说一下我的网络拓扑结构, RHEV-M端,系统是RHEL6.2  x86_64,并且兼职DNS服务器和存储的服务端 RHEV-H端,系统是RHEV hypervisor 6.2 beta版本 是浏览器端,安装的是Windows XP,浏览器是IE 8

由于我只有两台机器,其中RHEV-H端还必须安装在真机上,所以,我只能吧RHEV-MWindows XP这两个操作系统安装到虚拟机里面了。

其中,我的RHEV-H的真机是16G的内存,我在另外一台机器上给RHEV-M分了4G 内存,Windows XP分了512M内存。



                   (推荐是 双路/四核的CPU16G内存,50G的可用磁盘,千兆网卡)



浏览器端:操作系统是Windows XP2003Vista7,2008),浏览器的版本必须是IE 7.0以上版本(包含IE 7.0),并且要安装Microsoft .NET Framework 4(下载地址是http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17718



    yum  -y install rhevm




mount -o loop rhevm-for-rhel6.2.iso 任意目录,然后sh  目录中的install.sh

这个ISO镜像适合RHEL6.2及其衍生版本,比如CentOS 6.2 Scientific Linux 6.2

等,我测试过CentOS 6.2没什么问题。



[root@rhevm named]# rhevm-setup

Welcome to RHEV Manager setup utility

HTTP Port  [8080] :      

HTTPS Port  [8443] :

Host fully qualified domain name, note that this name should be fully resolvable  [rhevm.suzezhi.com] :

Password for Administrator (admin@internal) :

Warning: Weak Password.

Confirm password :

Database password (required for secure authentication with the locally created database) :

Warning: Weak Password.

Confirm password :

Organization Name for the Certificate: suzezhi-lab

The default storage type you will be using  ['NFS'| 'FC'| 'ISCSI']  [NFS] : ISCSI

Should the installer configure NFS share on this server to be used as an ISO Domain? ['yes'| 'no']  [yes] : yes

Mount point path: /var/iso

Display name for the ISO Domain: suzezhi-iso

Firewall ports need to be opened.

You can let the installer configure iptables automatically overriding the current configuration. The old configuration will be backed up.

Alternately you can configure the firewall later using an example iptables file found under /usr/share/rhevm/conf/iptables.example

Configure iptables ? ['yes'| 'no']: yes


RHEV Manager will be installed using the following configuration:


http-port:                     8080

https-port:                    8443

host-fqdn:                     rhevm.suzezhi.com

auth-pass:                     ********

db-pass:                       ********

org-name:                      suzezhi-lab

default-dc-type:               ISCSI

nfs-mp:                        /var/iso

iso-domain-name:               suzezhi-iso

override-iptables:             yes

Proceed with the configuration listed above? (yes|no): yes



Creating JBoss Profile...                                [ DONE ]

Creating CA...                                        [ DONE ]

Setting Database Security...                             [ DONE ]

Creating Database...                                   [ DONE ]

Updating the Default Data Center Storage Type...           [ DONE ]

Editing JBoss Configuration...                           [ DONE ]

Editing RHEV Manager Configuration...                   [ DONE ]

Configuring the Default ISO Domain...                    [ DONE ]

Configuring Firewall (iptables)...                         [ DONE ]

Starting JBoss Service...                                [ DONE ]


 **** Installation completed successfully ******


     (Please allow RHEV Manager a few moments to start up.....)



Additional information:

 * There is less than 4 GB available free memory on the Host.

It is  recommended to have at least 4 GB available memory to run the RHEV Manager.

 * SSL Certificate fingerprint: 52:45:63:A7:65:DD:65:77:19:6C:0B:E2:4C:E5:A8:E7:EA:C2:A7:61

 * SSH Public key fingerprint: 64:42:77:09:56:1d:5b:15:db:9e:66:d5:76:34:57:e9

 * A default ISO share has been created on this host.

   If IP based access restrictions are required, please edit /var/iso entry in /etc/exports

 * The firewall has been updated, the old iptables configuration file was saved to /usr/share/rhevm/conf/iptables.backup.030533-12102011_5150

 * The installation log file is available at: /var/log/rhevm/rhevm-setup_2011_12_10_03_03_30.log

 * Please use the user "admin" and password specified in order to login into RHEV Manager

 * To configure additional users, first configure authentication domains using the 'rhevm-manage-domains' utility

 * To access RHEV Manager please go to the following URL: http://rhevm.suzezhi.com:8080



