github上C语言基础实验项目,cutest: 转自github上的C语言单元测试项目,自己主要用来进行单片机开发时候的单元测试...

How To Use

You can use CuTest to create unit tests to drive your development

in the style of Extreme Programming. You can also add unit tests to

existing code to ensure that it works as you suspect.

Your unit tests are an investment. They let you to change your

code and add new features confidently without worrying about

accidentally breaking earlier features.


For details on licensing see license.txt.

Getting Started

To add unit testing to your C code the only files you need are

CuTest.c and CuTest.h.

CuTestTest.c and AllTests.c have been included to provide an

example of how to write unit tests and then how to aggregate them

into suites and into a single AllTests.c file. Suites allow you

to put group tests into logical sets. AllTests.c combines all the

suites and runs them.

You should not have to look inside CuTest.c. Looking in

CuTestTest.c and AllTests.c (for example usage) should be


After downloading the sources, run your compiler to create an

executable called AllTests.exe. For example, if you are using

Windows with the cl.exe compiler you would type:

cl.exe AllTests.c CuTest.c CuTestTest.c


On Unix you should type:

gcc AllTests.c CuTest.c CuTestTest.c


This will run all the unit tests associated with CuTest and print

the output on the console. You can replace cl.exe with gcc or

your favorite compiler in the command above.

Detailed Example

Here is a more detailed example. We will work through a simple

test first exercise. The goal is to create a library of string

utilities. First, lets write a function that converts a

null-terminated string to all upper case.

Ensure that CuTest.c and CuTest.h are accessible from your C

project. Next, create a file called StrUtil.c with these


#include "CuTest.h"

char* StrToUpper(char* str) {

return str;


void TestStrToUpper(CuTest *tc) {

char* input = strdup("hello world");

char* actual = StrToUpper(input);

char* expected = "HELLO WORLD";

CuAssertStrEquals(tc, expected, actual);


CuSuite* StrUtilGetSuite() {

CuSuite* suite = CuSuiteNew();

SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, TestStrToUpper);

return suite;


Create another file called AllTests.c with these contents:

#include "CuTest.h"

CuSuite* StrUtilGetSuite();

void RunAllTests(void) {

CuString *output = CuStringNew();

CuSuite* suite = CuSuiteNew();

CuSuiteAddSuite(suite, StrUtilGetSuite());


CuSuiteSummary(suite, output);

CuSuiteDetails(suite, output);

printf("%s\n", output->buffer);


int main(void) {



Then type this on the command line:

gcc AllTests.c CuTest.c StrUtil.c

to compile. You can replace gcc with your favorite compiler.

CuTest should be portable enough to handle all Windows and Unix

compilers. Then to run the tests type:


This will print an error because we haven't implemented the

StrToUpper function correctly. We are just returning the string

without changing it to upper case.

char* StrToUpper(char* str) {

return str;


Rewrite this as follows:

char* StrToUpper(char* str) {

char* p;

for (p = str ; *p ; ++p) *p = toupper(*p);

return str;


Recompile and run the tests again. The test should pass this


What To Do Next

At this point you might want to write more tests for the

StrToUpper function. Here are some ideas:

TestStrToUpper_EmptyString /* pass in "" */

TestStrToUpper_UpperCase /* pass in "HELLO WORLD" */

TestStrToUpper_MixedCase /* pass in "HELLO world" */

TestStrToUpper_Numbers /* pass in "1234 hello" */

As you write each one of these tests add it to StrUtilGetSuite

function. If you don't the tests won't be run. Later as you write

other functions and write tests for them be sure to include those

in StrUtilGetSuite also. The StrUtilGetSuite function should

include all the tests in StrUtil.c

Over time you will create another file called FunkyStuff.c

containing other functions unrelated to StrUtil. Follow the same

pattern. Create a FunkyStuffGetSuite function in FunkyStuff.c.

And add FunkyStuffGetSuite to AllTests.c.

The framework is designed in the way it is so that it is easy to

organize a lot of tests.

The Big Picture

Each individual test corresponds to a CuTest. These are grouped

to form a CuSuite. CuSuites can hold CuTests or other CuSuites.

AllTests.c collects all the CuSuites in the program into a single

CuSuite which it then runs as a single CuSuite.

The project is open source so feel free to take a peek under the

hood at the CuTest.c file to see how it works. CuTestTest.c

contains tests for CuTest.c. So CuTest tests itself.

Since AllTests.c has a main() you will need to exclude this when

you are building your product. Here is a nicer way to do this if

you want to avoid messing with multiple builds. Remove the main()

in AllTests.c. Note that it just calls RunAllTests(). Instead

we'll call this directly from the main program.

Now in the main() of the actual program check to see if the

command line option "--test" was passed. If it was then I call

RunAllTests() from AllTests.c. Otherwise run the real program.

Shipping the tests with the code can be useful. If you customers

complain about a problem you can ask them to run the unit tests

and send you the output. This can help you to quickly isolate the

piece of your system that is malfunctioning in the customer's


CuTest offers a rich set of CuAssert functions. Here is a list:

void CuAssert(CuTest* tc, char* message, int condition);

void CuAssertTrue(CuTest* tc, int condition);

void CuAssertStrEquals(CuTest* tc, char* expected, char* actual);

void CuAssertIntEquals(CuTest* tc, int expected, int actual);

void CuAssertPtrEquals(CuTest* tc, void* expected, void* actual);

void CuAssertPtrNotNull(CuTest* tc, void* pointer);

The project is open source and so you can add other more powerful

asserts to make your tests easier to write and more concise.

Please feel free to send me changes you make so that I can

incorporate them into future releases.

If you see any errors in this document please contact me at

Automating Test Suite Generation will grep through all the .c files in the current

directory and generate the code to run all the tests contained in

them. Using this script you don't have to worry about writing

AllTests.c or dealing with any of the other suite code.


[02.23.2003] Dave Glowacki has added

(1) file name and line numbers to the error messages, (2)

AssertDblEquals for doubles, (3) AssertEquals_Msg version of

all the AssertEquals to pass in optional message which is

printed out on assert failure.





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