Java programming problem in linux env: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
Most people always have the following problem when run their java programs under linux box:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: *.java
Even though these programs  really have no problem at all.
Here are some solutions for you:
1) Check your syntax that you are trying to run the java class and make sure it should be like this (assume the class file is foo.class): 
java  foo      instead of    java  foo.class 

2) Make sure your classpath contain the special path " .", actually this is most likely where the problem come from.  
You can try to run your program as follows.

java -cp .  foo   or
java  -classpath  .  foo

If it works, then you are suppose to add "." to you classpath.
For example:
export CLASSPATH= .:$JAVA_HOME/lib:JAVA_HOME/jre/lib

3) Check it out if you compiled the java file without specifying the package that import in your file. In current path, use '.' or '/' when run the java class file if with package, such as java com/alibaba/demo/Hello

What if all these works are done, but your still got the same problem?
Well, in this case, you've got to have a look at your souce code......