【Core Java】【Volume I ~Fundamentals】【Chapter 1】【1.5】【Common Misconceptions about Java】...

Common Misconceptions about Java

We close this chapter with a list of some common misconceptions about Java, along with commentary.

1.5  关于Java的常见误解


Java is an extension of HTML.
Java is a programming language; HTML is a way to describe the structure of a web page. They have nothing in common except that there are HTML extensions for placing Java applets on a web page.


Java是一种程序设计语言;HTML是一种描述网页结构的方式。除了用户放置Java applet的HTML扩展之外,两者没有任何共同之处。

I use XML, so I don’t need Java.
Java is a programming language; XML is a way to describe data. You can process XML data with any programming language, but the Java API contains excellent support for  XML processing. In addition, many important third-party XML tools are implemented in Java. See Volume II for more information.


Java是一种程序设计语言;XML是一种描述数据的方式。可以使用任何一种程序设计语言处理XML数据,而Java API对处理XML提供了很好的支持。此外,许多重要的第三方XML工具采用Java编写。有关这方面更加详细的信息请参看卷II.

Java is an easy programming language to learn.
No programming language as powerful as Java is easy. You always have to distinguish between how easy it is to write toy programs and how hard it is to do serious work. Also, consider that only four chapters in this book discuss the Java language. The remaining chapters of both volumes show how to put the language to work, using the Java libraries. The Java libraries contain thousands of classes and interfaces, and tens of thousands of functions. Luckily, you do not need to know every one of them, but you do
need to know surprisingly many to use Java for anything realistic.



Java will become a universal programming language for all platforms.
This is possible, in theory, and it is certainly the case that every vendor but Microsoft seems to want this to happen. However, many applications, already working perfectly well on desktops, would not work well on other devices or inside a browser. Also, these applications have been written to take advantage of the speed of the processor and the native user interface library and have been ported to all the important platforms anyway. Among these kinds of applications are word processors, photo editors, and web
browsers. They are typically written in C or C++, and we see no benefit to the end user in rewriting them in Java.



Java is just another programming language.
Java is a nice programming language; most programmers prefer it over C, C++, or C#. But there have been hundreds of nice programming languages that never gained widespread popularity, whereas languages with obvious flaws, such as C++ and Visual Basic, have been wildly successful.

Why? The success of a programming language is determined far more by the utility of the support system surrounding it than by the elegance of its syntax. Are there useful, convenient, and standard libraries for the features that you need to implement? Are there tool vendors that build great programming and debugging environments? Does the language and the toolset integrate with the rest of the computing infrastructure? Java is successful because its class libraries let you easily do things that were hard before, such as networking and multithreading. The fact that Java reduces pointer errors  is a bonus and so programmers seem to be more productive with Java, but these factors are not the source of its success.


Java是一种很好的程序设计语言,很多程序设计人员喜欢Java胜过C、C++或C#。有上百种好的程序设计语言没有广泛地流行,而带有缺陷的语言,如:C++和Visual Basic却大行其道。


Now that C# is available, Java is obsolete.
C# took many good ideas from Java, such as a clean programming language, a virtual
machine, and garbage collection. But for whatever reasons, C# also left some good stuff
behind, in particular security and platform independence. If you are tied to Windows,
C# makes a lot of sense. But judging by the job ads, Java is still the language of choice
for a majority of developers.



Java is proprietary, and it should therefore be avoided.
Sun Microsystems licenses Java to distributors and end users. Although Sun has ultimate control over Java through the “Java Community Process,” they have involved many other companies in the development of language revisions and the design of new libraries. Source code for the virtual machine and the libraries has always been freely available, but only for inspection, not for modification and redistribution. Up to this point, Java has been “closed source, but playing nice.”
This situation changed dramatically in 2007, when Sun announced that future versions of Java will be available under the General Public License, the same open source license that is used by Linux. It remains to be seen how Sun will manage the governance of Java in the future, but there is no question that the open sourcing of Java has been a very courageous move that will extend the life of Java by many years.


Sun Microsystems负责将Java的许可发放给销售者以及最终用户。尽管Sun公司通过Java Community Process最终控制着Java,但他们同时与许多其他的公司联手一起进行着语言修订版的开发及新类库的设计。虚拟机和类库的源代码都可以免费获取,但是,只能查阅,不能修改,也不能再发布。至此,Java已经“关闭源代码,但运转良好”。

这种情况在2007年发生了戏剧性的变化,Sun声称Java未来的版本将在General Public License下可用。Linux使用的是同一个开发源代码许可。要看到Sun管理Java未来的支配权还需要一段时间。然而,毋庸置疑,Java开发源代码已经算是一个非常勇敢的举动了,这会让Java的生存期延长很多年。

Java is interpreted, so it is too slow for serious applications.
In the early days of Java, the language was interpreted. Nowadays, except on “micro” platforms such as cell phones, the Java virtual machine uses a just-in-time compiler. The “hot spots” of your code will run just as fast in Java as they would in C++, and in some cases, they will run faster.
Java does have some additional overhead over C++. Virtual machine startup time is slow, and Java GUIs are slower than their native counterparts because they are painted in a platform-independent manner.
People have complained for years that Java applications are too slow. However, today’s computers are much faster than they were when these complaints started. A slow Java program will still run quite a bit better than those blazingly fast C++ programs did a few years ago. At this point, these complaints sound like sour grapes, and some detractors have instead started to complain that Java user interfaces are ugly rather than slow.



