpoint. Most Weibo also provides access to alternative viewpoints not expressable【expressible】 in traditional media. This can generate debate and improve critical thinking skills of the netizens. One might say that Weibo is the first modern media in China.

This "media DNA" came from Sina's dozen years as China's leading media portal website and BSP (blog service platform). The 1000 editors and writers were always required to keep their mobile phones on 24x7, and thus were always ears-to-ground, and often able to get breaking news. After Weibo emerged, these 1000 people got a new KPI: to invite the people they used to interview to come to Weibo and speak for themselves, and to teach them how to tweet (or should I say "weib"?). From day one, Sina realized that the news they cover are great material to become the discussion topics on its Weibo. This solved the information inadequacy problem in the early days of Twitter.
这个"媒体基因"来源于新浪多年多位中国领先的门户网站和博客服务平台(BSP).(新浪的)1000多名编辑和写手的手机总是24小时开机,不论星期几.这样贴近群众的做法让他们很容易获得爆炸性的新闻.新浪微博出现后,这些人有了一个新的关键业绩指标(KPI,Key Performance Indicator,盛行于中国各大运营商内部.),即邀请那些他们曾经采访过的人来到微博,让他们发出自己的声音,表达自己的观点【不知道开复老师想要表达的可是此意思,妄自揣测,还望指教】.突然的某一天,新浪意识到他们所掌握的新闻素材能够成为在自己的微博平台讨论的话题.这解决了特推早期信息内容不充分的问题.

While Twitter (and Jack Dorsey) deserve praise for the new idea and the simple design behind Twitter, Sina Weibo has become a more fun product ready for the masses. Its early incorporation of video, music, and photos not only made the content fun, but also allowed it to usurp some of the capabilities of Instagram and Tumblr. Also, rather than using RT, //, and other geeky codes, Weibo has intuitive nested comments and discussions. This satisfies the Chinese users expectation and desire to comment.

Is Weibo innovative? While each feature may be a small improvement over Twitter, in aggregate, it has become a different kind of media because of the aggregate combination of the feautres (and because of the cultural and environmental differences). Sina Weibo is a more intuitive and fun product. I have heard that Twitter has been studying Sina Weibo for a while, and Twitter's new version included some of Sina's features. So yes I would call Weibo innovative.

I write every day on Sina Weibo, and have amassed 17 million followers on it (I also have a comparable number on Tencent Weibo). It has become a powerful vehicle for me to share my ideas, thoughts, comments, trends. A decade ago, if I got recognized on the street, it would be because I appeared in some TV show. Five years ago, it would have been because of my books. But today, it's always because of Weibo.

As a result, Sina Weibo has 300 million users, and is changing China in many profound ways. (See my earlier piece on Sina for more information.) Check out my Sina Weibo!





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