微服务Spring Cloud Eureka 客户端-基本配置(eureka.client.xxx)


Eureka 客户端-基本配置(本文) https://my.oschina.net/langxSpirit/blog/1821247
Eureka 客户端-实例配置  https://my.oschina.net/langxSpirit/blog/1821251
Eureka 服务端-基本配置  http://https://my.oschina.net/langxSpirit/blog/1821256
Eureka 服务端-其他配置  https://my.oschina.net/langxSpirit/blog/1821257


提取自 spring-cloud-netflix-eureka-client-1.4.4.RELEASE.jar!/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json


name (eureka.client.xxx开头配置)defaultValuedescription
service-url Map of availability zone to list of fully qualified URLs to communicate with eureka server. Each value can be a single URL or a comma separated list of alternative locations. Typically the eureka server URLs carry protocol,host,port,context and version information if any. Example: http://ec2-256-156-243-129.compute-1.amazonaws.com:7001/eureka/ The changes are effective at runtime at the next service url refresh cycle as specified by eurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds.
指定服务注册中心地址,类型为 HashMap,并设置有一组默认值,默认的Key为 defaultZone;默认的Value为 http://localhost:8761/eureka ,如果服务注册中心为高可用集群时,多个注册中心地址以逗号分隔。
如果服务注册中心加入了安全验证,这里配置的地址格式为: http://<username>:<password>@localhost:8761/eureka 其中 <username> 为安全校验的用户名;<password> 为该用户的密码
fetch-registrytrueIndicates whether this client should fetch eureka registry information from eureka server.
是否从 Eureka Server 获取注册信息
register-with-eurekatrueIndicates whether or not this instance should register its information with eureka server for discovery by others. In some cases, you do not want your instances to be discovered whereas you just want do discover other instances.
是否要将自身的实例信息注册到 Eureka Server
eureka-connection-idle-timeout-seconds30Indicates how much time (in seconds) that the HTTP connections to eureka server can stay idle before it can be closed. In the AWS environment, it is recommended that the values is 30 seconds or less, since the firewall cleans up the connection information after a few mins leaving the connection hanging in limbo
Eureka Server连接空闲关闭时间,单位:秒
eureka-server-connect-timeout-seconds5Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before a connection to eureka server needs to timeout. Note that the connections in the client are pooled by org.apache.http.client.HttpClient and this setting affects the actual connection creation and also the wait time to get the connection from the pool.
连接 Eureka Server 的超时时间,单位:秒
eureka-server-read-timeout-seconds8Indicates how long to wait (in seconds) before a read from eureka server needs to timeout.
读取 Eureka Server 信息的超时时间,单位:秒
eureka-server-total-connections200Gets the total number of connections that is allowed from eureka client to all eureka servers.
从 Eureka Client 到所有Eureka Server的连接总数
eureka-server-total-connections-per-host50Gets the total number of connections that is allowed from eureka client to a eureka server host.
从 Eureka Client 到每个 Eureka Server 主机的连接总数
eureka-service-url-poll-interval-seconds0Indicates how often(in seconds) to poll for changes to eureka server information. Eureka servers could be added or removed and this setting controls how soon the eureka clients should know about it.
轮询 Eureka Server 地址更改的间隔时间,单位:秒。
当我们与Spring CLoud Config整合,动态刷新Eureka的serviceURL地址时需要关注该参数
initial-instance-info-replication-interval-seconds40Indicates how long initially (in seconds) to replicate instance info to the eureka server
初始化实例信息到 Eureka  Server 的间隔时间,单位:秒
instance-info-replication-interval-seconds30Indicates how often(in seconds) to replicate instance changes to be replicated to the eureka server.
更新实例信息的变化到 Eureka Server 的间隔时间,单位:秒
registry-fetch-interval-seconds30Indicates how often(in seconds) to fetch the registry information from the eureka server.
从 Eureka Server 获取注册信息的间隔时间,单位:秒