Java有一些C++没有的额外开销。虚拟机的启动时间要慢一些,并且Java GUI要比本地的GUI慢一些,这是因为它们采用了与平台无关的绘图方式。


All Java programs run inside a web page.
All Java applets run inside a web browser. That is the definition of an applet—a Java program running inside a browser. But most Java programs are stand-alone applications that run outside of a web browser. In fact, many Java programs run on web servers and produce the code for web pages.
Most of the programs in this book are stand-alone programs. Sure, applets can be fun. But stand-alone Java programs are more important and more useful in practice.


所有的Java applet都是在网页浏览器中运行的。这也恰恰是applet的定义,即一种在网页中运行的Java程序。然而,大多数Java程序是运行在Web浏览器之外的独立应用程序。实际上,很多Java程序都是Web服务器上运行并生成用于网页的代码。


Java programs are a major security risk.
In the early days of Java, there were some well-publicized reports of failures in the Java security system. Most failures were in the implementation of Java in a specific browser. Researchers viewed it as a challenge to try to find chinks in the Java armor and to defy the strength and sophistication of the applet security model. The technical failures that they found have all been quickly corrected, and to our knowledge, no actual systems were ever compromised. To keep this in perspective, consider the literally millions of virus attacks in Windows executable files and Word macros that cause real grief but surprisingly little criticism of the weaknesses of the attacked platform. Also, the ActiveX mechanism in Internet Explorer would be a fertile ground for abuse, but it is so boringly obvious how to circumvent it that few researchers have bothered to publicize their findings.
Some system administrators have even deactivated Java in company browsers, while continuing to permit their users to download executable files, ActiveX controls, and Word documents. That is pretty ridiculous—currently, the risk of being attacked by hostile Java applets is perhaps comparable to the risk of dying from a plane crash; the risk of being infected by opening Word documents is comparable to the risk of dying while crossing a busy freeway on foot.


早期的Java,有过关于安全系统失效的报道,曾经一度引起公众哗然。大都数安全问题都存在于Java的特定浏览器中。研究人员将这视为一种挑战,即努力找出Java的漏洞,对applet安全模型的强度和复杂度发起挑战。随后,人们很快就解决了引发问题的所有技术因素。据我们所知,任何实用系统都有安全危机。想想看:毫不夸张地说,有数百万中病毒攻击着Windows的可执行文件和Word宏,这给系统造成了巨大的损害,但却很少有人批评被攻击平台的脆弱。同样,Internet Explorer中Active X机制始终作为被攻击的目标,但由于阻止这种攻击非常简单,所以人们也就懒得将它们公布于众了。

有些系统程序员在公司的浏览器中禁用Java,却允许其用户下载可执行文件、Active X控件和Word文档。这是多么荒唐可笑啊!通常,不友好的Java applet的袭击的风险大约相当于因飞机失事遇难的风险;而打开Word文档遭到袭击的风险则相当于步行横穿繁忙的高速公路遇难的风险。

JavaScript is a simpler version of Java.
JavaScript, a scripting language that can be used inside web pages, was invented by Netscape and originally called LiveScript. JavaScript has a syntax that is reminiscent of Java, but otherwise there are no relationships (except for the name, of course). A subset of JavaScript is standardized as ECMA-262. JavaScript is more tightly integrated with browsers than Java applets are. In particular, a JavaScript program can modify the document that is being displayed, whereas an applet can only control the appearance of a limited area.


JavaScript是一种在网页中使用的脚本语言,它是有Netscape发明的,原来的名字叫做LiveScript。JavaScript的语法类似Java,除此之外,两者无任何关系。当然,名字有些相像。JavaScript的一个子集已经标准化为ECMA-262.与Java applet相比,JavaScript更紧密地与浏览器集成在一起。特别是JavaScript程序可以修改正在现实的文档,而applet只能在有限的区域内控制外观。

With Java, I can replace my computer with a $500 “Internet appliance.”
When Java was first released, some people bet big that this was going to happen. Ever since the first edition of this book, we have believed it is absurd to think that home users are going to give up a powerful and convenient desktop for a limited machine with no local storage. We found the Java-powered network computer a plausible option for a “zero administration initiative” to cut the costs of computer ownership in a business, but even that has not happened in a big way.
On the other hand, Java has become widely distributed on cell phones. We must confess that we haven’t yet seen a must-have Java application running on cell phones, but the usual fare of games and screen savers seems to be selling well in many markets.




TIP: For answers to common Java questions, turn to one of the Java FAQ (frequently asked
question) lists on the Web—see http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/FAQs-and-Tutorials.html.

提示:有关Java常见问题的解答可以通过Java FAQ(Java Frequently Question)列出的网站查找:http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/FAQs-and-Tutorials.html.





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