编写一个 Python 脚本来调用 GitLab API 接口,创建或更新一个文件,并解析响应以提取更新时间。以下是实现这一功能的步骤和示例代码。

  1. 安装所需的 Python 库
  • requests:用于发送 HTTP 请求。
  • gitpython:用于与 Git 交互(可选,如果需要直接与 Git 仓库交互)。
  1. 获取 GitLab API Token
  • 登录 GitLab 并获取个人访问令牌(Personal Access Token),用于身份验证。
  1. GitLab API URL 和仓库信息
  • 确定 GitLab 实例的 URL。
  • 获取仓库的完整路径(例如 user/ntp-sync)。

以下是一个 Python 脚本示例,实现了上述功能:

import requests
import datetime
from getpass import getpass

# GitLab API endpoint
GITLAB_API_URL = "https://your-gitlab-instance.com/api/v4"
# GitLab project path
PROJECT_PATH = "user/ntp-sync"
# File name and path within the repository
FILE_PATH = "time.txt"
# GitLab personal access token
TOKEN = getpass("Enter your GitLab personal access token: ")

def create_or_update_file(file_path, content):
    url = f"{GITLAB_API_URL}/projects/{PROJECT_PATH}/repository/files/{file_path}"
    headers = {"PRIVATE-TOKEN": TOKEN}
    # Check if the file already exists
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        file_info = response.json()
        commit_message = "Update time.txt"
        data = {
            "branch": "main",
            "commit_message": commit_message,
            "content": content,
            "last_commit_sha": file_info["commit_id"]
        method = "put"
        commit_message = "Create time.txt"
        data = {
            "branch": "main",
            "commit_message": commit_message,
            "content": content
        method = "post"
    # Send request
    if method == "put":
        response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data)
        response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=data)
    return response

def parse_response(response):
    if response.status_code == 201 or response.status_code == 200:
        response_data = response.json()
        last_commit_sha = response_data["commit"]["id"]
        last_commit_timestamp = response_data["commit"]["committed_date"]
        return last_commit_timestamp
        print(f"Failed to update file. Status code: {response.status_code}")
        return None

def main():
    # Get current system time
    current_time = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    # Create or update the file with the current time
    response = create_or_update_file(FILE_PATH, current_time)
    # Parse the response and extract the commit timestamp
    commit_timestamp = parse_response(response)
    if commit_timestamp:
        print(f"File updated successfully. Commit timestamp: {commit_timestamp}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
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  • 请确保替换 GITLAB_API_URLPROJECT_PATH 为实际的 GitLab 实例 URL 和仓库路径。
  • 使用 getpass 来安全地输入 GitLab 个人访问令牌。
  • 本示例假设仓库中存在 main 分支。如果使用其他分支,请相应地调整 branch 参数。

保存上述脚本到一个 .py 文件,例如 update_time.py,然后在服务器A上运行该脚本:

python update_time.py
  • 1.

这个脚本将会向 GitLab 中的 ntp-sync 仓库提交一个 time.txt 文件,文件内容为当前系统时间,并且在提交之后解析 GitLab 的响应信息,提取出更新时间字段。