exports.mobileRotation = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    x: 0.5

  , y: 0.5

  , radius: 0.5

  , rotation: 3.14159265359

  , touchCount: 2

  , duration: 1

  , element: null


  var element = req.body.element

    , duration = req.body.duration

    , x = req.body.x

    , y = req.body.y

    , radius = req.body.radius

    , touchCount = req.body.touchCount

    , rotation = req.body.rotation;


  req.device.rotate(x, y, radius, rotation, duration, touchCount, element, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.mobilePinchClose = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    startX: 0.5

  , startY: 0.5

  , endX: 0.5

  , endY: 0.5

  , duration: 0.8

  , percent: 200

  , steps: 50

  , element: null


  var element = req.body.element

    , duration = req.body.duration

    , startX = req.body.startX

    , startY = req.body.startY

    , endX = req.body.endX

    , endY = req.body.endY

    , percent = req.body.percent

    , steps = req.body.steps;


  req.device.pinchClose(startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, percent, steps, element, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.mobilePinchOpen = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    startX: 0.5

  , startY: 0.5

  , endX: 0.5

  , endY: 0.5

  , duration: 0.8

  , percent: 200

  , steps: 50

  , element: null


  var element = req.body.element

    , duration = req.body.duration

    , startX = req.body.startX

    , startY = req.body.startY

    , endX = req.body.endX

    , endY = req.body.endY

    , percent = req.body.percent

    , steps = req.body.steps;


  req.device.pinchOpen(startX, startY, endX, endY, duration, percent, steps, element, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.mobileScrollTo = function (req, res) {

  logCustomDeprecationWarning('mobile method', 'scrollTo',

      "scrollTo will be removed in a future version of appium");

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    element: null

  , text: null

  , direction: "vertical"


  var element = req.body.element

    , text = req.body.text

    , direction = req.body.direction;


  req.device.scrollTo(element, text, direction, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.mobileScroll = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    element: null

  , direction: "down"


  var direction = req.body.direction.toString().toLowerCase()

    , element = req.body.element;

  if (!_.contains(['up', 'left', 'right', 'down'], direction)) {

    return respondError(req, res, status.codes.UnknownCommand.code,

      new Error("Direction " + direction + " is not valid for scroll"));



  req.device.scroll(element, direction, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.mobileShake = function (req, res) {

  req.device.shake(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.hideKeyboard = function (req, res) {

  var key = req.body.key || req.body.keyName;

  var strategy = req.body.strategy ||

  (key ? 'pressKey' : 'default');

  req.device.hideKeyboard(strategy, key, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.clear = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.clear(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getText = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;


  req.device.getText(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getName = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;


  req.device.getName(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getAttribute = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId

    , attributeName = req.params.name;


  req.device.getAttribute(elementId, attributeName, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getCssProperty = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId

    , propertyName = req.params.propertyName;


  req.device.getCssProperty(elementId, propertyName, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getLocation = function (req, res) {

  logCustomDeprecationWarning('location', 'getLocation', "location will be removed in a future version of Appium, please use location_in_view");

  exports.getLocationInView(req, res);



exports.getLocationInView = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.getLocation(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getSize = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.getSize(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getWindowSize = function (req, res) {

  var windowHandle = req.params.windowhandle;

  req.device.getWindowSize(windowHandle, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.maximizeWindow = function (req, res) {

  // noop

  respondSuccess(req, res);



exports.getPageIndex = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.getPageIndex(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.pressKeyCode = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    keycode: null

  , metastate: null


  var keycode = req.body.keycode

  , metastate = req.body.metastate;

  req.device.pressKeyCode(keycode, metastate, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.longPressKeyCode = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    keycode: null

  , metastate: null


  var keycode = req.body.keycode

  , metastate = req.body.metastate;

  req.device.longPressKeyCode(keycode, metastate, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.keyevent = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    keycode: null

