
Apr 22 09:26:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=14006 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:26:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=14316 duration=1(sec)

Apr 22 09:26:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=14323 duration=1(sec)

Apr 22 09:26:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=15937 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:26:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=15937 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:27:19 jsmapp4 pptp[27991]: anon log[logecho:pptp_ctrl.c:677]: Echo Reply received.

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=7318 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=7327 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=7332 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=7318 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=7327 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=7332 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=7652 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:27:26 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=7652 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:27:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: START: nrpe pid=8952 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:27:27 jsmapp4 xinetd[3158]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=8952 duration=0(sec)






Apr 22 09:50:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of host 'jsmapp1' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the host...

Apr 22 09:50:24 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'check_mem' on host 'jsmapp4' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'Current Load' on host 'Nagios-Server' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'SSH' on host 'Nagios-Server' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'Total Processes' on host 'Nagios-Server' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'HTTP' on host 'jsmapp2' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:02 jsmbak1 nagios: Warning: The check of service 'HTTP' on host 'jsmapp3' looks like it was orphaned (results never came back).  I'm scheduling an immediate check of the service...

Apr 22 09:51:46 jsmbak1 xinetd[16796]: START: nrpe pid=17625 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:51:46 jsmbak1 xinetd[16796]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=17625 duration=0(sec)

Apr 22 09:52:50 jsmbak1 xinetd[16796]: START: nrpe pid=17890 from=::ffff:

Apr 22 09:52:50 jsmbak1 xinetd[16796]: EXIT: nrpe status=0 pid=17890 duration=0(sec)



Nagios 可以监控的功能有: 













[root@jsmbak1 ~]# ps -ef|grep "bin/nagios"

root      4913  4095  0 11:12 pts/2    00:00:00 grep bin/nagios

nagios    5146     1  0 Feb18 ?        01:12:40 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

nagios    5286     1  0 Feb19 ?        01:15:13 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

nagios    9767     1  0 Feb18 ?        01:13:52 /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg


使用[nagios@jsmbak1 ~]$ killall nagios,杀掉所有nagios,然后重启

/usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -d /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg





[root@jsmapp3 tomcat]# vi /etc/xinetd.conf

# Define general logging characteristics.

        log_type        = SYSLOG daemon info

        log_on_failure  = HOST

#       log_on_success  = PID HOST DURATION EXIT



[root@jsmapp3 tomcat]# service xinetd restart

Stopping xinetd: [  OK  ]

Starting xinetd: [  OK  ]