name (eureka.client.xxx开头配置)defaultValuedescription
allow-redirectsfalseIndicates whether server can redirect a client request to a backup server/cluster. If set to false, the server will handle the request directly, If set to true, it may send HTTP redirect to the client, with a new server location.
服务器是否能够重定向客户端请求到备份服务器。 如果设置为false,服务器将直接处理请求,如果设置为true,它可能发送HTTP重定向到客户端。默认为false
availability-zones Gets the list of availability zones (used in AWS data centers) for the region in which this instance resides. The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds.
backup-registry-impl Gets the name of the implementation which implements BackupRegistry to fetch the registry information as a fall back option for only the first time when the eureka client starts. This may be needed for applications which needs additional resiliency for registry information without which it cannot operate.
cache-refresh-executor-exponential-back-off-bound10Cache refresh executor exponential back off related property. It is a maximum multiplier value for retry delay, in case where a sequence of timeouts occurred.
cache-refresh-executor-thread-pool-size2The thread pool size for the cacheRefreshExecutor to initialise with
client-data-accept EurekaAccept name for client data accept
decoder-name This is a transient config and once the latest codecs are stable, can be removed (as there will only be one)
disable-deltafalseIndicates whether the eureka client should disable fetching of delta and should rather resort to getting the full registry information. Note that the delta fetches can reduce the traffic tremendously, because the rate of change with the eureka server is normally much lower than the rate of fetches. The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds
dollar-replacement_-Get a replacement string for Dollar sign <code>
enabledtrueFlag to indicate that the Eureka client is enabled.
encoder-name This is a transient config and once the latest codecs are stable, can be removed (as there will only be one)
escape-char-replacement__Get a replacement string for underscore sign <code>_</code> during serializing/deserializing information in eureka server.
eureka-server-d-n-s-name Gets the DNS name to be queried to get the list of eureka servers.This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls by implementing serviceUrls. The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. The changes are effective at runtime.
eureka-server-port Gets the port to be used to construct the service url to contact eureka server when the list of eureka servers come from the DNS.This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls eurekaServerServiceUrls(String). The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. The changes are effective at runtime.
eureka-server-u-r-l-context Gets the URL context to be used to construct the service url to contact eureka server when the list of eureka servers come from the DNS. This information is not required if the contract returns the service urls from eurekaServerServiceUrls. The DNS mechanism is used when useDnsForFetchingServiceUrls is set to true and the eureka client expects the DNS to configured a certain way so that it can fetch changing eureka servers dynamically. The changes are effective at runtime.
fetch-remote-regions-registry Comma separated list of regions for which the eureka registry information will be fetched. It is mandatory to define the availability zones for each of these regions as returned by availabilityZones. Failing to do so, will result in failure of discovery client startup.
filter-only-up-instancestrueIndicates whether to get the applications after filtering the applications for instances with only InstanceStatus UP states.
g-zip-contenttrueIndicates whether the content fetched from eureka server has to be compressed whenever it is supported by the server. The registry information from the eureka server is compressed for optimum network traffic.
heartbeat-executor-exponential-back-off-bound10Heartbeat executor exponential back off related property. It is a maximum multiplier value for retry delay, in case where a sequence of timeouts occurred.
heartbeat-executor-thread-pool-size2The thread pool size for the heartbeatExecutor to initialise with
log-delta-difffalseIndicates whether to log differences between the eureka server and the eureka client in terms of registry information. Eureka client tries to retrieve only delta changes from eureka server to minimize network traffic. After receiving the deltas, eureka client reconciles the information from the server to verify it has not missed out some information. Reconciliation failures could happen when the client has had network issues communicating to server.If the reconciliation fails, eureka client gets the full registry information. While getting the full registry information, the eureka client can log the differences between the client and the server and this setting controls that. The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSecondsr
on-demand-update-status-changetrueIf set to true, local status updates via ApplicationInfoManager will trigger on-demand (but rate limited) register/updates to remote eureka servers
prefer-same-zone-eurekatrueIndicates whether or not this instance should try to use the eureka server in the same zone for latency and/or other reason. Ideally eureka clients are configured to talk to servers in the same zone The changes are effective at runtime at the next registry fetch cycle as specified by registryFetchIntervalSeconds
property-resolver org.springframework.core.env.PropertyResolver
proxy-host Gets the proxy host to eureka server if any.
proxy-password Gets the proxy password if any.
proxy-port Gets the proxy port to eureka server if any.
获取eureka服务的代理端口, 默认为null 
proxy-user-name Gets the proxy user name if any.
regionus-east-1Gets the region (used in AWS datacenters) where this instance resides.
registry-refresh-single-vip-address Indicates whether the client is only interested in the registry information for a single VIP.
use-dns-for-fetching-service-urlsfalseIndicates whether the eureka client should use the DNS mechanism to fetch a list of eureka servers to talk to. When the DNS name is updated to have additional servers, that information is used immediately after the eureka client polls for that information as specified in eurekaServiceUrlPollIntervalSeconds. Alternatively, the service urls can be returned serviceUrls, but the users should implement their own mechanism to return the updated list in case of changes. The changes are effective at runtime.


by 斯武丶风晴 https://my.oschina.net/langxSpirit



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