  , metastate: null


  var keycode = req.body.keycode

  , metastate = req.body.metastate;

  req.device.keyevent(keycode, metastate, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.back = function (req, res) {

  req.device.back(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.forward = function (req, res) {

  req.device.forward(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.refresh = function (req, res) {

  req.device.refresh(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.keys = function (req, res) {

  var keys = req.body.value.join('');


  req.device.keys(keys, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.frame = function (req, res) {

  var frame = req.body.id;


  req.device.frame(frame, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.elementDisplayed = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.elementDisplayed(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.elementEnabled = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;


  req.device.elementEnabled(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.elementSelected = function (req, res) {

  var elementId = req.params.elementId;

  req.device.elementSelected(elementId, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getPageSource = function (req, res) {

  req.device.getPageSource(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getAlertText = function (req, res) {

  req.device.getAlertText(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.setAlertText = function (req, res) {

  var text = req.body.text;

  req.device.setAlertText(text, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.postAcceptAlert = function (req, res) {

  req.device.postAcceptAlert(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.postDismissAlert = function (req, res) {

  req.device.postDismissAlert(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.implicitWait = function (req, res) {

  var ms = req.body.ms;

  req.device.implicitWait(ms, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.asyncScriptTimeout = function (req, res) {

  var ms = req.body.ms;

  req.device.asyncScriptTimeout(ms, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.pageLoadTimeout = function (req, res) {

  var ms = req.body.ms;

  req.device.pageLoadTimeout(ms, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.timeouts = function (req, res) {

  var timeoutType = req.body.type

    , ms = req.body.ms;

  if (checkMissingParams(req, res, {type: timeoutType, ms: ms})) {

    if (timeoutType === "implicit") {

      exports.implicitWait(req, res);

    } else if (timeoutType === "script") {

      exports.asyncScriptTimeout(req, res);

    } else if (timeoutType === "command") {

      var secs = parseInt(ms, 10) / 1000;

      req.appium.setCommandTimeout(secs, getResponseHandler(req, res));

    } else if (timeoutType === "page load") {

      exports.pageLoadTimeout(req, res);

    } else {

      respondError(req, res, status.codes.UnknownCommand.code,

        new Error("Invalid timeout '" + timeoutType + "'"));





exports.setOrientation = function (req, res) {

  var orientation = req.body.orientation;

  req.device.setOrientation(orientation, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.setLocation = function (req, res) {

  if (req.body.latitude || req.body.longitude) {

    logCustomDeprecationWarning('geolocation', 'wrongbody',

         "Use of the set location method with the latitude and longitude " +

         "params as top-level JSON params is deprecated and will be removed. " +

         "Please update your client library to use a method that conforms " +

         "to the spec");



  var location = req.body.location || {};

  var latitude = location.latitude || req.body.latitude

    , longitude = location.longitude || req.body.longitude

    , altitude = location.altitude || req.body.altitude || null;

  req.device.setLocation(latitude, longitude, altitude, null, null, null, null, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getOrientation = function (req, res) {

  req.device.getOrientation(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.getScreenshot = function (req, res) {

  req.device.getScreenshot(getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.moveTo = function (req, res) {

  req.body = _.defaults(req.body, {

    xoffset: 0.5

  , yoffset: 0.5


  var xoffset = req.body.xoffset

    , yoffset = req.body.yoffset

    , element = req.body.element;


  req.device.moveTo(element, xoffset, yoffset, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.clickCurrent = function (req, res) {

  var button = req.body.button || 0;

  req.device.clickCurrent(button, getResponseHandler(req, res));



exports.pickAFlickMethod = function (req, res) {

  if (typeof req.body.xSpeed !== "undefined" || typeof req.body.xspeed !== "undefined") {

    exports.flick(req, res);

  } else {

    exports.flickElement(req, res);




exports.flick = function (req, res) {

  var swipe = req.body.swipe

    , xSpeed = req.body.xSpeed

    , ySpeed = req.body.ySpeed

    , element = req.body.element;


  if (typeof xSpeed === "undefined") {

    xSpeed = req.body.xspeed;


  if (typeof ySpeed === "undefined") {

    ySpeed = req.body.yspeed;



  if (checkMissingParams(req, res, {xSpeed: xSpeed, ySpeed: ySpeed})) {

    if (element) {

      exports.flickElement(req, res);

    } else {

      req.device.fakeFlick(xSpeed, ySpeed, swipe, getResponseHandler(req, res));


