单位有几台SMART-UPS, 这几天实验能否用Powerchute Business Edition8.0.1来控制,  结果安装过程中总提示关于Vmware Server的错误. 本机器上是有VMware Workstation, 但感觉应该不影响. Google一下, 发现有类似经验, 顺便转贴过来:

APC PowerChute Business Edition and VMware

Today I tried to install APC PowerChute Business Edition on my workstation, but the setup started with an error message:
“VMware Server has been detected on this system. This version of PowerChute Business Edition does not support VMware Server.”
VMware Server is not installed on my system – just the Workstation version and the VI Client. I was too lazy to investigate for myself, so I got in touch with the APC Support. They suggested to deinstall all VMware products, install PowerChute and reinstall the VMware stuff… and so I did. The installation of PowerChute after doing it was successful, but after rebooting my computer another error message appeared:
“Error: 0, Failed to start APC PBE Agent service. VMware Server is installed, Please uninstall.”
So I had to update my support ticket and got the tip to install the previous version of PowerChute BE (8.00 or something). That works fine ;)
Get the old version from here.
总结一下, 其实是这个版本的bug,  安装Powerchute 8.0 即可.